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2 Novice

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    United Kingdom

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    I have Long Covid following initial acute Covid in March
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    Care worker - at home social care

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  1. Community Post
    I was booked to have a hysteroscopy and biopsy following a post menopausal bleed. On the day I was also bleeding heavily, so I was advised the hysteroscopy wouldn’t be possible, but the biopsy could still be done. There were 2 lovely nurses assisting, and they were obviously trained in distraction techniques as they chatter relentlessly and tried to get me to interact with them. I have never experienced pain like it, I was crying out despite trying to be brave. Beforehand I’d seen the leaflet and it advised it might be a bit uncomfortable, but this was pain so bad that I was passing out. I was asked if I’d taken any painkillers beforehand and I’d replied that no I hadn’t because I didn’t think I’d need any. I wish that I’d been offered some pain relief or sedation of some variety because I felt traumatised. Afterwards I could hardly walk because I was shaking so much. One of the worst experiences of my life! I do wonder that if this was a procedure that was being done on men whether they’d get away without anaesthetic, sedation or pain relief, and only the best efforts of a couple of nurses to try and distract you.
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