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Maternity units told to meet target staffing levels by next April

NHS maternity units have been told they have until next April to increase the numbers of midwives on wards to expected levels after a near £100 million investment.

NHS England has told hospitals they must bring staffing levels for midwives up the levels needed to meet their planned demand from mothers and to ensure women get safe care.

In a letter to NHS trusts, England’s chief nurse Ruth May said she expected hospitals to use their share of a recent £96 million investment by NHS England to boost staffing levels along with extra spending from local budgets.

NHS England has carried out an analysis of demand and supply with Health Education England as part of a four year plan to boost the number of midwives.

Hospitals are expected to set the level of midwives needed to deliver more one-to-one care and to try and ensure more than half of women see the same midwife throughout their pregnancy.

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Source: The Independent, 13 April 2021

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