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University Hospitals Sussex urged to release review findings

An NHS trust has been urged to publish the full findings of an independent review of its services after it released a heavily redacted report.

University Hospitals Sussex has refused to reveal the recommendations made after a review by the Royal College of Surgeons in 2019.

A patients' group said the findings should be "in the public domain".

The trust said the review of its neurosurgery department "did not highlight any safety concerns".

The review was discovered as part of a BBC Panorama investigation into unpublished patient safety reports. A heavily edited report was released under freedom of information laws.

It showed the trust asked the Royal College of Surgeons to look at "concerns raised in respect of clinical outcomes, allocation of sub-specialties and governance arrangements".

All issues and recommendations were obscured, with only positive feedback disclosed.

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Source: BBC News, 20 May 2021

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