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  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (Finland): The Client and Patient Safety Strategy and Implementation Plan 2022-2026

    Mark Hughes
    Article information
    • Finland
    • Safety improvement strategies and interventions
    • Pre-existing
    • Original author
    • No
    • Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (Finland)
    • 08/06/22
    • Everyone


    This Strategy is based on a vision of Finland being a model country for client and patient safety in 2026. It is divided into four strategic priorities, each of which have three corresponding objectives aimed at strengthening patient safety.

    It is accompanied by an Implementation Plan so that these objectives can be translated into everyday activities. It was published by the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, supported by preparatory work by the Finnish Centre for Client and Patient Safety.


    Below is a summary of the strategic priorities and objectives contained in this Strategy:

    Strategic priority 1 - Together with clients and patient

    • Increase engagement to improve safety
    • Promote client safety and patient safety side by side
    • Experiences of clients, patients and close ones guide our service development

    Strategic priority 2 - Thriving and competent professionals

    • Ensure safety competence and its development throughout careers
    • Create safety by supporting wellbeing at work
    • Improve safety through active leadership

    Strategic priority 3 - Safety first in all organisations

    • Open data and information guide our actions and increase safety
    • Ensure safe remote and digital services
    • Safety culture is the foundation of our daily work

    Strategic priority 4 - Enhanced best practices

    • Increase medication safety through common practices
    • Ensure the safe use of medical devices and information systems
    • Harmonise good practices in infection prevention and control

    The Strategy states that progress against these priorities and objectives will be monitored by the following ten key indicators:

    1. Service organisers are committed to implementing the objectives of the national Client and Patient Safety Strategy in their own strategies and action plans.
    2. Service providers have adopted hotline indicators of Never Events as part of their monitoring system.
    3. The incidence of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) shows a downward trend. 
    4. The number of medication-related harm shows a downward trend.
    5. Cooperation models have been created between client and patient representatives and service providers and service unit leaders.
    6. The contents of the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum are included in the basic training of all healthcare and social welfare professionals.
    7. National development work has been launched to increase safety and wellbeing at work among healthcare and social welfare staff.
    8. The reporting and learning procedure for safety incidents has been reformed to meet the needs of a changing service system in terms of content and it has been integrated as part of service organisers’ information systems.
    9. Monitoring reports on client and patient safety are published annually at the national level and in the wellbeing services counties.
    10. Networks promoting client and patient safety cover all stakeholders and geographically the whole country.
    Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (Finland): The Client and Patient Safety Strategy and Implementation Plan 2022-2026 https://julkaisut.valtioneuvosto.fi/handle/10024/164212
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