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Warning over cuts to NHS services without £10bn extra funding

Groups representing the NHS have warned services may have to be cut unless NHS England receives an extra £10bn in funding next year, which may put patients at risk. 

The NHS Confederation and NHS Providers said the money was needed to cover pandemic-related costs and reduce the backlog in operations and treatments, but the government said it had already provided additional money to tackle backlogs.

"We are committed to making sure the NHS has everything it needs to continue providing excellent care to the public as we tackle the backlogs that have built up during the pandemic. This year alone we have already provided a further £29bn to support health and care services, including an extra £1bn to tackle the backlog. This is on top of our historic settlement for the NHS in 2018, which will see its budget rise by £33.9bn by 2023-24." Said a government statement. 

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Source: BBC News, 02 August 2021

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