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Two-year waits for community mental health services revealed for the first time

HSJ analysis of the NHS England data also found that 19,000 adults with a serious mental illness are waiting for longer than 18 months for a second contact with community mental health services. This is seen as a more meaningful metric for adults than the first contact.

In total, almost 240,000 children and young people were waiting for treatment from community mental health services in August 2023, as well as more than 192,000 adults.

The data revealed the median, or typical, waiting time for children and young people from referral to first contact was 178 days. The median wait time for adults from referral to “second contact” was 120 days.

The NHS long-term plan set out proposals for a four-week waiting time standard for children and adults to access community mental health services. This approach was piloted and a consultation published, but the new standards are yet to be implemented.

Sean Duggan, chief executive of the mental health network at the NHS Confederation, said leaders would be concerned – although “not surprised” – that patients were waiting so long for community services.

He added: “We need access and waiting times standards for all mental health services, to help us improve national data and to direct and allocate resources effectively.”

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Global partners cheer progress towards eliminating cervical cancer and underline challenges

World leaders, cervical cancer survivors, advocates, partners, and civil society came together last week to mark the third Cervical Cancer Elimination Day of Action. The Initiative, which marked the first time Member States adopted a resolution to eliminate a noncommunicable disease, has continued to gain momentum, and this year's commemoration promises to be a beacon of hope, progress, and renewed commitment from nations around the world.

“In the last three years, we have witnessed significant progress, but women in poorer countries and poor and marginalized women in richer countries still suffer disproportionately from cervical cancer,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “With enhanced strategies to increase access to vaccination, screening and treatment, strong political and financial commitment from countries, and increased support from partners, we can realize our vision for eliminating cervical cancer.”

Australia is on target to be among the first countries in the world to eliminate cervical cancer, which the country anticipates to achieve in the next 10 years. 

In Norway, researchers have recently reported finding no cases of cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) in 25-year-olds, the first cohort of women who were offered the vaccine as children through the national vaccination programme.

Indonesia announced this week a declaration committing to reach the 90-70-90 targets for cervical cancer elimination through the national cervical cancer elimination plan (2023 to 2030).

In the United Kingdom, England’s National Health Service (NHS) pledged this week to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040.

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Source: WHO, 17 November 2023

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Toxic doctors put patients at risk, says NHS watchdog

Patient safety is being put at risk by the “toxic” behaviour of doctors in the NHS, the health ombudsman has said.

Rob Behrens, who investigates complaints about the NHS in England, warned that the hierarchical and high-handed attitude of clinicians was undermining the quality of care in some hospitals.

He called for medical training to be redesigned to encourage a more empathetic and collaborative approach from doctors.

Pointing to failings in the treatment of sepsis and the problems in maternity services, Behrens said he was “shocked on a daily basis” by what he saw as ombudsman. Too often, “organisational reputation has been put above patient safety”, he told The Times Health Commission.

The ombudsman warned of a “Balkanisation” of health professionals, with rivalries between doctors and nurses or midwives and obstetricians harming patient care. “For all the brilliance of clinicians quite often they’re not very good at working together,” he said. “Time and again, the handover from one clinician to another, from one shift to another, or the inability to raise the issue at a senior level has been a key factor in what has gone wrong.”

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Source: The Times, 18 November 2023

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Patients ‘neglected and confused’ after leaving hospital, says NHS watchdog

Patients are being left feeling “confused and neglected” by not being told who to contact about their future care when they are discharged from hospital, an NHS watchdog has said.

Research by Healthwatch England has found that 51% of people are not being given details when they leave of which services they can turn to for help and advice while they are recovering.

The NHS was risking patients having to be readmitted as medical emergencies and hospital beds becoming even more scarce by failing to adhere to its own guidelines on discharge, it said.

“While our findings show some positive examples, it’s alarming that guidance on safe discharge from the hospital is routinely not being followed,” said Louise Ansari, the patient champion’s chief executive. Healthwatch asked 583 people and their carers how their discharge had gone.

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Source: The Guardian, 19 November 2023

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Autistic patient trapped in hospital ward for four months due to system failures

Two young people facing mental health crises were left on paediatric wards for months while different agencies across a health system struggled to find appropriate placements. 

The patients – who were both autistic and had learning disabilities, with special educational needs – were admitted to Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust (MTW) last year after attending emergency departments more than 10 times within a two-month period.

They were left on a paediatric ward – one of the patients for four months – as this was the “only available place of safety as opposed to the optimum setting to meet their needs,” according to Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board’s “learning review” of children and young people with complex needs, which the two cases prompted. 

The review, which HSJ obtained under a Freedom of Information request, revealed several problems with joint working, despite a multidisciplinary team meeting regularly to discuss the young patients’ needs.

Since the review, a new escalation process has been introduced, urgent mental health risk assessments in the community have been enhanced and a three-month pilot of a self-harm service has been implemented at Tunbridge Wells Hospital, part of MTW.

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Source: HSJ, 17 November 2023

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BMA calls for immediate pause on recruitment of physician associates

The BMA has called for an immediate halt to the recruitment of Medical Associate Professionals (MAPs) in the UK including Physician Associates (PAs) and Anaesthetic Associates (AAs).

Doctors from across the UK who make up the BMA’s UK Council have passed a Motion which calls for the moratorium on the grounds of patient safety. They want the pause to last until the government and NHS put guarantees in place to make sure that MAPs are properly regulated and supervised. The move follows a number of recent cases in which patients have not always known they were being treated by a physician associate and tragically have come to harm.

Professor Phil Banfield, BMA chair of council, said:

“Doctors across the UK are getting more and more worried about the relentless expansion of the medical associate professions, brought into sharp focus by terrible cases of patients suffering serious harm after getting the wrong care from MAPs. Now is the time for the Government to listen before it is too late. We are clear: until there is clarity and material assurances about the role of MAPs, they should not be recruited in the NHS.  

“We have always been clear that MAPs can play an important part in NHS teams, and doctors will continue to value, respect and support individual staff they work with. But MAPs roles and responsibilities are not clearly defined. We are seeing increased instances of MAPs encroaching on the role of doctors; they are not doctors, do not have a medical degree and do not have the extensive training and depth of knowledge that doctors do. As doctors, we are worried that patients and public do not understand what this could mean in respect of the level of experience and expertise in care they receive.

“The General Medical Council is the exclusive regulator of doctors in the UK. Adding staff who are not doctors and do not have a medical degree to the GMC register brings into question the competence and qualification of the whole medical profession. The Government may view this as a price worth paying for a shortcut to solving the workforce crisis they have presided over. We know otherwise. GMC regulation of MAPs will only add to the confusion and uncertainty that patients face.

“Ministers may hope that by using secondary legislation, which may not even require the vote of MPs, they can avoid raising the alarm. But patients want doctors to remain doctors, regulated by a dedicated body, and they have a right to have confidence in the expert medical care they receive. There must be no doubt that when a patient goes to see a doctor, they are going to see a doctor. This blurring of roles and the confusion caused to patients must stop now.”

Source: BMA, 16 November 2023

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NHSE tells GPs they’re ‘breaching contract’ by denying record access

NHS England has taken the unusual move of warning multiple GP practices they are breaching their contract by refusing to give people automatic access to future entries in their record.

Under the current national GP contract, practices were ordered to give people on their list automatic access to prospective (future) medical records, via the NHS App, by 31 October. 

However, the British Medical Association GP committee has urged GPs to instead adopt an “opt in” model, saying it is concerned that giving automatic access could endanger some people.

The BMA gave practices a template letter to use to tell their integrated care boards they cannot move ahead with automatic access “due to several risks that cannot be sufficiently mitigated”.

NHS England’s own template letter for ICBs to use in response, seen by HSJ, states: “Based on your letter we interpret that the required changes were not implemented by 31 October 2023, thereby putting you in breach of your contractual obligations. We would therefore like to discuss with you your plan, including the timeline to become compliant.”

It is an unusual warning from NHSE which could potentially apply to hundreds or thousands of practices.

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Source: HSJ, 16 November 2023

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NHS failing to prioritise those in most need, says departing ICB chief

The NHS should better track patients with the greatest clinical need so they can move to the front of the queue for treatment, a former government waiting list tsar has said.

Anthony “Mac” McKeever told HSJ the health service could improve how it works through its elective backlog by using a system introduced during the covid pandemic to prioritise the most pressing cases.

He said a “large chunk” of cases were still not given a code to say how long they are considered to be able to wait for surgery, which is at the heart of this process.

Mr McKeever retired as Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board  chief executive this month following nearly five decades in the health service, including as a trust leader. 

Although Mr McKeever said he only knew the regional situation for the East of England, he would be “very surprised” if the national picture was any different. Waiting list expert Rob Findlay agreed this was a reasonable assumption.

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Source: HSJ, 17 November 2023

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Nursing watchdog to miss target to cut soaring complaints backlog

The nursing watchdog will miss its target to tackle a 5,500-case backlog of complaints as referrals hit a record high.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC has admitted it won’t hit its pledge to cut the number of unresolved complaints against nurses and midwives to 4,000 by March 2024.

The news comes as it faces questions over the way it handles complaints after The Independent revealed a number of serious allegations, including poor investigations that have led to fears of rouge nursing going unchecked. The newspaper exposes have prompted two independent reviews.

Details of the first two reviews have been revealed for the first time and will look at:

  • The NMC’s response to whistleblower concerns, including whether they were treated fairly and whether it acted fairly and reasonably.
  • Any evidence of cultural issues which may have impacted the NMC’s response to whistleblowing.
  • Whether concerns raised are substantiated and indicate a decision-making process by the NMC which is insufficient in protecting the public.
  • Evidence of shortcomings in guidance and training.

The senior whistleblower whose evidence prompted the review said: “The NMC has refused to change its approach to the investigations into my whistleblowing concerns to allow me to share and explain my evidence without fear of reprisal. I don’t think it is possible to draw safe conclusions about either how I have been treated or the impact of our culture on case work from reviewing only 13 of our current 5,500 open cases, and 6 closed cases and a selection of my emails.”

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Source: The Independent, 16 November 2023

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Forcing medical staff to work during strikes could harm care, NHS Providers says

Forcing some medical staff to work through industrial action under new anti-strike laws could end up harming patient care, hospital trust leaders have said, as ministers claimed their new measures would keep public services running over Christmas.

NHS Providers, which represents hospital, mental health and ambulance trusts, said there was a significant risk it would damage relationships between staff and employers that are already very challenged, in a way that could affect patients.

In a submission to the consultation on minimum service levels in hospitals, it said: “Our key concern is that rather than strengthening services as intended, the legislation proposed would worsen relationships between employers and staff, and between trusts and local union representatives to the longer-term detriment of patient care.”

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Source: The Guardian, 17 November 2023

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Therapy could be offered to women suffering menopause symptoms

Women experiencing hot flushes, night sweats, depression and sleep problems could be offered therapy to help reduce their menopause symptoms, under new guidelines.

But menopause champions warned that those suffering with symptoms could have long waits for mental health support and stressed that the new draft guidance to GPs from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) must not distract from “ongoing challenges” of getting HRT.

A NICE evidence review found that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help make night-time sweats less severe and frequent and should be considered “alongside or as an alternative to HRT”.

The guidance is not mandatory but GPs will be expected to take the new guidance “fully into account”, said Nice.

Caroline Nokes, chair of the Commons’ women and equalities committee, welcomed the new guidance saying there was no “one size fits all” to help women going through the menopause, but said it must not be used to fob off women, some of whom were still facing drug shortages.

A major HRT drug shortage last year resulted in 22 restrictions being put in place, pushing some women to turn to the hidden market or meet up with other women to buy, swap or share medicines.

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Source: The Guardian, 17 November 2023

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Loughborough University to deliver course to NHS professionals in a bid to improve patient safety

Loughborough University is collaborating with NHS England to deliver learning to hundreds of healthcare professionals in a bid to improve patient safety.

Human factors and ergonomics experts in the School of Design and Creative Arts will deliver Levels 3 and 4 of the NHS Patient Safety Syllabus and Curriculum after winning a competitive tender process.

Under the leadership of Dr Mike Fray, supported by Professor Sue Hignett and Professor Thomas Jun, the Loughborough University team will craft and deliver educational content to 820 patient safety specialists across various NHS Trusts in England from 2023 to 2024.

In 2021, the NHS Patient Safety Syllabus was created by drawing upon best practice from a number of safety-critical industries. It has as a core aim of changing how staff think about improving patient safety. The key to this is switching the focus to proactive prevention of safety incidents, and away from the current largely retrospective analyses.

Dr Fray believes Loughborough University’s world-leading reputation in the delivery of human factors and ergonomics education will help the NHS achieve its goals.

Dr Fray said: “No healthcare worker goes to work thinking they will do harm, but the systems, processes and complexity of the work can lead to errors, omissions, or reductions in quality of care.  “With this new course we will be able to support patient safety specialists in each Trust to lead safety improvement work and provide safety science expertise to their organisations so that patients across the NHS can benefit.”

Aidan Fowler, National Director of Patient Safety said: ‘’Training and education is at the centre of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy so that we can empower people with the latest skills and knowledge in patient safety science.

“The launch of this training for our patient safety specialists is the latest development in this work, using the syllabus created with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and adding to the training already available to all staff in the NHS.”

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Source: Loughborough University, 15 November 2023

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More women to get contraceptive pill from chemists in England

Almost half a million women will be able to get the contraceptive pill from pharmacies in England, from next month, without the need for a GP appointment.

Treatments for urinary infections and other common conditions will also be on offer under the Pharmacy First scheme.

NHS England said it was a safe and common-sense way of making NHS services easier for patients to use.

New Health and Social Care Secretary Victoria Atkins said the changes meant "more options for women when making a choice about their preferred contraception" and would free up GP appointments.

From February, pharmacists who successfully apply to join the scheme will be able to offer advice and treatment, including antibiotics, for seven common conditions:

  • sinusitis
  • sore throat
  • earache
  • infected insect bites
  • impetigo
  • shingles
  • urinary tract infection in women.

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Source: BBC News, 16 November 2023

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Private firms harming NHS patients by failing to deliver medicines, Lords report warns

Private healthcare companies are harming NHS patients in their own homes by failing to deliver vital medicines, and then escaping censure amid an alarming lack of oversight by ministers and regulators, members of the House of Lords have warned.

More than 500,000 patients and their families rely on private companies paid by the NHS to deliver essential medical supplies, drugs and healthcare to their homes. The homecare medicines services sector is estimated to be worth billions of pounds.

A report by the Lords public services committee says patients are being harmed due to “real and serious problems” with the services provided by for-profit companies. The absence of a single person or organisation with overall control or oversight of the sector means poor performance is going unchecked, it says.

“There are serious problems with the way services are provided,” the Lords report says. “Some patients are experiencing delays, receiving the wrong medicine or not being taught how to administer their medicine. [This] can have serious impacts on patients’ health, sometimes requiring hospital care. This leaves NHS staff either firefighting the problems caused by problems in homecare medicines services, or working on the assumption that those services will fail.”

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Source: The Guardian, 16 November 2023

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Most NHS maternity units not safe enough, says regulator

England's healthcare regulator has told BBC News that maternity units currently have the poorest safety ratings of any hospital service it inspects.

BBC analysis of Care Quality Commission (CQC) records showed it deemed two-thirds (67%) of them not to be safe enough, up from 55% last autumn.

The "deterioration" follows efforts to improve NHS maternity care, and is blamed partly on a midwife shortage.

The Department for Heath and Social Care (DHSC) said £165m a year was being invested in boosting the maternity workforce, but said "we know there is more to do".

The BBC's analysis also revealed the proportion of maternity units with the poorest safety ranking of "inadequate" - meaning that there is a high risk of avoidable harm to mother or baby - has more than doubled from 7% to 15% since September 2022.

The CQC, which also inspects core services such as emergency care and critical care, said the situation was "unacceptable" and "disappointing".

"We've seen this deterioration, and action needs to happen now, so that women can have the assurance they need that they're going to get that high-quality care in any maternity setting across England," said Kate Terroni, the CQC's deputy chief executive.

The regulator has been conducting focused inspections because of concerns about maternity care. These findings are "the poorest they have been" since it started recording the data in this way in 2018, Ms Terroni said.

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Source: BBC News, 16 November 2023

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UK cancer care in crisis and patients will die due to lack of strategy, experts warn

UK cancer care is in crisis and patients will die because of ministers’ decision to axe a dedicated plan to tackle the disease, leading cancer experts have warned.

Waiting times for NHS cancer treatment are at a record high and it is expected there will be 2,000 extra cancer patients a week by 2040. In January, the government scrapped its longstanding cancer plan and instead merged it into a wider “major conditions strategy” that also covers a range of other major diseases.

In a report published in the Lancet Oncology, 12 cancer experts said the decision could cause more people to die.

Prof Pat Price, an oncologist and visiting professor at Imperial College London and joint senior author of the report, said: “The dangerous reality is that cancer care in this country is fast becoming a monumental crisis and there appears to be no realistic plan. A cancer plan is not just a strategy, it is a lifeline for the one in two of us that will get cancer.”

Mark Lawler, a professor of digital health at Queen’s University Belfast, the chair of the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership and a co-author of the paper, said: “Getting rid of a dedicated cancer strategy will cost lives. Abandoning a dedicated national cancer control plan in favour of a major conditions strategy is an incomprehensible decision not in the best interests of people with cancer.”

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Source: The Guardian, 15 November 2023

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USA: Lack of information, not mistrust, the biggest barrier to Black women’s participation in clinical trials

A new report by US healthcare communications agency GCI Health found that Black women aren't avoiding clinical trials due to mistrust. The reasons for their underrepresentation are “more layered and nuanced.”

The report is based on a recent summer survey with 500 responses from Black women across the USA. It reveals that, while the majority (80%) are "open" to participating in a clinical trial, 73% have never been asked to do so.

While it's commonly believed that Black women are unwilling to participate in trials due to mistrust of the healthcare and biopharma systems, GCI's survey responses unveiled a more complex perspective.

The data suggest “that access to information is the largest barrier to participation, rather than mistrust in the medical establishment, as commonly believed,” GCI Health’s report found.

“We often hear that Black women are missing from clinical research because they are ‘hard-to-reach’ or reluctant to participate due to mistrust of the medical establishment,” said Kianta Key, group senior vice president and head of identity experience at GCI Health, in a press release. “In talking with women, we heard something more layered and nuanced that deserved exploration.”

“Our industry has a responsibility to reverse years of underrepresentation in clinical trials and do more to support better healthcare outcomes for Black women,” said Kristin Cahill, global CEO of GCI Group, in the release.

“Equity is critical to ensure new treatments and health interventions work for everyone. This research helps get us closer to understanding what needs to be done to make positive changes that will save lives and create healthier communities.”

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Source: Fierce Pharma, 14 November 2023

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Three patients died after ambulance transfer delays from private hospital

Three patients died after delayed transfers from a private hospital within a nine-month period, coroner’s findings reveal.

Three prevention of future deaths reports reviewed by HSJ raised concerns about the deaths of patients whose transfer from Spire’s Norwich facility to the NHS hospital in the same city was delayed.

The sites, which are one mile apart, are run by £1bn-turnover private company Spire Healthcare and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals Foundation Trust respectively.

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Source: HSJ, 15 November 2023

Prevention of Future Deaths reports:

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Give toddlers chickenpox jab, advisers tell NHS

All children in the UK should be given a chickenpox vaccine at 12 and 18 months of age, combined with the MMR jab as one shot, the NHS is advised.

It will now be up to the government to decide whether to add it to the routine immunisations children are offered.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has also recommended a temporary catch-up programme for slightly older children who've missed out on this initial rollout.

Chickenpox cases dipped during the Covid pandemic due to restrictions on socialising, meaning there is currently a larger pool of children than usual who are unprotected against the highly contagious virus.

Chickenpox can be more severe if you catch it for the first time as a teen or an adult rather than as a young child.

Dr Gayatri Amirthalingam from the UK Health Security Agency said: "Introducing a vaccine against chickenpox would prevent most children getting what can be quite a nasty illness - and for those who would experience more severe symptoms, it could be a life saver.

"The JCVI's recommendations will help make chickenpox a problem of the past and bring the UK into line with a number of other countries that have well-established programmes."

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Source: BBC News, 14 November 2023

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Ward staff ‘must accept extra workload to help A&E’

Hospitals are being prevented from adopting models which spread risk away from emergency departments because other teams refuse to take on the extra work, according to a top accident and emergency doctor.

In a recent interview with HSJ, North Bristol Trust chief executive officer Maria Kane praised her trust’s risk-sharing approach to emergency care, which involves moving patients each hour from accident and emergency to the most appropriate ward for their needs and where a discharge is expected, even if it is full.

Commenting on the article, Royal College of Emergency Medicine president Adrian Boyle said: “The NBT trust leadership deserve significant credit for maintaining this. All too often there is an acceptance of unacceptable delays (and risk) in ambulance handovers and long ED stays.

“Where this fails, it is usually because inpatient teams (both nursing and medical) have objected to the extra workload, without appreciating the real harm elsewhere. The more interesting question is why isn’t this being done more widely?”

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Source: HSJ, 15 November 2023

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NHS struggling to open extra winter beds and fill staffing gaps

Hospital bosses in England are warning a lack of funds means they are having to scale back on plans to open extra beds to cope with winter.

The warning, from NHS Providers, which represents managers, came after the Treasury rejected pleas for an extra £1bn to cover the cost of strikes.

Recruitment to plug gaps in the workforce was also having to be put on hold, NHS Providers said.

But the government said winter planning was on track.

It pointed out the goal to open 10,000 "virtual" hospitals beds had been met. This is where doctors remotely monitor patients with conditions such as respiratory and heart problems who would otherwise have to be in hospital.

Progress was also being made on opening 5,000 new permanent hospital beds - a 5% increase in numbers, the government said.

"We recognise the challenges the NHS faces over the coming months, which is why we started preparing for winter earlier than ever," a Department of Health and Social Care spokesman added.

But NHS Providers said the steps being taken may be insufficient.

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Source: BBC News, 14 November 2023

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Overseas doctors will remain 'crucial' despite recruitment drive

Attracting skilled overseas-trained doctors to the UK will remain "crucial", despite plans to train more healthcare staff here, the doctors' regulator has said.

The General Medical Council (GMC) found that nearly two-thirds (63%) of new doctors in 2022 qualified abroad.

The government launched a major plan in June to train and recruit more healthcare workers in England. But it will take many years for this to take effect, the GMC says.

NHS England says it currently has 10,855 full-time doctor vacancies - a rate of 7.2%.

Under NHS England's Long Term Workforce Plan, it hopes to recruit and retain "hundreds of thousands" more healthcare staff over the next 15 years. The plan includes spending £2.4bn on additional training places for healthcare workers, with the number of medical school places for student doctors set to double to 15,000 a year.

Charlie Massey, the GMC's chief executive, said the drive to boost the workforce was "brilliant", but said "it takes a long time to make a doctor".

"We're not going to see the impact of that coming on stream for probably the best part of a decade. And that means we're going to need to rely on doctors who have trained overseas coming to the UK in much greater numbers than in recent years to maintain the workforce that we need to meet the needs of the population."

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Source: BBC News, 13 November 2023

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Charge trusts with criminal offence for demonising whistleblowers, says HCSA

The Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association (HCSA), a hospital doctors union, has called for an independent body to register and monitor cases where doctors raise safety concerns and for criminal charges to be brought against trusts when whistleblowers suffer harm.

Naru Narayanan, president of HCSA, called for the changes after a survey found that doctors worry that speaking up about patient safety will put their careers at risk and that the creation of freedom to speak up guardians in 2016 has not increased their confidence.

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Source: BMJ, 13 November 2023

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AI could predict heart attack risk up to 10 years in the future, finds Oxford study

Artificial intelligence could be used to predict if a person is at risk of having a heart attack up to 10 years in the future, a study has found.

The technology could save thousands of lives while improving treatment for almost half of patients, researchers at the University of Oxford said.

The study, funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF), looked at how AI might improve the accuracy of cardiac CT scans, which are used to detect blockages or narrowing in the arteries.

Prof Charalambos Antoniades, chair of cardiovascular medicine at the BHF and director of the acute multidisciplinary imaging and interventional centre at Oxford, said: “Our study found that some patients presenting in hospital with chest pain – who are often reassured and sent back home – are at high risk of having a heart attack in the next decade, even in the absence of any sign of disease in their heart arteries.

“Here we demonstrated that providing an accurate picture of risk to clinicians can alter, and potentially improve, the course of treatment for many heart patients.”

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Source: The Guardian, 13 November 2023

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NHS board named in Glasgow hospital corporate homicide probe

Scotland's largest health board has been named as a suspect in a corporate homicide investigation following the deaths of four patients at a Glasgow hospital campus.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) informed families of the development via a closed Facebook group set up during a water contamination crisis.

The board confirmed it had received an update from the Crown Office. But it added there was no indication prosecutors had "formed a final view".

Police Scotland launched a criminal investigation in 2021 into a number of deaths at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) campus, including that of 10-year-old Milly Main.

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) instructed officers to investigate the deaths of Milly, two other children and 73-year-old Gail Armstrong.

Milly's mother previously told a separate public inquiry into the building of several Scottish hospitals that her child's death was "murder".

A review earlier found an infection which contributed to Milly's death was probably caused by the QEUH environment.

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Source: BBC News, 13 November 2023

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