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NHSE funding policy risks ‘levelling down’ maternity safety, warns hospital chief


Glen Burley, an acute trust chief executive has said NHS England risks ‘levelling down’ safety in some maternity services by ‘disproportionately’ directing additional funding to struggling trusts.

This comes after NHS England said the funding prioritised the trusts which needed the most support to meet the essential actions in the Ockenden Report, where in March, NHSE invited trusts to bid for a share of £96m extra funding for maternity services. 

A spokeswoman for NHS England has said: “The NHS made an additional £96m investment in maternity services following the Ockenden Review, the majority of which will bolster the workforce by funding an additional 1,200 midwives and 100 obstetricians. While the funding for additional workforce is for all NHS trusts, it is right that those who most need the support are prioritised.”

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Source: HSJ, 02 September 2021


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