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  • National NHS staff survey 2019 results

    Patient Safety Learning
    Article information
    • UK
    • Reports and articles
    • Pre-existing
    • Public domain
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    • Survey Coordination Centre
    • 18/02/20
    • Health and care staff, Patient safety leads, Researchers/academics


    The NHS Staff Survey is one of the largest workforce surveys in the world and has been conducted every year since 2003. It asks NHS staff in England about their experiences of working for their respective NHS organisations.

    The survey provides essential information to employers and national stakeholders about staff experience across the NHS in England. Participation is mandatory for trusts and voluntary for non-trust organisations (CCGs, CSUs, social enterprises). The survey does not cover primary care staff.

    The report below provides a concise summary of key national results.

    Detailed local (organisation-level) results are also available here.


    Key findings

    • 59.7% think their organisation treats staff who are involved in an error, near miss or incident fairly. This is a 1 percentage point improvement since 2018 (58.3%) and continues a positive trend since 2015 (52.2%).
    •  71.1% think their organisation takes action to ensure that reported errors, near misses or incidents do not happen again.
    •  73.8 think their organisation acts on concerns raised by patients / service users (2018: 73.4%).
    •  61.1% gives them feedback about changes made in response to reported errors, near misses and incidents (q17d) This is a 1 percentage point improvement since 2018 (60.0%) and continues an upward trend since 2015 (54.1%).
    •  71.7% would feel secure raising concerns about unsafe clinical practice. This is a 1 percentage point increase since 2018 (70.7%).
    •  59.8% were confident that their organisation would address their concern .This has continued an upward trend since 2017 (57.6%).
    National NHS staff survey 2019 results https://www.nhsstaffsurveys.com/Caches/Files/ST19_National%20briefing_FINAL%20V2.pdf
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    While the survey shows some improvements in percentage terms in responses specific questions around safety issues, this progress needs to be situated in the context of the overall size of the NHS and persistence of the systemic patient safety challenge we face.

    So for instance, 59.7% of staff said that their organisation treats staff who are involved in an error, near miss or incident fairly, which is up on 52.2% in 2015. However due to the number of survey respondents (569,440) this still means in practice that more than 200,000 of those surveyed feel their organisation does not treat fairly staff involved in a error, near miss or incident. Even taking account of the improvement, this clearly cannot be seen as an endorsement of a NHS culture where staff can feel safe and secure in reporting concerns.

    You can find the full Patient Safety Learning blog looking at the responses that relate to the ‘Safety culture’ theme in the survey here.

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