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Two out of five NHS staff would not recommend their organisation as a place to work

NHS staff are significantly less likely to recommend their organisations as places to work or believe they employ enough people to deliver effective care, the service’s annual staff survey has revealed.

The 2021 survey results, published today, showed regression across a broad range of questions, including in areas such as motivation, morale, workload pressures and staff health.

One of the biggest drop-offs in survey scores related to the question asking whether there were enough staff in their organisation for respondents to do their job properly.

Only 27.2% of those surveyed said staffing was adequate, a fall of 11% points from the previous year (38.4%).

Only 59.4%nof staff said they would recommend their organisation as a place to work. This represented a 7% point decline from the previous year (66.8%). The rating had steadily improved since 2017 when it was at 59.7%.

While a decline was seen across all sectors, the steepest drop was found among ambulance trusts.

Ambulance trusts performing worse compared to other sectors appeared to be a recurring theme across the survey. 

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Source: 30 March 2022

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