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  • Webinar: Online access to GP health records – what’s in it for patients? (20 March 2023)

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    • The Patients Association
    • 20/03/23
    • Everyone


    This webinar hosted by the Patients Association looked at the benefits to patients of accessing their GP health records online, and answered questions from patients about how to access this information. 


    The webinar answered the following questions submitted by patients:

    • Can people who aren’t online still access their records by going into the practice and asking for them?
    • How will NHS England support people who do not have digital access? What provision will there be for them?
    • Can you say a little more about the security of info on the NHS App. I sit as a patient representative on a digital governance group and there was a general worry about this new feature.
    • Can I access my medical records via the internet through a laptop or desktop computer rather than via a smartphone?
    • Is the NHS App the only app I can use to access my records?
    • I can access my GP record online but there are no notes! Could my GP practice have disabled that facility?
    • Why are some practices delayed in offering access to patient records via the NHS App?
    • How can I get access to my records before 31st October (when GPs across England will offer automatic records access)?
    • Can information on my medical record be hidden? What would be an acceptable reason for this? Is it down to the GP’s judgement?
    • I understand that if a GP switches off access to my medical records via the NHS App there has to be a good reason. What if I disagree with my doctor and believe I should have access to my health record? How does one overcome that?
    • How do I get hold of my historical GP records? Online records only go back so far.
    • I already have access to my historic medical records, will I lose this now because the NHS only gives access to prospective information?
    • Can I access my hospital records, or tests done in hospital, as well as my GP records through the NHS App?
    • If results are received from another hospital or clinic is there a safety net to ensure patients can’t see them before the GP has seen them. to avoid any difficult news being received before having the appropriate support to understand it?
    • Can you correct any errors in the record yourself (eg allergies)? Or does the GP practice have to approve? Is there a limit on the type of information that patients can correct?
    • Once the system is fully available, will GPs expect patients to use it? There is a danger that they won’t actively inform patients about results, assuming/expecting that patients will check it themselves online.
    • Will a parent still be able to see the records of their young children? Can I see the records of someone I care for?
    • It would be helpful to have more information about the options that exist where a patient has activated a Health & Care Lasting Power of Attorney.
    • What access do commercial companies, pharmaceutical companies and research companies have to these data. Can it be shared systematically, securely and anonymously for research purposes so that everyone can benefit from new healthcare discoveries/improvements?
    • Are my GP-held medical records available to other healthcare professionals? For example, NHS 111 or hospitals? Can I show it to another medical professionals?
    • Will there be a short 'lay' explanation accompanying any complicated test results?
    Webinar: Online access to GP health records – what’s in it for patients? (20 March 2023) https://www.patients-association.org.uk/recording-webinar-online-access-to-gp-health-records
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