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Patients for Patient Safety WPSD 2024 Summit


Event details

Join Patients for Patient Safety US for 3 days of events centred around World Patient Safety Day (WPSD) 2024.

PFPS US urges Americans impacted by missed or delayed diagnoses, bias or medical error to convene in Washington, DC for a Summit held September 15-17, 2024. The World Health Organization designates 17 September 17 as World Patient Safety Day, and WPSD 2024’s theme is Improving Diagnosis for Patient Safety.

Find the full Summit event list at https://www.pfps.us/wpsd-2024, including:

Sunday 15 September: Welcome reception and dinner at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center to launch Project PIVOT, a national project identifying patient-prioritized outcomes and experiences and collaboration with patient organizations, US Department of Health and Human Services, Johns Hopkins University, Harvard Medical School and others.

Monday 16 September: Participants visit Capitol Hill to urge Congressional leaders to ACT Now for patient safety, diagnostic safety and health equity solutions. ACT Now is PFPS US’s urgent request to leaders for Accountability, Coordination, and Transparency in health care. Later, PFPS US and AcademyHealth co-host a film premiere of The Pitch: The Next Generation of Patient Safety. From immersive tech to AI machine learning, innovations are finally making waves in medicine with the goal of safer health care. The Pitch gives a unique look at the American health care system’s ongoing challenge to embrace the next generation of patient safety.

Tuesday 17 September, World Patient Safety Day: The March for Patient Safety begins at Freedom Plaza and ends with a ceremony on the US Capitol Lawn, where marchers will remember those whose lives have been lost to or impacted by preventable harm. Afterwards, PFPS US and the Bloomberg Center co-host a World Patient Safety Day Leadership Briefing with government leaders.

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