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  • JDRF - Covid and beyond: confronting the unequal access to type 1 diabetes healthcare (October 2021)

    Article information
    • UK
    • Reports and articles
    • Pre-existing
    • Original author
    • No
    • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
    • 20/10/21
    • Everyone


    This report looks at research commissioned by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to understand the varying pandemic experiences of different people affected by type 1 diabetes in the UK. It highlights an enormous withdrawal of NHS services during the pandemic, leading to highly unequal access to type 1 diabetes care.


    Key findings of the report:

    • 45% of children with type 1 diabetes could not access their normal level of healthcare support during the pandemic. This rose to 63% for adults living with the condition, significantly higher than people who have other health conditions
    • Many living with type 1 diabetes said that the Covid crisis has taken a toll on their physical and mental health
    • Patients given type 1 diabetes technology choices before the pandemic felt better able to manage their condition during the crisis
    • Despite the major disruption to type 1 diabetes healthcare, 58% of adults with the condition felt the NHS had done its best to support them during the pandemic

    The report recommends:

    • prioritising increased access to type 1 technology.
    • offering a choice of virtual, telephone and face to face appointments to people with type 1 diabetes.
    • improved communication from the NHS, which needs to be more proactive when care is disrupted.
    • putting with type 1 diabetes must be at the heart of service design and delivery.
    JDRF - Covid and beyond: confronting the unequal access to type 1 diabetes healthcare (October 2021) https://jdrf.org.uk/covid-and-beyond/
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