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  • Call 4 Concern leaflet - Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust

    Claire Cox
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    This leaflet was designed by the Critical Care Outreach team in Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust. Call 4 concern was initiated by Mandy O'Dell, Nurse Consultant from the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust. Call 4 concern was set up to enable patients, carers and families to escalate deterioration to the outreach team - to get their voices heard.


    The patient leaflet explains about the Call 4 Care service to patients, carers and families and contains information that may be helpful during their hospital stay.

    This template can be adapted and used by any trust in any setting.


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    Thanks for sharing @Claire Cox and @Emma Richardson

    As you know, I have been working on our C4C patient information leaflet too.

    We have had one for many years, but for 18 months, and counting, I have made major changes to this.

    It's been a long and drawn-out process due to many NHS hurdles, but it's due at our Document Management Group (DMG) meeting again on 18th Aug.  I truly hope they will approve it and I will move on to getting in printed. ?

    I will share on here as soon as it's been approved! 

    Hope you're getting on well with the rest of your C4C work. ?

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    Good Luck @Danielle Haupt let us know how you get on.

    We have had 8 calls in our first 3 months of the call of concern service.

    As well as all appropriate call, It's also highlighted the patients we are called about have either had complex needs or in a vulnerable patient group such as dementia and learning disability.

    Still early days for us, but one bit of advice I would say is, don't underestimate the amount of advertising you need to do! 

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    Hey @Emma Richardson and @Claire Cox

    Sorry I have not been keeping up with the hub recently.... busy busy busy! ?

    Better late than never, but wanted to share our We're Listening (aka Call for Concern) Leaflet with you all.  It's now fully published and already displayed in multiple areas!! ?

    The plan is for it to be displayed in all hospital areas, but it's taking some time to get the news out and ask departments to order some (they're free from Office Depot).

    I have recently started an all hospital audit which is helping to get the word out. Also our Outreach Team are trialing email footers to spread word of things that we feel are important.

    All ideas welcome on how to improve staff awareness of our service. ☺️

    Hope you are all keeping well.

    Speak soon


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    Hi @Danielle Haupt


    Lovely to hear from you.  Thanks for sharing your leaflet - I shall pop it on the main hub so others can find it easily.

    Call 4 Concern here in Brighton hit a small problem...… the phone.  The phone signal kept dropping out - so we have invested in a different phone and answer phone messaging service so that we don't miss calls.

    @Emma Richardson di a great talk at the senior management board the other day - they loved it!!

    It would be great if all hospitals had this service wouldn't it!


    Speak soon,



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    Thanks @Claire Cox

    How frustrating re your phone!!  We have similar signal issues in a few places too! Same with our auto electronic-obs alerts in the internet black spots, hence a big reason we have to stipulate a bleep/call referral too.

    Good lesson learned/tip to ensure C4C has a voicemail option when helping others set it up the service!!  I also find this useful if I am unable to answer the phone straight away.  I made sure to highlight in our new leaflet the details we require when leaving a message.  We have also found text messaged C4C referrals work well too!!  Our laryngectomy patients are encouraged to text us if they need us using the same number.

    Did anyone record @Emma Richardson's talk? Well done to her, no wonder they loved it....she's awesome! 

    Take Care


    PS: totally agree.... would be so great if C4C was the norm and well known in all hospitals!!  It's encouraging to see so many asking for advice about setting it up on Twitter....hopefully they will find these threads useful! I made our Leaflet with our sister-Trusts in mind so ? they will set something up if they haven't already.


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