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  • Care Quality Commission: State of Care 2019/20

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    • Care Quality Commission
    • 16/10/20
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    The State of Care is the Care Quality Commission (CQC) annual assessment of health care and social care in England. The report looks at the trends, shares examples of good and outstanding care, and highlights where care needs to improve.

    The care that people received in 2019/20 was mostly of good quality. But while the quality of care was largely maintained compared with the previous year, there was generally no improvement overall. And in the space of a few short months since then, the pandemic has placed the severest of challenges on the whole health and care system in England.


    Quality of care before the pandemic

    • The care that people received in 2019/20 was mostly of good quality
    • However, while quality was largely maintained compared with the previous year, there was no improvement overall
    • Before the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic, we remained concerned about a number of issues:
      • the poorer quality of care that is harder to plan for
      • the need for care to be delivered in a more joined-up way
      • the continued fragility of adult social care provision
      • the struggles of the poorest services to make any improvement
      • significant gaps in access to good quality care, especially mental health care
      • persistent inequalities in some aspects of care

    The impact of the coronavirus pandemic

    • As the pandemic gathered pace, health and care staff across all roles and services showed resilience under unprecedented pressures and adapted quickly to work in different ways to keep people safe.
    • In hospitals and care homes, staff worked long hours in difficult circumstances to care for people who were very sick with COVID-19 and, despite their efforts to protect people, tragically they saw many of those they cared for die. Some staff also had to deal with the loss of colleagues to COVID.
    • A key challenge for providers has been maintaining a safe environment – managing the need to socially distance or isolate people due to COVID-19. Good infection prevention and control practice has been vital.
    • The crisis has accelerated innovation that had previously proved difficult to mainstream, such as GP practices moving rapidly to remote consultations. The changes have proved beneficial to, and popular with, many. But many of these innovations exclude people who do not have good digital access, and some have been rushed into place during the pandemic.
    • The pandemic has had a major impact on elective care and urgent services such as cancer and cardiac services, and there is huge pent-up demand for care and treatment that has been postponed.
    • The pandemic is having a disproportionate effect on some groups of people, and is shining a light on existing inequality in the health and social care system. It is vital that we understand how we can use this knowledge to move towards fairer and more equitable care, where nobody’s needs go unmet.
    • It is important that the learning and innovation that has been seen during the pandemic is used to develop health and social care for the future. New approaches to care, developed in response to the pandemic and shown to have potential, must be fully evaluated before they become established practice.
    Care Quality Commission: State of Care 2019/20 https://www.cqc.org.uk/publications/major-report/state-care
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