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Kath Sansom


Everything posted by Kath Sansom

  1. Content Article
    In this opinion piece, Kath Sansom, founder of Sling the Mesh, looks at why an audit of pelvic mesh outcomes due to be published in April 2023 has again failed to capture the true extent of the harm caused by the procedure. She outlines why the approach taken by the Government and NHS Digital was flawed and why it is so important to understand both the proportion of women who have experienced harm as a result of the procedure, and the nature of their injuries and side effects.
  2. Content Article
    In this opinion piece, Kath Sansom, founder of campaign group Sling the Mesh, looks at flaws in the Government’s approach to women harmed by pelvic mesh surgery receiving financial redress. She highlights the unsuccessful case of Sarah*, who attempted to bring a clinical negligence case after suffering multiple complications as a result of pelvic mesh, to demonstrate that the national Redress Agency recommended by the Cumberlege Review is still very necessary.
  3. Content Article
    In this blog, Kath Sansom, founder of the Sling the Mesh campaign, unpacks the findings of a medical device performance study into polypropylene mesh published by the Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI) in the US. The document highlights significant gaps in evidence about the risk of complications associated with polypropylene (PP) surgical mesh.
  4. Content Article
    Nine specialist mesh centres have been set up by NHS England to offer removal surgery and other treatment to women suffering from complications and pain as a result of vaginal mesh surgery, but women are reporting that they are not operating effectively. In this opinion piece, Kath Sansom highlights ten problems with these specialist mesh centres, evidenced by the real experiences of women who are part of the Sling the Mesh campaign Facebook group.
  5. Content Article
    In this opinion piece, Kath Sansom, Founder of the Sling the Mesh Campaign, argues that when health services fail to engage meaningfully with patients it causes patient safety issues. Drawing on her own experience as a patient and the founder of a large patient support group, she talks about the invaluable perspective that patients who have experienced healthcare harm can offer policymakers. She also explains why it is important to hear from a wide group of patients who have experienced a variety of issues.
  6. Content Article
    In this opinion piece, Kath Sansom, founder of the Sling the Mesh campaign, highlights the many issues that women face when trying to get pelvic mesh slings surgically removed. She calls for the NHS to give patients a voice and to develop a robust and consistent plan to tackle the issues faced by patients harmed by surgical mesh.
  7. Content Article
    A medical device is any piece of equipment, material or apparatus used to diagnose or treat a medical condition. When a medical device is recalled because of safety concerns, it can affect a large number of patients, often on a global scale. However, manufacturers and regulators of these devices don’t often have effective ways to ensure patients know about safety concerns, understand the risks or know what to do if their medical device is recalled. This blog by Kath Samson, founder of the Sling the Mesh campaign, looks at some of the issues around medical device recalls. She suggests ways that device manufacturers and regulators can improve their communication with patients and healthcare staff when a medical device is recalled.
  8. Content Article
    In this opinion piece, Kath Sansom, Founder of the Sling the Mesh Campaign, argues that the UK regulatory systems for medicines and healthcare have not been fit for purpose for a number of years. Framed within the context of the Cumberlege Review, Kath uses evidence and personal insight to highlight flaws in the system, and to make the case for urgent reform. 
  9. Content Article
    Kath Sansom, is a journalist and campaigner who, following a pelvic mesh implant, was left in intense pain and subsequently founded the Sling the Mesh campaign. In this powerful opinion piece, Kath highlights the lack of transparency and reporting around financial conflicts of interest in UK healthcare, and why this poses a serious threat to patient safety.  Drawing on legislation that was introduced in the US and recommendations from the Cumberlege Review, Kath calls for urgent action to be taken to prevent patients from suffering harm in the future. 
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