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Hacked UK trove includes data on newborns, cancer patients...

Hackers behind a London hospital attack recently published records that include personal information about pregnant women, newborns, cancer patients, people suffering from schizophrenia and thousands of others across the UK and Ireland, revealing the breach was far more widespread than authorities have previously indicated.

An analysis of the data trove by Bloomberg News found that it contains tens of thousands of medical records on patients from more than 400 public and private hospitals and clinics. Among the records are some 40,000 highly sensitive documents sent by doctors requesting biopsies and blood tests for individual patients in all regions of the UK and some hospitals in Ireland.

A breach of the kind faced by Synnovis was inevitable, according to Saif Abed, a former NHS doctor and expert in cybersecurity and public health. “The NHS has some of best patient safety and cybersecurity standards in the world,” Abed said. “They are just immensely poorly enforced.”

Abed said that there was a lack of mandatory cybersecurity audits on any contractors providing services to the NHS, which meant those contractors could have substandard cybersecurity practices that could in turn leave the NHS vulnerable.

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Source: Bloomberg UK, 26 June 2024


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