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Patients to wait longer for routine checks so NHS can clear record backlogs

NHS patients will wait longer for routine checks as part of a national drive to clear record backlogs.

Health officials have instructed hospitals to “repurpose” resources to focus on those waiting the longest, who are yet to have their first appointment. 

Today the NHS claimed it had “virtually eliminated” two year waits, with less than 3,000 people enduring such delays, down from 22,500 at the end of January.

Hospitals are being urged to prioritise those waiting 18 months or more, with pledges to get rid of such waits by April next year.

NHS chiefs have instructed hospitals to focus on outpatient first appointments, rather than patients who have already had treatment, and are waiting for follow-up checks.

Senior officials have said many such appointments are a “a waste of time” saying there should be more use of systems where routine slots are scrapped, and patients instead told to contact their medical team if they have particular concerns. 

The drive - which health chiefs dubbed “Super September” - will see priority given to tackling the longest waits. 

Read full story (paywalled)

Source: The Telegraph, 9 August 2022


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