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Parents call for inquiry into maternity services

The families of nine babies who died at a scandal-hit NHS trust over a three-year period have called for a public inquiry into the standard of its maternity care.

A collective letter has been sent to each of the families' MPs after they lost babies at hospitals run by the University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust.

Of the nine bereaved mothers, four said they too almost died as a result of "poor standards of care" from maternity teams between 2021 and 2023

The trust said it had recruited more midwives and "changed" how it supported families, with outcomes now better "than most other trusts in the country".

But the Sussex-based families said they had called for a public inquiry into its maternity services to ensure accountability for "systemic failures", and so the trust learns from past mistakes.

In the letter to the MPs, the parents said: "With the volume and repetition of errors in maternity care by the trust, we believe that babies and potentially mothers will continue to unnecessarily die under the trust’s care unless there is additional intervention."

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Source: BBC News, 4 June 2024

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Deaths blamed on health board improvement failures

Families have warned a health board that more patients could die if lessons about poor mental health care are not learned.

A report by the Royal College of Psychiatrists found less than half of 84 recommended improvements to a hospital trust’s mental health department have been made.

In the past 10 years, four separate reviews have outlined changes to be implemented by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. Patient watchdog Llais said people had continued to die during this time.

At a meeting in Llandudno on Thursday morning, the health board, which runs the NHS in north Wales, apologised to families and said it was committed to improving.

Problems with mental health services at the health board first became public in December 2013 when the Tawel Fan dementia ward at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd near Rhyl was closed. A report said elderly patients there were treated "like animals in a zoo".

Before that, the board was aware of problems at Hergest mental health unit at Ysbyty Gwynedd in Bangor. An investigation found a culture of bullying and low morale, which meant patient safety concerns were not addressed.

During the meeting earlier, Phill Dickaty, who’s mother Joyce Dickety died on Tawel Fan in 2012, told the board families felt “let down again".

"As things stand, despite the passage of time and false reassurances offered by BCUHB, the Tawel Fan families have a real and significant concerns over the lack of progress," he said. "Be it patient or otherwise, nobody should ever have to endure a situation like Tawel Fan and the atrocities that took place. As well as the disappointment felt at the lack of progress, the risk of history repeating itself again in the future weighs heavily in the minds of Tawel Fan families."

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Source: BBC News, 29 May 2024

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New AI tool ‘can rapidly rule out heart attacks in people attending A&E’

A new artificial intelligence tool (AI) developed in the UK can rapidly rule out heart attacks in people attending A&E and help tens of thousands avoid unnecessary hospital stays each year, according to its creators.

Known as Rapid-RO, the AI tool has been found to successfully rule out heart attacks in over a third of patients across four UK hospitals during trials.

Professor James Leiper, associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation (BHF), which funded the study, said: “This research demonstrates the important role AI could play in guiding treatment decision for heart patients.

“By quickly identifying patients who are safe to be discharged, this technology could help people avoid unnecessary hospital stays, allowing valuable NHS time and resource to be redirected to where it could have the greatest benefit.”

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Source: The Independent, 3 June 2024

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Rise in hospital ‘corridor care’ is national emergency, union warns

Overcrowding is forcing hospitals to treat so many patients in corridors and storerooms that it constitutes a “national emergency”, the UK’s nursing union has said.

The growing and widespread practice is endangering patients’ safety by leaving them without oxygen or easily able to attract staff’s attention, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) warned.

“Corridor care” also deprives patients of their dignity because they have to undergo intimate examinations in view of others and do not have easy access to a toilet, it added.

Hospitals become so stretched that some patients have died while being looked after in what the RCN said were “inappropriate areas”, which can also include car parks and fracture rooms.

The RCN called on the NHS to recognise the serious risk “corridor care” posed to patients by recording every time it happened and classifying it as a “never event”. The latter would put it on a par with incidents such as surgeons operating on the wrong part of someone’s body.

A new RCN report, based on a survey of 11,000 nurses across the UK, includes evidence of the impact on patients and staff of care being delivered in such settings. One nurse said: “You wouldn’t treat a dog this way.”

Nurses described patients being told they had cancer while they were in public areas, and someone with dementia being left for hours without oxygen in a corridor.

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Source: The Guardian, 3 June 2024

Related reading on the hub:

A silent safety scandal: A nurse’s first-hand account of a corridor nursing shift

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Women with painful condition 'ignored' by doctors

Young women from West Yorkshire have criticised a "lack of support" available for a painful and debilitating medical condition.

The three patients, all in their 20s, said they either struggled to get a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) confirmed despite numerous GP appointments, or were not given effective treatment.

PCOS causes painful and irregular periods, and affects up to one in 10 women in the UK.

The NHS said it "strongly advised" any woman concerned about their health to contact their GP.

Alex Offer, 24, from Leeds, said it took nine years before she was told she had PCOS after doctors "ignored" her concerns from the age of 15.

One GP dismissed her symptoms as being caused by stress and anxiety, she said.

Laaraib Khan, 24, also from Leeds, reported a similar experience.

Although she received her diagnosis at the age of 13 after her mother pushed her GP to take her complaints seriously, in the past 11 years she said she had been given "little support" and was left to manage the syndrome herself.

"You have to lean on other women who are going through it rather than going to your GP, who will most likely turn you away," she said.

Research by the charity Verity PCOS UK found that 60% of women with the disorder have struggled to get a diagnosis, while 95% said they had encountered problems trying to access NHS support.

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Source: BBC News, 3 June 2024

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Concerns over ‘essential’ newborn breathing equipment at one in five hospitals

One in five recent inspections of maternity services have raised concerns over “essential” breathing equipment for newborn babies, HSJ has found. 

Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors have flagged fears over shortages and overdue maintenance of resuscitaire, a device commonly used by midwives if babies require additional support with breathing. Experts say the equipment should be immediately available to ensure safe resuscitation.

The CQC itself said the lack of such equipment was impacting patient safety at some hospitals.

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Source: HSJ, 31 May 2024

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NHS computer issues linked to patient harm

IT system failures have been linked to the deaths of three patients and more than 100 instances of serious harm at NHS hospital trusts in England, BBC News has found.

A Freedom of Information request also found 200,000 medical letters had gone unsent due to widespread problems with NHS computer systems.

Nearly half of hospital trusts with electronic patient systems reported issues that could affect patients. NHS England says it has invested £900m over the past two years to help introduce new and improved systems. Some hospital trusts have spent hundreds of millions of pounds on new electronic patient record (EPR) systems, but BBC News has discovered many are experiencing major problems with how they work.

Quoted in this article, Clive Flashman, Chief Digital Officer of Patient Safety Learning, said, “If you look at the sorts of serious issues that are coming out around the country where patients are being harmed, in some cases dying, as a result of these systems not working properly, I would imagine there are tens of thousands of these that are happening that probably never get discussed”.

Read the full story.

Source: BBC News, 30 May 2024

Read more about Patient Safety Learning's reflections on these issues and the importance of patient safety being at the heart of the development and implementation of EPRs here.

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Trust and manager deny corporate manslaughter

A mental health trust and a band seven ward manager it employed have denied manslaughter charges over a death on an inpatient ward.

North East London Foundation Trust and Benjamin Aninakwa entered not guilty pleas to manslaughter by gross negligence at the Old Bailey on Friday (24 May).

It is believed to be the first time a named NHS manager at a trust has faced corporate manslaughter charges, alongside the organisation that employed them.

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Source: HSJ, 29 May 2024

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'A surgeon left a medical specimen bag inside me after hernia op'

A man discovered a medical specimen bag had been left inside his abdominal cavity after his hernia surgery, the BBC has found.

The surgeon who carried out the procedure, at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton in 2016, also left behind part of Tom Hadrys's bowel that had been cut out during the operation.

According to a hospital incident report seen by BBC Newsnight, the surgeon realised his mistakes while driving home from work.

Sussex Police are investigating at least 105 cases of alleged medical negligence by two surgery teams at the University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust.

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Source: BBC News, 24 May 2024

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Boy died of sepsis after important GP note missed

A nine-year-old boy died from sepsis after doctors and nurses missed a "significant" GP note, an inquest heard.

Dylan Cope, from Newport was taken to the Grange Hospital in Cwmbran, Torfaen, on 6 December 2022 after his GP wrote “query appendicitis”, but this note was not read.

The senior doctor on shift that night said GP referrals were not being printed off and put into patients' notes because of how busy the department was.

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Source: BBC News 23 May 2024

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Brain damage to babies in birth has cost NHS in England £4.1bn in lawsuits

The NHS has spent £4.1bn over the last 11 years settling lawsuits involving babies who suffered brain damage when being born, amid claims that maternity units are not learning from mistakes.

It paid out just under £3.6bn in damages in 1,307 cases in which parents were left to care for a baby with cerebral palsy or other forms of brain injury, NHS figures reveal.

NHS Resolution, which defends hospitals in England accused of medical negligence, spent another £490m on legal fees, taking the total cost of dealing with the legal actions to £4.1bn.

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Source: Guardian, 26 May 2024

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Shortage of NHS physio roles leaves patients in pain as waiting lists soar

The rising number of people ­waiting for physiotherapy treatment is causing problems in other parts of the NHS and harming the UK’s economy, leading clinicians have warned.

Waiting lists for treatment for ­musculoskeletal (MSK) problems such as back, neck and knee pain have grown by 27% since January last year. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) said the number of physiotherapy posts in the NHS was not keeping pace with demand from Britain’s ageing and increasingly obese population.

The CSP said the UK needed a 7% increase in NHS physiotherapy positions every year to meet rising demand. Musculoskeletal conditions that are left untreated can become more complex and lead to mental health problems or the need for surgery, as well as time off work.

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Source: Guardian, 26 May 2024

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NHS announces 143 hospitals to roll out ‘Martha’s Rule’ in next step in major patient safety initiative

The NHS has today announced the 143 hospital sites that will test and roll out Martha’s Rule in its first year.

Confirmation of the first sites to test implementation of Martha’s Rule is the next step in a major patient safety initiative, following the announcement in February of NHS England funding for this financial year.

The purpose of Martha’s Rule is to provide a consistent and understandable way for patients and families to seek an urgent review if their or their loved one’s condition deteriorates and they are concerned this is not being responded to.

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Source: NHS England

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Revealed: Four-fold rise in emergency care deaths

The number of coroner warnings issued last year which were linked to a lack of capacity in emergency care was around four times that seen before covid.

HSJ analysis of “prevention of future deaths” reports – also known as Regulation 28 reports – show a steep rise since 2021 in deaths linked to long delays in ambulance responses, hospital handovers, and emergency department waits.

There were 52 in this category in 2023. The largest number pre-covid was 13 in 2018, although the rate also appeared to be slowly rising in the years running up to 2020.

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Source: HSJ, 28 May 2024

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Boy, 9, died of sepsis after hospital ‘dismissed concerns’ about appendix

A nine-year-old boy died of sepsis eight days after he was discharged from hospital with influenza and sent home with painkillers, an inquest has been told.

Dylan Cope was admitted to Grange University Hospital in Cwmbran, South Wales, with abdominal pain but was discharged after a medic “dismissed any concern” about his appendix.

Days later the boy had a ruptured appendix and sepsis diagnosed, and he died at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff on December 14, 2022.

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Source: The Times, 21 May 2024

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Jersey assisted dying plans for terminally ill approved

Jersey politicians have voted to approve plans to allow assisted dying for those with a terminal illness "causing unbearable suffering".

The States Assembly has been debating two routes through which people who have lived in Jersey for longer than a year, are 18 or over and have decision-making capacity could apply for assisted dying. A total of 32 members voted in favour while 14 voted against route one.

The second route, for those who are not terminally ill but who have an incurable medical condition causing unbearable suffering, was rejected by a majority of 27 to 19.

Plans for legalising assisted dying were voted on in principle by the assembly in 2021, but the aim of the vote was to decide how it could work in practice.

With a decision now made, the process for drafting a law could take about 18 months, with a debate then taking place by the end of 2025.

If a law is approved, it is expected a further 18-month implementation period would then begin, meaning the earliest for it to come into effect would be summer 2027.

Speaking after the debate, Chief Minister Lyndon Farnham said "robust safeguards" would be "enshrined in law." He thanked the assembly for a "thoughtful, respectful and considered" debate.

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Source: BBC News, 22 May 2024

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Surge in patients sent hundreds of miles for care

The number of people sent out of their home area for a mental health bed – in some cases hundreds of miles away – has increased to a five-year high, despite national ambitions to eliminate the practice.

A 2021 date to stop “inappropriate out of area placements” was initially set by government and NHS England in 2016 but, despite initial reductions, the target was missed, with hundreds of patients still affected each month.

Demand and bed pressures in the wake of covid appeared to make it more difficult and numbers have been rising.  

Analysis of the latest NHS Digital data this month shows 825 active inappropriate placements in February 2024 following a steady rise from December 2023, when there were 700 (see chart).

The year on year increase from February last year is 15 per cent, but there has been a 46 per cent rise since a low of 565 just 14 months previously, in December 2022. 

Being sent out of area can disrupt the patient’s care, make it less likely patients will be visited, harder for them to return home and to community support, and is also often very expensive as places are bought at short notice from independent providers.

NHSE acknowledged pressures on OAPs in 2024-25 planning guidance but asked systems to “work towards” eliminating them, saying they are “detrimental to patient safety, experience and outcomes.” National mental health director Claire Murdoch last month told HSJ they represented “poor care at relatively high costs.”

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Source: HSJ, 23 May 2024

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Warning to millions who have been prescribed popular antidepressants with potential side-effect that sparks long-term sexual dysfunction

Patients taking antidepressants are being warned to beware of side-effects that could leave them 'asexual' even after they stop using them - a problem that could affect millions of Brits.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), the most common class of antidepressant drug in the UK, are relied upon by one in eight Brits - 8.6million in all - who are dealing with mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Common SSRIs prescribed in the UK include citalopram, fluoxetine and sertraline, sometimes known by brand names Cipramil, Prozac and Lustral - but their use has been linked to long-term and even permanent sexual dysfunction by researchers.

The NHS has warned that side effects such as a loss of libido and achieving orgasm, lower sperm count and erectile dysfunction 'can persist' after taking them - and patients have described feeling 'carved out', relationships wrecked, from their use.

Men and women say SSRI side-effects have hampered their sex lives, even after coming off of the medications - a condition known as Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD), which is not officially recognised by UK health authorities.

For millions, antidepressants can be a life-saving drug - but the authors of a US petition urging more warnings to be applied to the drugs say it can be 'impossible... to weigh the benefits of treatment against the harms'.

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Source: Daily Mail, 23 May 2024

Read this opinion piece on the hub by someone who suffers from post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) after he was prescribed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. The author calls for widespread recognition, improved risk communication and better support for sufferers. 

If you have experience of PSSD, you can also share your insights in our community discussion.

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Epidural in labour can reduce risk of serious complications by 35%, study finds

Having an epidural during labour can reduce the risk of serious childbirth complications by 35%, according to research that suggests expanding access to the treatment may improve maternal health.

An epidural is an injection in the back to stop someone feeling pain in part of their body. Making them more widely available and providing more information to those who would benefit from one was even more important than previously thought, researchers said.

The study by the University of Glasgow and the University of Bristol involved 567,216 women who were in labour in Scottish NHS hospitals from 2007 and 2019, and went on to give birth vaginally or by an unplanned caesarean section. Of the total, 125,024 of the women had an epidural.

Researchers analysed the rate of serious complications, including heart attacks, eclampsia, and hysterectomies during childbirth. Having an epidural cut the risk of these events by 35%, the study found. 

The lead author, Prof Rachel Kearns, of the University of Glasgow, said: “This finding underscores the need to ensure access to epidurals, particularly for those who are most vulnerable – women facing higher medical risks or delivering prematurely. “By broadening access and improving awareness, we can significantly reduce the risk of serious health outcomes and ensure safer childbirth experiences.”

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Source: The Guardian, 22 May 2024

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Local control of NHS screening could jeopardise patient safety

Patients could be put at risk by plans to allow local NHS bodies to oversee the quality of health screening programmes for diseases such as breast and bowel cancer, experts have suggested.

At the moment, NHS England runs the Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS) to make sure local organisations comply with national standards, are safe and can be subject to inspections. There are 11 national screening programmes in England, including those for breast, cervical and bowel cancer, plus antenatal and newborn screening, abdominal aortic aneurysm and diabetic eye screening. At the moment, screening programmes must report all safety incidents to the SQAS and the SQAS inspectors visit local sites to pick up urgent issues and make recommendations.

Now, a report in the British Medical Journal questions plans by NHS England to allow local bodies to have more control.

Sue Cohen, former national lead of screening quality assurance at Public Health England, told the BMJ that devolving responsibility for SQAS to local organisations would be a “retrograde” step. She pointed to previous issues, such as in Kent where a lack of oversight of a cervical screening programme led to women with cancer not being picked up.

She said: “If you don’t have a quality assurance service that is properly resourced and has that ability to keep a national view, you will simply not have the oversight of the system and there is a bigger risk of incidents going undetected.”

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Source: Medscape News, 22 May 2024

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Mentally unwell children put through ‘torture’ on wrong NHS wards, watchdog warns

Children with mental health illnesses are forced to stay in wards not fit to care for them with patients warning these hospital stays are like a “form of torture”, an NHS safety watchdog has found.

Children with mental health conditions were admitted to general hospital wards, not intended for mental health care, nearly 44,000 times in 2021 and 2022, the Health Services Safety Investigation Body has warned.

These wards which are “noisy, busy and brightly lit” are not often appropriate for these children who require mental healthcare and are unable to keep them safe, HSSIB said in a report on Thursday.

The watchdog is calling for new guidance for hospitals on how to adapt their general paediatric wards for children who have mental health support needs.

In a new investigation, the watchdog said it found in some hospitals patients were placed in rooms with “little or no consideration of therapeutic elements” which are “stripped of everything” including window blinds and shower curtains. In one hospital, staff said even the mattresses are removed.

Between 2021 and 2022 11.7 per cent, or 39,926 admissions to paediatric wards, for physical health, were for children who had a mental health condition.

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Read HSSIB investigation report – Keeping children and young people with mental health needs safe: the design of the paediatric ward (23 May 2024)

Source: The Independent, 23 May 2024

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New dentists could be forced to work in NHS to tackle England’s ‘dental deserts’

Dental graduates in England could be forced to work in the NHS to help tackle the crisis in access that has left millions struggling to get their teeth repaired.

Under the government’s plan they would have to undertake NHS work for “several years” after leaving university or face paying back some of the £200,000 cost of training them.

A fall in the number of dentists doing NHS work has helped create “dental deserts”, where patients cannot get treatment, and prompt some people to turn to “DIY dentistry”, including pulling their own teeth out.

However, the British Dental Association (BDA), which represents dentists, claimed ministers were seeking to “shackle graduates to a service facing collapse” and said the plan would do little to improve access to NHS care.

Victoria Atkins, the health secretary, said: “Taxpayers make a significant investment in training dentists, so it is only right to expect dental graduates to work in the NHS once they’ve completed their training.”

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Source: The Guardian, 23 May 2024

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Patient safety commissioner warns calls for changes are 'falling on deaf ears'

England's patient safety commissioner says her calls for changes following failings highlighted in three health scandals are "falling on deaf ears".

Dr Henrietta Hughes made the comments at a meeting in Westminster on Tuesday of MPs and campaigners of medical scandals.

It comes after Sir Brian Langstaff's highlighted a decades-long "subtle, pervasive, chilling" cover-up by successive governments and the NHS in the conclusion of his report on the infected blood scandal.

Like the victims of that scandal, those affected by epilepsy drug Valproate, as well as vaginal mesh implants, and the hormone pregnancy test Primodos, are also waiting on the government to implement a redress scheme. The three campaign groups have already had a combined review. In July 2020, the Cumberlege review found similar failings to the blood scandal: damaging products, poor regulatory decisions, and one government after another refusing to accept wrong had been done.

In February this year, the patient safety commissioner set out her "blueprint" of a redress scheme for victims.

However, Ms Hughes, who attended the First Do No Harm All Parliamentary group meeting, said on Tuesday: "I'm itching to get the changes that are needed, but I feel my words are falling on deaf ears."

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Source: Sky News, 21 May 2024

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ECG-based AI could reduce hospital mortality

An artificial intelligence (AI) system that sends text messages to alert hospital physicians about the high risk for mortality in their patients reduces the number of deaths, according to a study published in Nature Medicine.

Chin-Sheng Lin, PhD, associate professor of cardiology at the Tri-Service General Hospital of the National Defense Medical Center in Taipei, Taiwan, and his colleagues have developed an AI system that identifies patients with a high risk for mortality on the basis of a 12-lead ECG. The system is intended to identify patients who would benefit from intensified care.

"It is widely acknowledged that providing intensive care to critically ill patients reduces mortality. Delays in providing intensive care for critically ill patients result in catastrophic outcomes. Most in-hospital cardiac arrests are potentially preventable; however, the early signs of deterioration might be difficult to identify," wrote the researchers.

The authors emphasized that exactly how the AI warning messages lead to a decrease in overall mortality must still be clarified. But the results suggest that they help in detecting high-risk patients, triggering timely clinical care, and reducing mortality, they wrote.

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Source: Medscape, 21 May 2024

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