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Collecting patient and family patient safety information into LFPSE


Event details

The Learn from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) service is the NHS's new system for the recording and analysis of patient safety events.

Very little research had been done before to understand the best ways to make sure patients, service users and their families can give their views on safety incidents, for the whole NHS to learn from. Learning from patients’ experiences and how they feel about the care they have received is known to be a very good way to make healthcare services better. However, getting the right information from people in the right way, and making sure the right NHS staff see it and can act on it, is difficult to do. This Show and Tell outlines the research completed to understand how we can do this better through the introduction of the LFPSE service.


This is a publicly open event for anyone interested in understanding the work that NHS England has completed into understanding the best ways to make sure patients, service users and their families can give their views on safety incidents, for the whole NHS to learn from.


  • Lucie Mussett Patient Safety Lead & Senior Product Manager for the Learn from patient safety events (LFPSE) service
  • Hope Bristow – Senior User Centred Designer (Informed Solutions)
  • Natasha Hughes – User Researcher (Informed Solutions)


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