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Barclay refusing to approve diagnostic centres that cannot be opened this year

Steve Barclay has refused to approve about 30 proposed community diagnostic centres (CDCs) – designed to speed up cancer treatment – unless they can be delivered in 2023, HSJ has learned.

Mr Barclay’s stance means the CDCs which were due to open in 2024, and which officials say cannot be brought forward, have been left in limbo. NHS England and local systems are now exploring workarounds, such as temporarily using mobile imaging units while the CDCs are established in attempt to win Mr Barclay’s backing.

Cancer Research UK director of evidence and implementation Naser Turabi said: “Community diagnostic centres can help the NHS diagnose cancers more quickly, but they require capital investment and funding for staff if they are to meet rising demand.

“Restricting the promised expansion of these centres will only lead to longer waits and worse outcomes for cancer patients in England.”

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Source: HSJ, 9 May 2023

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