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  • StopSIM: Mental health is not a crime (21 April 2021)

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    • StopSIM
    • 21/04/21
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    StopSIM is a coalition of mental health service users and allies who have grave concerns about the rapid, widespread rollout of the High Intensity Network’s ‘Serenity Integrated Mentoring’ (SIM) intervention across NHS England. The intervention is designed for people who have not committed a crime, but are in contact with mental health services, are frequently at high risk of suicide and self harm and are deemed “high intensity users” of emergency services. Key intervention components include a co-ordinated withholding of potentially life saving treatment by multiple agencies (A&E, mental health, ambulance and police services) and, using SIM’s own words, the “coercive” approach of a police officer as an interventionist.  


    StopSIM calls on NHS England to:

    • Halt the rollout and delivery of SIM with immediate effect, as well as interventions operating under a different name, which are associated with the High Intensity Network (HIN).
    • Conduct an independent review and evaluation of SIM in regards to its evidence base, safety, legality, ethics, governance and acceptability to service users.
    • Respond to this statement within 7 days to communicate the actions taken by NHS England.
    StopSIM: Mental health is not a crime (21 April 2021) https://www.stopsim.co.uk/
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    An important development. Letter from Claire Murdoch, NHS England National Mental Health  Director, in response to the Stop SMMMH Campaign:

    'NHS response set out in my letter. The model is not sponsored by NHSE and is not part of the LTP and we have written to medical directors to ask them to review for evidence base, values and compassionate care.'







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    In response to the Letter from Claire Murdoch the Stop SIM Coalition has published a response: https://www.stopsim.co.uk/coalition-statements/

    Extract from the response:

    "To conclude, we consider multiple local reviews insufficient in light of the following:

    • HIN/SIM’s rapid rollout and implementation was initially facilitated and resourced by NHS England. 
    • SIM is directly commissioned by NHS England in some areas. 
    • NHS England retains accountability and responsibility for safeguarding and overseeing local CCGs commissioning contracts.[22] 
    • NHS England has statutory and legal duties which it must uphold.
    • Due to the severity of risk posed to service users under SIM, we consider a centrally coordinated investigation of urgent importance. 

    We reiterate our call to NHS England to:

    • Halt the rollout and delivery of SIM with immediate effect, as well as interventions operating under a different name, which are associated with the High Intensity Network (HIN).
    • Conduct an independent review and evaluation of SIM in regards to its evidence base, safety, legality, ethics, governance and acceptability to service users."

    ....as  a mental health nurse, with experience in and Assertive Outreach Team working with some of  the most vulnerable and often most misunderstood people in our society, I support the Stop SIM coalition. 





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