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Oversight of systems approach to learning from patient safety incidents

Event details

This training will support the development of expert understanding and oversight of systems based patient safety incident response throughout the healthcare system - in line with NHS guidance, based upon national and internationally recognised good practice.

This course covers the end-to-end systems-based patient safety incident response based upon the new NHS PSIRF and includes:

  • PSIRF and associated documents (PSIRP, PSII standards)

  • oversight framework

  • effective oversight and supporting processes related to incident response

  • maintaining an open, transparent, and improvement focused culture

  • importance of communication and involvement of those affected (preventing further harm)

  • commissioning and planning of patient safety incident investigations

  • complex investigations spanning different organisational, care setting, and stakeholder boundaries.


  • Executives, commissioning, & service managers supporting service lead investigator roles.

  • The following only after attending the 2-day systems approach to patient safety incident response: All Executive, Commissioner and Service Leads for investigation; All Lead investigators conducting patient safety incident investigations investigators conducting.


hub members receive a 20% discount. Email info@pslhub.org for discount code.

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