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‘Deliberate attempts’ to conceal racism at NHS agency, says leaked report

Deliberate attempts were made to “conceal the extent of racial discrimination” at a national NHS agency, according to a report leaked to HSJ.

A highly critical internal report at NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) also said fewer than half the recommendations made in 2020 by external mediation experts, around issues of racism, had so far been actioned.

A review conducted by Globis Mediation Group in 2020 found “systemic racism” among management at the agency’s large Colindale site in north London, with ethnic minority staff being “ignored, being viewed as ineligible for promotion and enduring low levels of empathy”.

It made nine recommendations, including exploring whether similar issues existed at the other 15 NHSBT sites.

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Source: HSJ, 16 March 2023

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