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Have you been affected by a delayed, incorrect or missed diagnosis?

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Have you or someone you know been affected by a:

  • delayed diagnosis
  • incorrect diagnosis
  • missed diagnosis?

Errors can happen at every stage of the diagnostic process and can happen in all healthcare settings. In some circumstances the impact is life-changing.

If you have insights to share around diagnostic error and the impact on patient safety, please comment below (sign up first here, for free). Or you can contact us directly at content@pslhub.org

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A few years ago I was undergoing tests for coeliac disease. I was sent by my GP for an endoscopy with an independent provider. A couple of weeks after the procedure, I called my GP surgery to see if they had the results - the receptionist told me they had, and that they said the results were normal. To celebrate I went and enjoyed a blow-out wheaty weekend! 

But on the Monday morning I received a letter in the post that said the biopsy was positive for coeliac disease and I should follow a gluten free diet. I raised this with the GP, and they were apologetic, but said the results come in two stages - the letter the receptionist had seen referred only to visible signs of issues relating to other conditions, not the coeliac biopsy.

I didn't came to any major harm as a result of being given the wrong diagnosis, but I do wonder what would have happened if I hadn't received the second letter myself.

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