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Kettering hospital ward accused of failing children rated inadequate

The safety of a ward accused of failing children has been rated as inadequate by inspectors.

The care regulator warned Kettering General Hospital (KGH) in Northamptonshire over its children's and young people's services.

Inspectors' worries include sepsis treatment, staff numbers, dirt levels and not having an "open culture" where concerns can be raised without fear.

Since the BBC's first report in February highlighting the concerns of parents with children who died or became seriously ill at KGH, dozens more families have come forward, bringing the number to 50 to date.

Inspectors found that "staff did not always effectively identify and quickly act upon patients at risk of deterioration".

They said there were sometimes "delays in medical reviews being undertaken outside of normal working hours", highlighting one case where a seemingly deteriorating patient was not seen until three hours after being escalated to the on-call team.

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Source: BBC News, 20 April 2023


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