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Covid patients in critical care are decade younger than in previous waves, data shows

According to new data, those sick with Covid-19 are a decade younger than previous waves, with analysis showing the average age of among 2,889 patients admitted to ICU since May was 49, compared to 59 in the previous surges. However, this has been put down to the effects of vaccine programme as older adults were prioritised. 

Reports have also found hundreds of critically ill patients are having to be moved between hospitals due to the need to remove pressure on beds. 

The chief executive of NHS Providers, Chris Hopson, said: “Trusts’ experience of Covid-19 has strongly confirmed what we already knew: that the NHS is significantly short of intensive care capacity, both beds and staff. The level of ICU transfers over the last few months, to alleviate pressures in a number of different hospitals, further confirms that."

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Source: The Independent, 10 August 2021

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