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  • Improving understanding: The National Hip Fracture Database report on 2021 (8 September 2022)

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    • UK
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    • National Hip Fracture Database
    • 08/09/22
    • Health and care staff, Patient safety leads, Researchers/academics


    A broken hip or ‘hip fracture’ is a serious injury, which each year in the UK leads to around 75,000 people needing hospital admission, surgery and anaesthesia, followed by weeks of rehabilitation in hospital and the community. The National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD) is an online platform that uses real-time data to drive Quality Improvement (QI) across all 163 hospitals that look after patients with hip fractures in England and Wales. This report highlights key research carried out using data from the NHFD in 2021, and makes a number of recommendations to improve treatment and outcomes for patients with hip fractures.



    1. Hip fracture teams should use quarterly governance meetings to review the quality and outcome of the care they provide.
    2. Where performance is significantly below average, units should formally discuss possible reasons for this within their regular MDT meeting, and plan a QI project to address it.
    3. Quarterly governance meetings should be taken as an opportunity for team members and trainees from all disciplines to make use of the NHFD website as a driver for QI; the new Quarterly Governance Tool is designed to help them do this.
    4. The NHFD recommends that governance meetings of surgical, orthogeriatric, anaesthetic, nursing, therapy and management leads should take place on at least a monthly basis.
    5. Monthly governance meetings should be used to plan appropriate QI interventions, and to monitor the impact of these using the real-time data reported in the NHFD run charts.
    6. Hip fracture teams should use their KPI caterpillar plots to identify better-performing neighbouring units, so they can share best practice and network with them in designing QI work.
    7. Hip fracture teams should use KPI 0 as a marker of initial care and a driver to improve the provision of local anaesthetic nerve blocks and fast-tracking of patients to an appropriate ward. Performance should be considered alongside the figures for their unit in the Anaesthesia run chart and Assessment benchmarking table.
    8. To help patients avoid further fragility fractures, hip fracture team governance meetings should review KPI 7 alongside their Bone
    9. Medication Table and arrangements for 120-day follow-up.
    10. Hip fracture teams should signpost patients, their families and carers to the NHFD website resources designed to help them understand their care and recovery following a hip fracture.
    11. Hip fracture teams should use monthly governance meetings to review their policies and protocols, and to compare these with those in other units as described in the Facilities Survey.
    12. Hip fracture teams should minimise inequalities in health care; specifically by reviewing whether support and information are provided in formats and languages appropriate to their patients.
    Improving understanding: The National Hip Fracture Database report on 2021 (8 September 2022) https://nhfd.co.uk/2022report
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