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Struggling system asks NHSE for help with ambulance handovers

Health leaders in Lincolnshire have admitted they do not have a ‘robust’ response to managing the risks posed by ambulance handover delays and poor response times.

The system’s acute provider, United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust (ULHT), was consistently among the trusts accounting for the highest proportion of ambulance delays over winter.

In a document submitted to NHS England, the county’s integrated care system said: “While the system has good visibility of the level of risk across the system, and there are discussions about this on daily system calls, it is recognised that the system doesn’t currently have a robust response approach to ambulance handover delays.

“A request has been made to regional NHSE/I team for support in developing a Lincolnshire system risk and response approach to ambulance handover delays.”

ULHT’s board has recently noted “increasing concerns” from regulators. Its board papers have described capacity outside the acute sector as key, but there was “currently… not a sense of collective impact to scale and scope that would make a difference to reach the trajectory described”.

Read full story (paywalled)

Source: HSJ, 5 May 2022


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