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    16 July 2024

    This course will explain and discuss the statutory duty of candour in principle, in practice, and in context, using real examples of good and poor practice.
    Openness, trust and good communication are at the core of the relationship between health and care professionals and their patients / families. But the duty of candour is widely misunderstood, and often misapplied, which can leave practitioners feeling exposed and patients / families feeling frustrated and, perhaps, push them towards other legal processes to get answers.
    This course will help attendees to understand the relationship between the statutory and professional duties of candour, in the wider context of the importance of good communication and the reasons why complaints and claims are made.
    We will look at each element of the legal test for a notifiable safety incident to trigger the duty of candour, and the next steps that are necessary, reflecting in particular on the importance of distinguishing fault and blame as irrelevant to the duty of candour.
    Examples will be given of regulatory consequences where the duty of candour has not been implemented appropriately and we will discuss the part of the duty of candour that requires an apology to be given, and consider the legal implications of this as well as good practice and examples to avoid where a poor apology has made things worse.
    Health and social care professionals, front line practitioners and managers, including those dealing with complaints and claims.
    Understanding the importance of communication in a clinical context and the role of the duties of candour.
    Appreciating the difference between the statutory and professional duties of candour.
    The key elements of the statutory duty of candour for a notifiable safety incident, and the overarching duty to be open and transparent.
    Understanding the process when the duty of candour is triggered.
    Understanding the relationship between the duty of candour and fault / blame / liability.
    The legal implications of an apology and what makes a good apology.
    hub members receive a 20% discount. Email info@pslhub.org for discount code.

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    16 July 2024

    Training to support the development of expertise involving patients, families, carers and staff when things go wrong, in line with NHS guidance, based upon national and internationally recognised good practice. To include the duty of candour and ‘being open’ principles.
    This course covers the end-to-end systems-based patient safety incident response based upon the new NHS PSIRF and includes:
    Duty of candour regulations.
    Being open and apologising when things go wrong.
    Challenges/complexities associated with cases where there is more than one investigation.
    Effective communication, including dealing with conflict and difficult conversations.
    Effective involvement of those affected by a patient safety incident throughout the incident response process to ensure a thorough and richer investigation.
    Sharing findings.
    Signposting and support: including loss, trauma and stress.
    Lead investigators conducting patient safety incident investigations.
    Executive and service lead for duty of candour.
    Executive and service lead for patient safety.
    Executive and service lead for the supporting response to patient safety incidents.
    Investigators supporting patient safety incident investigations.
    hub members receive a 20% discount. Email info@pslhub.org for discount code.

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  2. 8

    16 July 2024 08:30      12:00

    This is for those in NHS Trusts in England only. This practical course offers an overview of the principles that underpin a professional safety investigation interview with either a member of staff, a patient or a family. The course aligns to the PSIRF guidance on a systems approach to interviews. The course includes:
    Planning and preparing for an interview. Using a structured hierarchy of questions to facilitate comprehensive, accurate information. Asking system-focused questions. Closing an interview. Learning objectives
    Understand and describe the working elements of a standardised and tested approach to investigative interviewing. Understand how to apply the model to plan, conduct and evaluate your investigative interviews. Conduct more ethical and professional interviews. Reach stronger defensible investigation conclusions. Increase your own and others confidence in your ability to investigate complex matters. Register

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