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HPV vaccine stops 90% of cervical cancer cases

Giving teenagers the HPV vaccine is cutting cases of cervical cancer by 90%, figures for England show.

Scientists say it works so well that this type of cancer could be eradicated in the near future. The study shows the vaccine is most effective when offered to Year 8 students - those aged 12 to 13. The vaccine also provides protection against genital warts by preventing human papillomavirus (HPV) infections.

The study, funded by Cancer Research UK and led by experts at Queen Mary University of London, shows the HPV vaccine combined with cervical screening can dramatically reduce cervical cancer incidence to the point where almost no-one develops it. More cases were prevented in the most deprived socio-economic groups in society - those often hit hardest by the disease.

Prof Peter Sasieni, lead author of the work that is published in the British Medical Journal,, external said: "Our research highlights the power of HPV vaccination to benefit people across all social groups. Historically, cervical cancer has had greater health inequalities than almost any other cancer and there was concern that HPV vaccination may not reach those at greatest risk. This study captures the huge success of the school-based vaccination programme in helping to close these gaps and reach people from even the most deprived communities."

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Source: BBC News, 16 May 2024


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