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  • Patient Safety Learning's response to the NHS Standard Contract Consultation (January 2020)

    PatientSafetyLearning Team
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    • Patient Safety Learning
    • 31/01/20
    • Patients and public, Health and care staff, Patient safety leads


    The NHS has recently conducted a consultation on its updated Standard Contract for use in 2020/21. Once finalised this contract is published by NHS England and used by commissioners to contract for all healthcare services other than primary care services.

    The contract is regularly updated to reflect changes in legislation, policies and technical improvements. In this year’s consultation there have been several changes proposed that specifically relate to patient safety and in this blog we outline the main patient safety changes proposed and detail Patient Safety Learning’s formal consultation response.


    Medical Examiners of Deaths

    Proposed Change: We propose to include a new requirement for acute providers (NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts only) to establish a Medical Examiner’s Office, in accordance with guidance published by the National Medical Examiner. The Office will, initially, review those deaths occurring on the Trust’s premises and not referred to the coroner, ensuring that the certification of death is accurate and scrutinising the care received by the patient before death.

    Patient Safety Learning supports this proposal.

    We welcome the decision to make the establishment of a Medical Examiner’s Office a requirement for acute providers. This proposal was first recommended following the Shipman Inquiry (2002-2005) and recent media coverage has revealed that a significant number of NHS trusts have still yet have appoint a Medical Examiner.

    Medical Examiners can play a key role in improving patient safety in cases where the patient’s death was the result of avoidable harm. They can provide vital insights into these cases and help to identify effective remedial actions to prevent their recurrence, as well as sharing this information for wider learning beyond their specific trusts.

    Patient Safety Incident Response Framework

    Proposed Change: The NHS Patient Safety Strategy indicates that the current NHS Serious Incident Framework and Never Events Policy Framework will be replaced, over the next two years, by a new single Patient Safety Incident Response Framework. To accommodate and signpost this planned change, we propose adding a specific reference to “successor frameworks” to the existing requirements relating to the current Frameworks.

    Patient Safety Learning supports the proposal to update requirements.

    We welcome the review of these frameworks and the development of a new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF). However, we have concerns about the delay in its release, which was initially expected towards the end of 2019 and now instead subject to a limited release this year with pilot organisations, rather than being shared more widely.

    We are also concerned about the lack of stakeholder engagement in this process, particularly for patients and families. Despite providing a valuable source of information when incidents occur, they are often not included in investigation processes. The failure to include and listen to patients and families in investigations can often result in more harm and increasing the likelihood of complaints and litigation. In updating these processes therefore it is vital their views are taken into account. 

    National Patient Safety Alerts

    Proposed Change: The National Patient Safety Alerting Committee is establishing new, co-ordinated and accredited arrangements for the issuing of National Patient Safety Alerts to providers. We propose to include a new requirement for providers to ensure that they can receive each relevant National Patient Safety Alert, identify appropriate staff to coordinate and implement actions required within the timescale the Alert prescribes, and confirm and record when those actions have been completed.

    Patient Safety Learning supports this proposal.

    We welcome steps to ensure providers have appropriate arrangements in place to coordinate and implement actions required by national patient safety alerts and record when these have been completed.

    A recent report by Action Against Medical Accidents, An organisation losing its memory?, has indicated that a number of trusts have experienced significant delays in introducing safer practices highlighted by national patient safety alerts. They found in many cases that the trusts experiencing delays ‘indicated that they were in the process of improving internal systems for overseeing the implementation of patient safety alerts’. It is a positive step to see this is now being added to the NHS Standard Contract as a formal requirement for them to do so.

    However, we have concerns beyond the scope of these contractual obligations that this process does not appear to be monitored at a national level. While these measures place specific responsibilities on providers, we are not clear on what, if any, oversight arrangements will be put in place to accompany these. We think such national monitoring and public reporting is essential and would look for this to be implemented as a priority.

    Patient Safety Specialists

    Proposed Change: The NHS Patient Safety Strategy envisages the establishment of a network of patient safety specialists, one in each provider, to lead safety improvement across the system. We therefore propose to include a requirement on each provider to designate an existing staff member as its Patient Safety Specialist.

    Patient Safety Learning supports this proposal.

    We support this proposal in principle but have reservations about how this will be implemented in practice. The requirement to appoint a Patient Safety Specialist, as set out in the NHS Patient Safety Strategy, currently lacks detail about the nature of this role. What do we mean by a ‘Safety Specialist’? What knowledge and training should they have? Will the appropriate governance arrangements be in place to make sure their voice is heard by the organisation’s leadership? 

    We think these arrangements should be specified, resourced, monitored and transparently reported. We will be responding to the separate consultation on this which opened on the 30 January 2020 in more detail.

    Common sources of harm to patients in hospital/Safety Thermometer

    Proposed Change: Feedback suggests that the existing Contract requirements on use of the Safety Thermometer are creating too great a bureaucratic burden, and not facilitating learning. We therefore propose to remove the specific requirements relating to use of the Safety Thermometer and, instead, introduce a higher-level obligation on acute providers to ensure and monitor standards of care in the four clinical areas which the Safety Thermometer addresses – venous thromboembolism, catheter-acquired urinary tract infections, falls and pressure ulcers.

    At Patient Safety Learning we believe that the health and social care system should develop models for measuring, reporting and assessing patient safety performance. This data should be gathered centrally and then used for learning and to implement actions that improve care. With regards to the removal of Safety Thermometer requirement, while we recognise that it has been noted that this has not been effective in facilitating learning, we would expect the newly proposed measures to follow these principles. We would also expect patient safety measurement to apply to all NHS organisations, rather than being an obligation limited to acute providers.

    Patient Safety Learning's response to the NHS Standard Contract Consultation (January 2020) https://www.patientsafetylearning.org/blog/response-to-the-nhs-standard-contract-consultation
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