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Ministers trigger review of CQC inspection regime

The government is launching a review of the Care Quality Commission and has appointed a senior NHS figure to lead it, HSJ understands.

The Department of Health and Social Care has commissioned the work, along with other departments, and selected Penny Dash, current North West London Integrated Care Board chair and formerly a senior McKinsey & Company consultant, to lead it.

HSJ understands the review will examine how the CQC’s recently updated assessment framework is working, and how it links to NHS England’s national oversight framework.

It will also consider whether the CQC’s ratings were properly rewarding and incentivising the improvement of care, and how the regulator is taking into account service user and patient voices, sources told HSJ

One source involved said they hoped the work would also respond to providers’ complaints that CQC inspections are making it more difficult for them to redesign services, for example by enforcing minimum staffing requirements, and are skewing their priorities. 

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Source: HSJ, 8 May 2024


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