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Corridor care ‘must not be the norm’, NHSE warns trusts

NHS England has warned trusts corridor care “must not be considered the norm”, adding that the failings exposed by a recent undercover documentary were “not acceptable”.

In a letter to boards after a Dispatches documentary filmed at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital aired on Monday, NHSE’s chief operating officer, chief nursing officer, national medical director and director of urgent and emergency care warned trusts they must ensure basic standards of care.

The note, seen by HSJ, described footage filmed at RSH’s emergency department as “stark”, adding that it highlighted the service some patients receive is “not acceptable”.

The documentary captured many instances of patients being treated in corridors, and the letter said corridor care or that delivered outside a normal cubicle environment “must not be considered the norm”.

NHSE added: “It should only be in periods of escalation and with board-level oversight at trust and system level… where it is deemed a necessity… it must be provided in the safest and most effective manner possible, for the shortest period of time… with patient dignity and respect being maintained throughout.”

Read full story (paywalled)

Source: HSJ, 27 June 2024

Related reading on the hub:

A silent safety scandal: A nurse’s first-hand account of a corridor nursing shift



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