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Family campaigns to prevent breech birth deaths

A couple whose baby died after he was starved of oxygen during a home birth are campaigning for risky breech deliveries to be spotted earlier.

Arthur Trott was an undiagnosed breech baby, born after a planned home birth in Burgess Hill on 24 May 2021.

A breech delivery is when a baby's bottom or feet will emerge first.

An inquest into his death found a delay in transfer to hospital "materially contributed" to his brain injury.

The South East Coast Ambulance Service Trust said it welcomed "any changes to national breech birth guidance".

Arthur's parents believe a breakdown in communication between the paramedics who attended and their control room meant Mrs Trott was kept at home too long.

Arthur's father, Matt Trott, said: "You could hear the panic and confusion in everyone's voices. One minute they were told to go to hospital, the next minute to stay."

As a result of Arthur's death, all planned home births in Sussex are being offered a presentation scan at 38 weeks.

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Source: BBC News, 14 March 2023



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