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Failure to act on cost of living risks another health crisis

Responding to the Ofgem announcement on the energy price cap, Jo Bibby, Director of Health at the Health Foundation said:  

'Today’s announcement confirms the mounting financial pressures facing people this winter.  

'Cold, damp homes make people ill. When people are having to make a choice between heating and eating, their health is going to suffer. Many will face the stress of managing debt and, in the long run, the price will be paid in poorer health, more pressure on the NHS, and fewer people in work. 

'The cost-of-living crisis should be a spur for action for the new government – bringing forward the Health Disparities White Paper. In particular, it must deliver significant emergency support in the autumn, targeted at lower-income families who are most at risk of poorer health. Without the speed and scale of action we saw through the pandemic, there is a risk the cost-of-living crisis becomes another health crisis.'

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Source: The Health Foundation, 26 August 2022


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