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  • Statement: G20 Health Ministers’ Declaration (Saudi Arabia Riyadh Summit, 19 November 2020)

    Patient Safety Learning
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    • G20 Health Ministers' Declaration
    • 19/11/20
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    Patient safety is one of the five priorities of the G20 Health Ministers' Declaration. Read the patient safety section of the Declaration below.


    Patient Safety

    35. We affirm that patient safety is a global health priority that deserves urgent attention and concerted action, particularly in the context of the additional strains on health systems as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We recognise patient safety as one of the significant cornerstones for achieving UHC and SDGs. The principle of "first do no harm" is a fundamental element to providing quality healthcare and services. We are committed to strengthening the international coordination of initiatives and platforms to improve patient safety through quality of care and people-centered strategies that empower individuals and healthcare professionals, expand the frame of primary healthcare and the role of patients in improving care and engage communities. We are also committed to advancing research to demonstrate the benefits of investing in patient safety interventions that can be implemented in an appropriate and sustainable way. Patient Safety should be emphasized in all types of health care delivery, including the use of digitalization in health services. We are committed to increase patient safety culture awareness with continuous training for all healthcare providers, particularly in primary healthcare.

    36. We recognize that patient safety will reinforce the efforts to address health disparities, in particular, promoting the safety of patients in positions of vulnerability, such as mothers, newborns, children, adolescents, elderly patients, persons with disabilities, and those facing emergencies and extreme adversities.

    37. With the aim to support the implementation of the resolution adopted by the 72nd World Health Assembly in May 2019, "Global Action on Patient Safety," (WHA 72.6) and the Jeddah and Tokyo Declarations on patient safety, we welcome the establishment of a Global Patient Safety Leaders Group. The purpose of this Group is to bridge implementation gaps through system-level solutions, global shared platforms for reducing patient safety risk and increasing learning, and locally applicable innovative solutions. This can be done by adapting evidence-based practices from high-reliability industries (e.g. aviation, nuclear, gas and oil) and human factors engineering to improve patient experience and engagement as well as enhance workforce training and education in patient safety. Patient safety actions will also support efforts in relation to COVID-19 outbreak and other emerging health care threats, such as addressing risks of nosocomial transmission and unwarranted medication, need for infection prevention and control measures, and protecting healthcare workers from infection, and gearing up for healthcare facilities to provide for healthcare worker safety and meet the required minimum standards for hygiene and infection prevention and control (i.e. UNICEF WASH/ Health program). Accordingly, the Group will promote global advocacy for patient safety.

    38. The Group will produce a progress report for the member states and relevant International Organizations. It is comprised of patient safety experts nominated by member and non-member countries, on a voluntary basis. The Group will also have representatives from high-reliability industries and relevant International Organizations.

    39. The Group will have one eminent Chairperson who has been a leading voice in the global patient safety agenda and two deputy chairs: one from the World Health Organization and another from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Group's initial term will be five years with the possibility of renewal based on consensus and recommendations from the members, and, beyond the current year, will continue as an independently

    Statement: G20 Health Ministers’ Declaration (Saudi Arabia Riyadh Summit, 19 November 2020) https://ezcollab.who.int/file2.axd/7wbpfqm6.kg7pslj3/G20%20Health%20Ministers%20Declaration_EN_%2020201119.pdf
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