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Call to change ‘outdated’ prostate cancer guidance that could be putting lives at risk

“Outdated” guidance on prostate cancer could be putting men’s lives at risk, a charity has said.

Prostate Cancer UK said that men at high risk of the disease can get a test, but only if they request one.

It said that GPs are told not to raise the issue with men unless they have symptoms.

But most men with early prostate cancer – when it is easiest to treat – do not have any signs or symptoms.

Chiara De Biase, director of health services, equity and improvement at Prostate Cancer UK, said: “We simply can’t continue with a system where men at high risk of prostate cancer can get a test – but only if they know to request one.

“This outdated guidance is failing both men and their clinicians, making health inequalities worse and putting lives at risk. It’s about time that changed.

She added: “We know that a lot of men don’t come forward because they think they’ll be invited as part of routine tests – when this simply isn’t true".

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Source: The Independent, 12 June 2024


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