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Patient Safety Learning


Everything posted by Patient Safety Learning

  1. Event
    #CoProLive is a festival of co-production taking place 19 – 21 October 2020. It is brought to you by UCL Centre for Co-production as part of the run up to their official launch on 22 October. These sessions are a celebration of co-production from friends of the Centre and the Centre itself, showcasing a variety of different approaches to authentic co-production. The sessions running are: Creative co-production with Gill Phillips, creator of Whose Shoes? - Monday 19 October 14:00-16:00 UK time Gill Phillips is the Director of Nutshell Communications Ltd and creator of Whose Shoes?®. This session is a ‘behind the scenes’ look at their well-known, research-based strategies to bring people together for positive change! Book here Co-pro Cuppa - Tuesday 20 October 10:00-11:30 UK time This informal session is a chance to connect with friends, meet new people and chat about whatever you fancy over a cuppa! Book here Co-production – Lessons from the Golden Age of Piracy - Wednesday 21 October 14:00-16:00 UK time Cat (from Curators of Change) and Co-Pirate and Curator Naomi (from Nesta) are inviting you to find out about how Golden Age Pirates understood the need to co-create the right conditions to challenge the established ways of the time. This has been translated by the growing movement of modern day health and care pirates who are pushing boundaries, and re-writing the rules along the way! Book here
  2. Content Article
    Providers deliver: Resilient and resourceful through COVID-19 is the third report from NHS Providers which celebrate and promote the work of NHS trusts and foundation trusts in improving care for patients and service users. Here is a case study from the Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. It shows: Development of a trust wide roster for medical staff. Staff engagement – making the case for patient safety. Cultural shift – shared understanding across staff groups.
  3. Content Article
    In September, Patient Safety Learning worked with Gill Phillips, Director of Nutshell Communications Ltd, to host an online workshop with staff and patients on the subject of staff safety, the theme of this year's World Patient Safety Day. Known as Whose Shoes?®, the workshop was an an intimate, highly participative event, giving participants the chance to talk openly about their personal experiences around key issues in staff safety and how they impact patient safety. 
  4. Event
    Driven by advances in digital technology, precision medicine and the need for improved patient safety the future of surgery is changing, and fast. Future Surgery Virtual brings experts and innovators virtually together to explore these changes and how they will transform the profession. Future Surgery Virtual is a two-day online conference and networking event dedicated to all that is new in surgery. The event explores the evolving world of surgery with expert speakers delivering CPD accredited education. Further information and registration
  5. Event
    Over the last twenty years in particular, the NHS has been focusing on how to create better care pathways that improve patient outcomes. Improving care pathways has a positive impact on clinical outcomes, cost reduction, patient satisfaction, teamwork and process outcomes, but COVID-19 has created a significant disconnect in these pathways meaning patients are either not entering them or not flowing through them as smoothly as they need to. The administrative elements of managing patients through pathways are significant and, at a time when the NHS is experiencing workforce shortages, routinely take staff away from caring for and reassuring patients. At this King's Fund event, decision points within pathways will be explored and how digital technology can transform how pathways operate, enabling clinicians to better understand where each patient is on the pathway, what they are waiting for and what needs to happen next. Learn how to improve pathway ‘hand-offs’ and administration, to free up time for staff to care for patients in a more personalised way. The event will include examples of how industry and the NHS can come together to build smarter pathways, using technology to augment the expertise of caregivers. Register for free
  6. News Article
    Greater Manchester is set to run out of beds to treat people left seriously ill by COVID-19, and some of the region’s 12 hospitals are already full, a leaked NHS document has revealed. It showed that by last Friday the resurgence of the disease had left hospitals in Salford, Stockport and Bolton at maximum capacity, with no spare beds to help with the growing influx. The picture it paints ratchets up the pressure on ministers to reach a deal with local leaders over the region’s planned move to the top level of coronavirus restrictions. It suggested that Greater Manchester’s hospitals are quickly heading towards being overwhelmed by the sheer number of people with Covid needing emergency care to save their lives, in the same way that those in Liverpool have become in recent weeks. By Friday 211 of the 257 critical care beds in Greater Manchester – 82% of the total supply – were already being used for either those with Covid or people who were critically ill because of another illness. Read full story Source: The Guardian, 18 October 2020
  7. News Article
    Endometriosis care across the UK needs urgent improvement and diagnosis times need to be cut in half, a report by MPs says. It found an average wait for a diagnosis was eight years and that has not improved in more than a decade. Endometriosis affects one in 10 women in the UK and causes debilitating pain, very heavy periods and infertility. Nadine Dorries, minister for women's health, said awareness was increasing but there was still a long way to go. More than 10,000 people took part in the All-Party Political Group inquiry which found that 58% of people visited the GP more than 10 times before diagnosis and 53% went to A&E with symptoms before diagnosis. The majority of people also told MPs their mental health, education and careers had been damaged by the condition. About 90% said they would have liked access to psychological support but were never offered it, with 35% having a reduced income due to endometriosis. Helen-Marie Brewster, 28, from Hull, has been told by doctors that her only remaining treatment option is a full hysterectomy. She had symptoms throughout secondary school but was only diagnosed when she left education. "GPs ask me to explain to them what endometriosis is, because they don't know. They're the ones who are meant to help." "Last year I visited the A&E department 17 times trying to find help and pain relief for this condition, even for just a few days so I can keep going. The wait time for diagnosis is so long that in that time it's spreading and doing more damage the longer it is left untreated... We can't carry on like this." Read full story Source: BBC News, 19 October 2020 Read press release
  8. Content Article
    An Inquiry by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Endometriosis has highlighted the devastating impact endometriosis can have on all aspects of a person’s life, and urges Ministers to take bold action to ensure those with endometriosis have access to the right care at the right time. The inquiry surveyed over 10,000 people with endometriosis, interviewed healthcare practitioners and those with the condition about their experiences.
  9. News Article
    After contracting COVID-19 in March, Michael Reagan lost all memory of his 12-day vacation in Paris even though the trip was just a few weeks earlier. Several weeks after Erica Taylor recovered from her coronavirus symptoms of nausea and cough, she became confused and forgetful, failing to even recognise her own car, the only Toyota Prius in her apartment complex’s parking lot. Lisa Mizelle, a veteran nurse practitioner at an urgent care clinic who fell ill with the virus in July, finds herself forgetting routine treatments and lab tests, and has to ask colleagues about terminology she used to know automatically. It is becoming known as Covid “brain fog”: troubling cognitive symptoms that can include memory loss, confusion, difficulty focusing, dizziness and grasping for everyday words. Increasingly Covid survivors say brain fog is impairing their ability to work and function normally. “There are thousands of people who have that,” said Dr Igor Koralnik, chief of neuro-infectious disease at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago, who has already seen hundreds of survivors at a post-Covid clinic he leads. The effect on the workforce that is affected is going to be significant, he added. Read full story Source: The Irish Times, 18 October 2020
  10. News Article
    A wider range of healthcare workers—including midwives, paramedics, physiotherapists, and pharmacists—are now allowed to give flu and potentially COVID-19 vaccines after the introduction of new laws by the UK government. The changes to the Human Medicines Regulations 2012, first proposed in August1 and consulted upon last month, came into effect on 16 October. The Department of Health and Social Care said that the expanded workforce will have to undergo additional training to ensure patient safety. It added that government planning will “ensure this does not affect other services in hospitals and in GP and community services, by drawing on a pool of experienced NHS professionals through the NHS Bring Back Scheme.” Commenting on the changes, England’s deputy chief medical officer Jonathan Van-Tam said, “The measures outlined today aim to improve access and strengthen existing safeguards protecting patients.” Read full story Source: BMJ, 16 October 2020
  11. News Article
    More men than normal are dying at home from heart disease in England and Wales and more women are dying from dementia and Alzheimer's disease, figures show. More than 26,000 extra deaths occurred in private homes this year, an analysis by the Office for National Statistics found. In contrast, deaths in hospitals from these causes have been lower than usual. The Covid epidemic may have led to fewer people being treated in hospital or it may be that people in older age groups, who make up the majority of these deaths, may be choosing to stay at home – but the underlying reasons for the figures are still not clear. Read full story Source: BBC News, 19 October 2020
  12. News Article
    The large number of COVID-19 patients being admitted to hospitals at the centre of the second wave will “devastate” care for people with other illnesses, a top doctor has said. Dr Tristan Cope said Liverpool’s acute hospitals would not be able to continue providing normal care because of the high number of people being treated for serious Covid symptoms. Unless the surge in coronavirus admissions slowed down it would “have a devastating effect on planned care, such as operations”, he said. Cope is the medical director of Liverpool university hospitals NHS trust, where almost all critical care beds are already full because the city’s high infection rate has placed intense pressure on the trust’s three hospitals: the Royal Liverpool, Broadgreen and Aintree. “Liverpool hospitals are under enormous pressure with admissions of sick Covid patients. We are used to pressure, but this is over and above that,” Cope tweeted last week. “We have the highest number of Covid patients in the UK, nearly as many now as at the peak of the first wave. We also have more Covid patients in ICU [intensive care units] than any other trust in the UK.” Cope said: “If we don’t reduce the rate of infection in the community and Covid admission rates continue to rise, it will inevitably have a massive effect on non-urgent care." “If we don’t get control of [the] spread of the virus in the community and admissions continue at the current rate, our hospitals will not be able to cope. This will have a devastating effect on planned care, such as operations.” Read full story Source: The Guardian, 15 October 2020
  13. Content Article
    Harry Richford was born at the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital (QEQM), Margate, Kent on 2/11/17. He died on 9/11/17 at the William Harvey Hospital, Ashford to where he had been transferred. The cause of death was 1a Hypoxic Ischaemic Brain Encephalopathy. There was a narrative conclusion setting out some seven failures in the care of Harry Richford together with a conclusion that his death was contributed to by neglect.
  14. Content Article
    As an industry, biopharmaceuticals is immature when it comes to the integration of human performance into operations. This article from BioPhorum aims to accelerate the industry’s maturity by building a greater understanding of what is desired and explaining how to get there. Human performance is believed by many companies in the biopharmaceutical industry to be a focus on human error reduction, where work outcomes will improve by adding more requirements and coercing people to try harder to be infallible. This archaic approach is not sustainable today and is not human performance. The environment that we operate within – both externally and internally – is changing and yet we are still applying decades-old mental models of what good problem solving looks like, and how this drives overall performance and results. Human performance is the way to make a shift towards systems thinking. Without making this change, organisations will continue to stagnate and actually be unable to keep up with the increasing complexity of the environments they work in, and the environments they create. This blue-sky vision of human performance takes time and patience to properly implement and must be viewed as a fundamental change to how an entire organisation executes work. Essentially, this is a transformation of the organisation’s systems and thinking over a period of several years. This article provides guidance that has worked within the biopharmaceutical industry and the unique regulatory space it operates within.
  15. Content Article
    Doctors who contracted COVID, and thought the symptoms would be over in weeks, tell Jennifer Trueland about their continuing pain, exhaustion and – sometimes – struggle to be believed
  16. Content Article
    The stark and enduring inequality in mental health outcomes between black and white people is being addressed by two psychiatrists who want to tackle decades of unfounded assumptions. Keith Cooper reports
  17. Content Article
    Browse or search for publications about the development and use of SOPS surveys and other topics related to assessing patients’ experiences with care.
  18. News Article
    When the pain in her shoulders and weakness in her right leg started two years ago, Giovanna Ippolito thought it was just part of getting older — that's until the 46-year-old's doctor ordered an X-ray that showed a five-centimetre long, broken needle embedded in her spine. It was a medical error that took more than a decade to discover — after medical staff at the time failed to report it. Exactly when the needle was left in Ippolito's spine is unclear, but she says she's only had something injected into her back twice — during the birth of her son in 2002 and her daughter in 2004. Ippolito says she believes the needle broke off when medical staff at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital in nearby Richmond Hill (called York Central Hospital at the time) administered a spinal block or an epidural during one of the births. She's now locked in a battle with the hospital for answers and accountability. But experts say, with a system that's stacked against Canadians harmed by medical errors, it's likely no one will have to take responsibility. More than 132,000 patients experienced some kind of medical harm — something both preventable and serious enough to require treatment or a longer hospital stay — in 2018-19, according to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, an independent, not-for-profit organization that collects information on the country's health systems. Read full story Source: CBC, 5 October 2020
  19. Content Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching effects upon people’s lives, health care systems and wider society. As yet there is little research into the number of people at risk of developing ongoing COVID-19. Early attention has been on the acute illness generated by the virus, but it is becoming clear that, for some people,COVID-19 infection is a long term illness. This rapid and dynamic review authored by Dr Elaine Maxwell draws on the lived experience of patients and expert consensus as well as published evidence to better understand the impact of ongoing effects of COVID19, how health and social care services should respond, and what future research questions might be.
  20. Event
    Whether your role is in the NHS or in private healthcare, it is vitally important to take consent for any intervention safely. This webinar brings together clinical and legal perspectives, advising healthcare professionals of all levels how to take consent safely to avoid litigation and improve patient safety. Receive guidance from NHS Consultant, Michael Kelly, who has provided expert witness evidence at Court, combined with input from Andrew Bershadski, a highly experienced Barrister who has proceeded to Trial and won for the medical profession on a number of separate informed consent cases. Ed Glasgow, a Partner specialising in Healthcare Law, will Chair the event, which it is hoped will provide valuable practical insight.
  21. Content Article
    The State of Care is the Care Quality Commission (CQC) annual assessment of health care and social care in England. The report looks at the trends, shares examples of good and outstanding care, and highlights where care needs to improve. The care that people received in 2019/20 was mostly of good quality. But while the quality of care was largely maintained compared with the previous year, there was generally no improvement overall. And in the space of a few short months since then, the pandemic has placed the severest of challenges on the whole health and care system in England.
  22. News Article
    The government must immediately deliver a new deal for social care with major investment and better terms for workers, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has said, as it warned that the sector is “fragile” heading into a second wave of coronavirus infections. In a challenge to ministers, the regulator’s chief executive, Ian Trenholm, said overdue reform of the care sector “needs to happen now – not at some point in the future”. Boris Johnson said in his first speech as prime minister, in July 2019: “We will fix the crisis in social care once and for all.” But no reform has yet been proposed, and more than 15,000 people have died from COVID-19 in England’s care homes. Trenholm said Covid risked turning inequalities in England’s health services from “faultlines into chasms” as the CQC published its annual State of Care report on hospitals, GPs and care services. The report reveals serious problems with mental health, maternity services and emergency care before the pandemic, and says these areas must not be allowed to fall further behind. The regulator argued that the health system’s response to the pandemic needs to change. After focusing on protecting NHS services from being overwhelmed, health leaders must now adapt to prevent people who need help for non-Covid reasons from being left behind, it said. These include people whose operations were cancelled and people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, people with disabilities, and people living in deprived areas who have suffered more severely from the impact of Covid. “Covid is magnifying inequalities across the health and care system – a seismic upheaval which has disproportionately affected some more than others,” said Trenholm. Read full story Source: The Guardian, 16 October 2020
  23. News Article
    Leaking vials and suspected contamination were identified in a batch of more than 500,000 test tubes produced for the NHS Covid test and trace operation over the summer, whistleblowers have said. The test tubes were provided by a small UK-based company, Life Science Group (LSG), which produces materials for the diagnostics industry. According to the whistleblowers, there have been repeated problems with test tubes filled by LSG leaking. Stocks of some 600,000 test tubes were inspected in August as a result, and records seen by the Guardian describe the discovery of what looked like hair and blood contamination. It is understood firms in the supply chain concluded that the contamination was not hair or blood, following inspections. However, records seen by the Guardian suggested at least one bag of LSG test tubes thought to be contaminated “cannot now be found”. The whistleblowers said that rather than rejecting the entire potentially compromised batch, as would be normal safety protocol with NHS supplies, only part of the batch with visible problems was removed from use. They said they had blown the whistle because they were concerned for public safety. Read full story Source: The Guardian, 16 October 2020
  24. News Article
    A group of experts in nursing and infection prevention and control (IPC) is today warning against the use of IPC measures as a “rationale” for stopping safe and compassionate visits in care homes during the Covid-19 pandemic. In a new open letter published in Nursing Times, the specialists say that preventing people from visiting loved ones in social care settings in the name of IPC is a “misinterpretation and at times even abuse” of IPC principles. The letter is the brainchild of independent global health consultant and former Infection Prevention Society (IPS) president, Jules Storr. Among the signatories are five former IPC presidents, current president Pat Cattini as well as incoming president Jennie Wilson. Dr Ron Daniels, chief executive of the UK Sepsis Trust, is also on the list, Helen Hughes, chief executive of Patient Safety Learning, as well as leading IPC nurse specialists, nurse academics, a GP and carers. Ms Storr, a nurse by background, and the hub topic lead, said she was motivated to take action after hearing “the most heart-breaking” stories from health professionals and relatives of residents about restricted visits in the UK in the wake of COVID-19. Some had not seen relatives for weeks or months, whilst others were only allowed to see their loved one once a week for 20 minutes at a distance, she said. One individual had told her how when their father had died only one family member was permitted in the home and they were not allowed to sit close enough to hold his hand. Ms Storr said these practices were “absolutely outrageous and wrong from an infection prevention point of view”. Read full story Source: Nursing Times, 16 October 2020
  25. Content Article
    An open letter has been published in the Nursing Times from infection prevention and control experts, together with interested and concerned individuals and organisations, about the restrictions enforced in nursing, care and residential homes. Restrictions are being imposed in relation to COVID-19 across too many nursing, care and residential homes in the UK and beyond, in the name of infection prevention and control. A number of experts in this field, led by Jules Storr, independent global health consultant and former Infection Prevention Society (IPS) president, summarise in an open letter why infection prevention and control should be an enabler not a barrier to safe, compassionate human interaction in nursing, care and residential homes. By adding their voice their intention is to accelerate action to end this uncompassionate treatment of people in homes as well as for their families and other loved ones.
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