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Trust suspends treatment for premature babies after several deaths

A national study is examining whether a treatment for premature babies could cause harm, amid concerns about the deaths of four infants last year, it has emerged.

HSJ has learned a national study into the use of prophylactic low-dose hydrocortisone steroids, also known as “premiloc”, is being carried out at the Neonatal Data Analysis Unit, part of the Imperial College London Medical School.

Meanwhile, University College London Hospitals Foundation Trust confirmed that four children died in January and February 2023 last year, having been transferred from UCLH to nearby Great Ormond Street Hospital, after receiving the treatment.

They had been given hydrocortisone steroids at UCLH to reduce the risk of developing a lung condition called bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

UCLH said its own internal investigations “did not confirm a direct link” between the deaths and the drug, “but concern remained” so they were reported to the regional neonatal network. UCLH noted that the national study at Imperial was now under way, although the Imperial team told HSJ it was not specifically aware of the UCLH/GOSH deaths last year.

A report from GOSH’s safety team last year, seen by HSJ, said: “In all four deaths the mortality review group identified modifiable/potential modifiable factors around the administration of premiloc prior to admission to GOSH. Administration of premiloc (hydrocortisone steroids) to these babies may have been associated with the subsequent perforations. A series of incidents of perforations was flagged to the UCLH neonatal unit who reviewed data and have stopped the administration of premiloc.”

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Source: HSJ, 5 June 2024


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