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Patient Safety Learning


News posted by Patient Safety Learning

  1. Patient Safety Learning
    Visiting times have been extended at Dorset's hospitals during strike action so relatives and friends of patients can help.
    Times at general inpatient wards have been altered to be between 10:00 and 20:00 GMT on Wednesday and Thursday.
    Hospital bosses said help at mealtimes, for example, would allow nursing staff to focus on clinical care.
    All wards "will be safely staffed during the industrial action", the hospitals said.
    The UHD trust said: "If you wish to help your loved one at mealtimes or with any personal care, please do so - just let a member of the ward team know."
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    Source: BBC News, 18 January 2023
  2. Patient Safety Learning
    The issue of children dying unexpectedly and without any known cause has been debated in Parliament for the first time.
    Sudden unexplained death in childhood (SUDC) is a rare category of death in which the cause remains unknown even after thorough investigation.
    Former Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng, who led the debate, said SUDC had not had the attention it deserved.
    In his first speech as a backbencher for six years, he said it was important to not shy away from discussing "something that is incredibly difficult to deal with, emotionally very taxing, and one of the most serious medical phenomena".
    He said: "Imagine a death of a child, who has all his or her life in front of them, suddenly ended. If you can imagine that and if you can imagine that for one of your own children you can get a sense of how tragic and how difficult that occurrence is."
    He added: "It's such an uncomfortable issue but it is important to grasp uncomfortable issues to honour those who had died and prevent future deaths."
    He added: "It's such an uncomfortable issue but it is important to grasp uncomfortable issues to honour those who had died and prevent future deaths."
    The MPs were united in their call for more research to be carried out. They also called for the NHS website to be updated to include information about SUDC and for there to be more training for medical practitioners.
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    Source: BBC News, 17 January 2023
  3. Patient Safety Learning
    A man has waited eight years to get adequate mental health care, as waiting lists for therapy grow.
    Myles Cook, 47, from Essex, lives with severe depression and has been fighting to get one-to-one counselling for eight years but he has been told there are not enough therapists locally to respond to the demand.
    Instead, he has been referred to group sessions, which he said were “detrimental” to his condition and manages his condition with medication but said he did not find that helpful either.
    He said: “If you’re not getting help, and all you keep getting are pills and pills that don’t seem to be doing much. It might take the edge off but it doesn’t really do anything for my depression and because of the way the benefits system works, I’m not getting any therapy If I’m not on tablets, they’ll probably kick me off on my benefits because I’m not being treated.”
    “I take the tablets, the psychiatric medications, I keep taking them although they’re not helpful because I need to have something to prove that I’m being treated to keep my benefits.”
    At least 95% of patients needing NHS talking therapy services, called IAPT, should receive treatment within 18 weeks. But figures previously uncovered by The Independent showed that just one in five patients have their second IAPT appointment within three months.
    And the NHS has failed to meet its target of having 1.6 million patients seen by IAPT services last year. Data published last year shows this was missed by 400,0000 at the end of 2021-22.
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    Source: The Independent, 16 January 2023
  4. Patient Safety Learning
    A construction firm has been ordered to pay £5m after fire and electrical safety defects were found at one of the NHS’s largest cancer centres.
    Lendlease was responsible for the design and build of the Bexley Wing at St James’s University Hospital in Leeds, under a private finance initiative deal nearly 20 years ago.
    The building houses Leeds Cancer Centre, one of the largest in the country, and some other services. It is run by Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust.
    Concerns were later raised over fire and electrical safety in the plant room, where the building’s power supply is situated, according to a ruling published by the technology and construction court.
    This included a lack of fire separation between the primary and secondary source of power, which risked a single incident disabling them both.
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    Source: HSJ, 16 January 2023
  5. Patient Safety Learning
    The BBC has come under fire from scientists for interviewing a cardiologist who claimed certain Covid vaccines could be behind excess deaths from coronary artery disease.
    Experts have criticised Dr Aseem Malhotra’s appearance on the BBC's news channel last Friday, accusing him of pushing “extreme fringe” views, which are “misguided”, “dangerous” and could mislead the public.
    Scientists have described the doctor as “hijacking” an interview on statins to air his views, causing BBC staff to be “alarmed and embarrassed” by their booking. Malhotra recently retweeted a video by the MP Andrew Bridgen, who had the Tory whip removed on Wednesday after comparing the use of Covid vaccines to the Holocaust.
    After criticising new guidance on statins, he cited British Heart Foundation (BHF) figures that suggested there had been more than 30,000 excess deaths linked to heart disease since Covid first arrived.
    Malhotra, a cardiologist at ROC Private Clinic, claimed mRNA Covid vaccines play a role, saying his “own research” showed “Covid mRNA vaccines do carry a cardiovascular risk”. He added that he has called for the vaccine rollout to be suspended pending an inquiry because of the “uncertainty” behind excess deaths.
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    Source: The Guardian, 13 January 2023
  6. Patient Safety Learning
    A doctor in Cambridge is spearheading a project to help to reform "blunt" medical language that patients and their families can find upsetting.
    Ethicist Zoe Fritz said language that "casts doubt, belittles or blames patients" was long overdue for change.
    Sixteen-year-old Josselin Tilley from Wiltshire has charge syndrome that reduces her life expectancy.
    Her mother Karen said Josselin's death was often referred to in correspondence "like she's not a person.
    "It's not person-centred at all, it's like she's just nothing."
    The example she gave was an extract from a typical letter in November that she was copied in to by a community paediatrician addressed to colleagues.
    "Death below 35: On discussion with Josselin's mum early death has been discussed with her, and there is plan, discussed with Josselin's mother about a wishes document being done."
    Mrs Tilley, from Westbury, said she objected to the use of language that "very bluntly discusses Josselin's death like she's something going off in the fridge".
    Doctor Fritz said the reason she and doctor Caitriona Cox were running the campaign at Cambridge University was because they recognised language regularly used by clinicians was often problematic for anyone outside of medical practice.
    "Even just (the term) presenting [a] complaint. Patients coming into hospital with whatever's bothering them we [doctors] talk about as a complaint and I think that infantilises the patient. They're not complaining when telling us what's going on."
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    Source: BBC News, 17 January 2023
    Further reading on the hub: 
    Presenting complaint: use of language that disempowers patients
  7. Patient Safety Learning
    Two new nurses' strikes will be held on 6 and 7 February in England and Wales - unless there is movement on pay, the Royal College of Nursing says.
    The walkouts will be the biggest so far, with more than a third of NHS trusts in England and all but one Welsh health board affected.
    It comes as nurses prepare to walk out on Wednesday and Thursday, following the two strike days before Christmas.
    As required under trade union laws, emergency care will be covered.
    Most of the 73 NHS trusts involved in the new set of strike dates are hospitals.
    It means the biggest disruption is likely to be in pre-booked treatment such as hernia repair, hip replacements or outpatient clinics.
    Services such as chemotherapy, kidney dialysis and intensive care will be staffed, however, as part of the emergency cover.
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    Source: BBC News, 16 January 2023
  8. Patient Safety Learning
    A group of transgender people have lost their legal case against NHS England over waiting times to get seen by a gender specialist.
    The two trans adults and two trans children had tried to get the wait times - more than four years in one of their cases - deemed illegal. But a High Court judge ruled on Monday the waiting times are lawful.
    The Good Law Project - which helped to bring the legal action - said it would seek permission to appeal.
    The four people brought the legal action against NHS England (NHSE) over the waiting time to get a first appointment with a gender dysphoria specialist.
    The claimants argued that NHS England was failing to meet a duty to ensure 92% of patients referred for non-urgent care start treatment within 18 weeks.
    They said the waiting times were discriminatory, arguing the delays faced by trans people were longer than for other types of NHS treatment.
    But the judge dismissed the claim on several grounds.
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    Source: BBC News, 16 January 2023
  9. Patient Safety Learning
    GPs whose patients want to stop taking antidepressants should reduce the dose of their medication in stages to lower the risk and severity of withdrawal symptoms, the medicines watchdog has said.
    About one in six (16%) adult Britons experience moderate to severe depression, according to the Office for National Statistics. In England alone, 21.4m antidepressant drugs were prescribed between July and September 2022, according to the NHS Business Services Authority.
    A new draft quality standard for the care of adults with depression from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) – the first update in 11 years – includes specific guidance to help adults come off antidepressant medication permanently.
    NICE’s independent advisory committee, which includes experts in treating adults with depression, recommends the staged withdrawal of antidepressants in patients who want to stop taking the drugs.
    A staggered reduction of medicine, known as tapering, helps to reduce withdrawal effects and long-term dependence on the medication, according to Nice.
    The committee said primary care and mental health professionals should follow the NICE guideline recommendations on stopping antidepressant medication, including agreeing with their patient whether it is right for them to stop taking the medication and, if so, the speed and duration of withdrawal from it.
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    Source: The Guardian, 17 January 2023
  10. Patient Safety Learning
    An NHS trust declined to provide care for a vulnerable Black man days before he died in police custody while having a psychotic episode, The Independent has learnt.
    Godrick Osei, 35, died after being restrained by up to seven Devon and Cornwall Police officers in the early hours of 3 July 2022, after fleeing his flat and hiding in the cupboard of a care home in Truro.
    His family said he had been expressing “paranoid thoughts” and had called the police himself for help. He was arrested and died within an hour.
    Mr Osei had been diagnosed with anxiety and depression, had suspected post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and was prescribed various medications to treat these conditions. He also intermittently used illicit drugs and had suffered alleged sexual assault in prison around 2013, according to a medical report from North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT).
    In the days before his death, Mr Osei was in the care of NELFT’s community mental health team, whose caseworkers were concerned that he was exhibiting signs of a further severe illness – emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD) – and was a high risk to himself.
    However, Mr Osei was based outside the team’s catchment area, and NELFT asked the neighbouring Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CPT) to assess him instead.
    CPT refused without explaining why, according to a medical report seen by The Independent.
    Following Mr Osei’s death, an investigating officer from NELFT made multiple attempts to contact CPT to explore the possibility of a joint investigation into the matter, but didn’t receive a response.
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    Source: The Independent, 16 January 2023
  11. Patient Safety Learning
    Child mortality from trauma and sudden unexpected death increased last year, according to figures highlighting the stark impact of poverty on child health.
    The analysis, which tracked all child deaths in England between 2019 and 2022, found overall mortality dipped during the pandemic due to a decrease in infectious illnesses, but that numbers of deaths have since returned to pre-pandemic levels. This included a 32% increase in trauma deaths and a 13% rise in sudden unexpected death in infancy or childhood (Sudic) last year compared with pre-pandemic rates.
    Prof Karen Luyt, the programme lead for the National Child Mortality Database, based at the University of Bristol, said the figures could be “the first mortality signal” from families struggling with the cost of living crisis.
    “This is worrying and I think we’re likely to see things getting worse,” she said. “Certainly for childhood illness and mortality, we know there’s a strong social gradient and we know that more families are now living in poverty.”
    Sudic deaths are defined as being unexplained and unexpected at the point death is registered, but may be subsequently found to be due to cardiac arrest after infection or an asthma attack, for instance. It is a broader category than sudden infant death syndrome (Sids), where the cause of death often remains a mystery even after postmortem examination.
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    Source: The Guardian, 16 January 2023
  12. Patient Safety Learning
    The deaths of two nurses from Covid-19 in the early days of the pandemic have been ruled as industrial disease.
    Gareth Roberts, 65, of Aberdare, and Domingo David, 63, of Penarth, were found to have been most likely to have contracted the virus from colleagues or patients while working for hospitals under the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.
    The senior coroner Graeme Hughes concluded on Friday that although they were given appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), Roberts and David were “exposed to Covid-19 infection at work, became infected and that infection caused” their deaths. He made a finding of industrial disease.
    Roberts’ family had argued for a conclusion of industrial disease, while the health board had made the case for ruling that both deaths were from natural causes.
    Unions are campaigning for Covid-19 to be considered an industrial disease by the UK government so workers affected by it would receive greater financial support.
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    Source: The Guardian, 13 January 2023
  13. Patient Safety Learning
    There are 10 patients in the corridor and the nurses are about to go out to assess two more waiting in an ambulance outside.
    The senior sister, Susan Beswick, who has worked in the hectic and often stressful world of NHS accident and emergency for 30 years, says she has never seen anything like it.
    "The last six to 12 months have been more challenging than I have ever known," she says.
    "We have been exceptionally busy for quite a number of weeks now. We're running two to three times above our capacity continually and often more than that."
    Susan's whole nursing career has been at Royal Bolton Hospital, which, like many in the country, is facing overwhelming demand from a growing as well as ageing population and has out-of-date buildings that are not fit for purpose.
    A policy of cohorting, adopted by many hospitals, has been agreed between emergency-department staff and paramedics. One member of an ambulance team will be left to look after two or three patients in a corridor, allowing others to get back on the road more quickly.
    The problem is space. There are simply too many patients coming in to be accommodated, even with all the streaming initiatives.
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    Source: BBC News, 13 January 2023
  14. Patient Safety Learning
    A “commended” NHS nurse has been awarded nearly £500,000 for being wrongly sacked after she claimed that high workloads led to a patient’s death.
    Linda Fairhall, 62, a 44-year veteran of the health service, said she made 13 separate pleas to bosses warning that her colleagues were overburdened, but she was ignored each time.
    Fairhal told officials at the University Hospital of North Tees and Hartlepool that she was worried about a recently imposed policy that obliged nurses to monitor patients who took prescribed medicines and maintained that it led to nurses having to conduct 1,000 extra patient visits a month without extra resources.
    She said nurses were overwhelmed by the additional responsibility, which resulted in rising “anxiety” among staff and higher rates of absence. However, Fairhall told the tribunal in Teesside that nothing was done in response to her concerns, and ultimately a patient died.
    The tribunal heard that the nurse raised her last warning with officials just before she went on annual leave. On her return she was suspended and investigated for “bullying and harassment”, then sacked for gross misconduct.
    A tribunal has now ruled that the decision to dismiss Fairhall was “materially influenced” by her complaints regarding patient safety, with the panel adding that it could not “genuinely believe” that she was guilty of misconduct.
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    Source: The Times, 4 January 2023
    Read the full tribunal decision: Ms L Fairhall v University Hospital of North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust
  15. Patient Safety Learning
    Complications after a procedure to treat IBS left Jennifer Hill in pain – and fighting for compensation.
    Earlier this year, an NHS inquiry found surgeon Anthony Dixon had caused women to “suffer harm” as a result of the mesh operations he carried out between 2007 and 2017. Dixon, who is now banned from practising in the UK, carried out hundreds of laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy (LVMR) operations for both the North Bristol NHS Trust and privately at Bristol’s Spire Hospital. Mesh is used to repair the pelvic floor, but the inquiry concluded that women should have been offered alternative treatments first. 
    Jennifer Hill, from Herefordshire, is one of those women. She wishes she could go back in time and not have her mesh operation, which took place in May 2012. “I was totally unaware of the controversy surrounding mesh,” she says. “I still kick myself that I didn’t get a second opinion or ask more questions.”
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    Source: The Telegraph, 11 January 2023
  16. Patient Safety Learning
    Hospital staff have to complete 50 separate steps on average to discharge a patient, it has emerged, as the NHS grapples with a bed-blocking crisis.
    On average, around 14,000 patients deemed fit to leave hospital are stuck in beds every day, according to the latest official figures. The congestion is helping to fuel the backlog in accident and emergency (A&E) departments, where more than 55,000 patients waited 12 hours or longer last month.
    Steve Barclay, Health Secretary, announced an additional £250 million in funding last week to buy up care beds to help discharge thousands of patients.
    But doctors, social care experts and families have warned discharges are being delayed by NHS “bureaucracy” and excessive form filling.
    Dr Matt Kneale, co-chair of the Doctors’ Association UK and a junior doctor in Manchester, said patients are held up by “numerous bottlenecks” before being sent home.
    “While social care shortages are the predominant issue, smaller factors stack up to create a big problem,” he told The Telegraph.
    Many hospitals have limits on the times their pharmacies are open, he explained, meaning patients can often be stuck on the ward all day, or an extra night, waiting for their medication.
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    Source: The Telegraph, 15 January 2023
  17. Patient Safety Learning
    Victims and family members affected by the contaminated blood scandal are calling for criminal charges to be considered as the public inquiry into the tragedy draws to a close.
    While the inquiry, which will begin to hear closing submissions on Tuesday, cannot determine civil or criminal liability, people affected by the scandal are keen for the mass of documents and evidence accumulated over more than four years to be handed over to prosecutors to see whether charges can be brought.
    About 3,000 people are believed to have died and thousands more were infected in what has been described as the biggest treatment disaster in the history of the NHS. The inquiry has heard evidence that civil servants, the government and senior doctors knew of the problem long before action was taken to address it and that the scandal was avoidable. But no one has ever faced prosecution.
    Eileen Burkert, whose father, Edward, died aged 54 in 1992 after – like thousands of others – contracting HIV and hepatitis C through factor VIII blood products used to treat his haemophilia, said the inquiry had shown there was a “massive cover-up”.
    She said: “In my eyes it’s corporate manslaughter. You can’t go giving people something that you know is dangerous, and they just carried on doing it. As far as my family’s concerned, they killed our dad and they killed thousands of other people and there’s been no recognition for him since he died, there’s been nothing.
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    Source: The Guardian, 16 January 2023
    See UK Infected Blood Inquiry website for further details on the inquiry.
  18. Patient Safety Learning
    The health secretary said "voluntary arrangements" for emergency cover during recent ambulance strikes could not "ensure patient and public safety".
    In a letter to the GMB, Steve Barclay acknowledged unions that walked out had agreed to answer the most serious category one 999 calls.
    But he said the lack of cover for category two calls, including strokes, in some areas put lives at risk.
    The GMB has accused the government of "demonising" its striking workers.
    In response, Mr Barclay wrote on Sunday that he recognised the right to strike and accepted "that a certain amount of disruption is inherent to any strike".
    He said he "greatly" valued the "vital work ambulance workers do" but criticised the "volatile" assurances given to him about cover by trade unions during December's industrial action.
    The government's anti-strike bill is due to be considered by MPs again on Monday.
    The legislation would set minimum service levels for fire, ambulance and rail services during industrial action and could leave unions at risk of legal action if they fail to comply.
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    Source: BBC News, 15 January 2023
  19. Patient Safety Learning
    Staff at a maternity unit were exposed to almost 30 times the legal workplace exposure limit for nitrous oxide, documents have shown.
    Testing at Basildon Hospital revealed the levels more than 16 months before colleagues were informed.
    The Royal College of Midwives said its members there were considering legal action.
    Routine testing of the maternity suite in June 2021 revealed nine staff members had been exposed to excess nitrous oxide levels during the course of their shifts.
    Three had readings of more than 1,000 parts per million (ppm) of the gas, while a fourth recorded almost 3,000. The Workplace Exposure Limit is set at 100ppm.
    Trust management apologised after failing to notify staff at the unit until October 2022.
    A briefing seen by the BBC stated the issue was logged on the risk register, but "there has not been proper oversight of the problem and staff have not been informed".
    One person familiar with the situation, who did not want to be identified, said: "We had an email sent out that said 'emergency maternity staff briefing' and there was a Teams meeting.
    "The Teams meeting was very, very difficult to listen to. It was very emotive. People were angry understandably, but I feel like the executive who were on the call didn't handle it very well."
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    Source: BBC News, 16 January 2023
  20. Patient Safety Learning
    Fewer women who gave birth in NHS maternity services last year had a positive experience of care compared to 5 years ago, according to a major new survey. The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) latest national maternity survey report reveals what almost 21,000 women who gave birth in February 2022 felt about the care they received while pregnant, during labour and delivery, and once at home in the weeks following the arrival of their baby.
    The findings show that while experiences of maternity care at a national level were positive overall for the majority of women, they have deteriorated in the last 5 years. In particular, there was a notable decline in the number of women able to get help from staff when they needed it.
    Many of the key findings from the survey include a drop in positive interactions with staff and lack of choices about the birth. Just over two-thirds of those surveyed (69%) reported 'definitely' having confidence and trust in the staff delivering their antenatal care. Results were higher for staff involved in labour and birth (78%). In addition, while the majority of women (86%) surveyed in 2022 said they were 'always' spoken to in a way they could understand during labour and birth, this was a decline from 90% who said this in 2019. The proportion of respondents who felt that they were 'always' treated with kindness and understanding while in hospital after the birth of their baby remained relatively high at 71%, however had fallen from 74% in 2017.
    Just under a fifth of women who responded to the survey (19%) said they were not offered any choices about where to have their baby. Also, less than half (41%) of those surveyed said their partner or someone else close to them was able to stay with them as much as they wanted during their stay in hospital.
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    Source: Medscape, 13 January 2023
  21. Patient Safety Learning
    Patients with emergencies such as heart attacks and strokes in England had to wait more than 90 minutes on average for an ambulance at the end of 2022.
    It came after a sharp deterioration in 999 response times in December - they were nearly twice as bad as November.
    Record worst waits were also recorded for life-threatening cardiac arrests, while A&E waits of over four-hours reached their highest level ever.
    Patient groups warned the delays would be leading to real harm.
    Combined, the data - released by NHS England - represents the worst-ever set of emergency care figures since modern records began in 2004.
    The figures show:
    Average waits of more than 90 minutes to reach emergency calls such as heart attacks - five times longer than the target time - with waits of over 150 minutes in some regions.
    Response times for the highest priority calls, such as cardiac arrests, taking close to 11 minutes - 4 minutes longer than they should.
    More than a third of patients in A&E waiting longer than 4 hours.
    One in seven patients waiting more than 12 hours for a bed on a ward when they need to be admitted.
    But there has been some progress with the waiting list for routine treatment falling slightly, to 7.19 million by the end of November.
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    Source: BBC News, 12 January 2023
  22. Patient Safety Learning
    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has hired two independent whistleblowing champions, Joy Warmington and Arpita Dutt, to oversee a major review of how it listens to concerns.
    The CQC previously announced it had appointed Zoe Leventhal KC, of Matrix Chambers, to lead the first phase of the review, which is considering how the CQC handled protected disclosures made by Shyam Kumar, an orthopaedic surgeon at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust, and whether ethnicity “played any part in the management of those disclosures”.
    On Friday it issued details of the second phase of the work, including that it had brought in two outside experts, and long-time champions of whistleblowers, to “help to ensure the independence and credibility of the review”.
    This was launched amid wider concerns about how it responds to whistleblowing concerns in the service and among its own staff, including potential discrimination and also comes as the CQC itself seeks to begin a major restructure.
    Read full story (paywalled)
    Source: HSJ, 22 November 2022
  23. Patient Safety Learning
    Public Health Minister, Seema Kennedy, has confirmed that Professor Dame Sally Davies will take on the role of UK Special Envoy on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) later this year. Dame Sally will be working across all sectors to deliver a ‘One Health’ response to AMR, which includes health, agriculture and the environment.
    The appointment of Dame Sally follows the government’s 20-year vision and 5-year national action plan published earlier this year, setting out how the UK will contribute to containing and controlling AMR by 2040.
    Professor Dame Sally Davies said: “AMR is a complex challenge which needs local, national and global action. The UK should be proud of its world-leading work on AMR. We have made tangible progress but it is essential we maintain momentum. I am honoured to have been asked to continue this vital work on behalf of the UK government.”
    Last year the government committed £32 million funding to accelerate the UK’s work in the global fight against AMR. The awarded funding will support the development of a state-of-the-art, virtual ‘open access’ centre that will link health outcomes and prescribing data. This technology, led by Public Health England (PHE), will gather real-time patient data on resistant infections, helping clinicians to make more targeted choices about when to use antibiotics and cutting unnecessary prescriptions.
    PHE will use £5 million in funding to develop a fully functional model ward, the first of its kind in the UK, to better understand how hospital facilities can be designed to improve infection control and reduce the transmission of antibiotic-resistant infections.
    Other successful funds include £4.4 million to Manchester University to test ‘individualised’ approaches to antibiotic prescribing by bringing together patient care and clinical research, and £3.5 million to the University of Liverpool to apply innovative genome sequencing to enable more personalised antibiotic prescribing.
    Public Health Minister Seema Kennedy said: “Antibiotic resistance poses an enormous risk to our NHS – we are already seeing the harmful effect resistant bugs can have on patient safety in our hospitals. It is vital that we retain the irreplaceable expertise of Professor Dame Sally Davies – an international expert in AMR – and continue to invest in research.”
  24. Patient Safety Learning
    The NHS is falling behind in the race to tackle antibiotic-resistant infections, with the service set to miss two key targets. 
    As part of the government’s 2019 five-year-action plan to tackle the growth in antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the NHS was set the target of reducing the number of healthcare-associated bloodstream infections of three gram-negative bacteria by 25% by March this year, and 50% by the end of March 2024.
    Infections caused by E. coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa and klebsiella can cause urine or wound infection, blood poisoning or pneumonia. The AMR action plan said: “In the UK, the biggest drivers of resistance [include] a rise in the incidence of infections, particularly gram-negatives.”
    Last week, health and social care secretary Sajd Javid stressed the continuing importance of the issue, stating that antimicrobial resistance is “one of the biggest health threats facing the world”.
    Analysis by HSJ has shown there has been only a small decline in the numbers of cases involving the three bacteria since monitoring started. The baseline for measuring the reduction was 2016-17, when there were 23,037 healthcare associated infections related to the bacteria.
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    Source: HSJ, 21 April 2022
  25. Patient Safety Learning
    The UK needs to do more to use diagnostic testing in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the chair of a government-commissioned review on AMR told MPs.
    Lord O’Neill, an economist and former treasury minister, warned in the review’s final report in 2016 that a continued rise in AMR would lead to 10 million people dying each year by 2050 and made ten recommendations, including the need for rapid diagnostics to reduce unnecessary use of antimicrobials.
    Speaking to a Commons Science and Technology Committee evidence session on 22 June 2022, Lord O’Neill said that while he was pleased with progress on some of the recommendations published in his review in 2016, especially in the reduction of antimicrobials in agriculture, progress on diagnostics was “woeful”.
    He said it was “alarming to me how we are not embedding state-of-the-art diagnostic technology right in the middle of our health systems”, adding that it could “really make a huge difference about whether an antibiotic is needed or not, and the right kind of antibiotic”.
    “Our most aggressive recommendation was that we should ban the use of subjective prescriptions in secondary settings, at least in Western countries, until they’ve gone through a state-of-the-art diagnostics,” he continued.
    “And nobody’s done it; they claim it’s a vicious circle, the technology isn’t there, but we have to give incentives in order to get this embedded because that would make a permanent difference.”
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    Source: The Pharmaceutical Journal, 24 June 2022
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