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Everything posted by Patient-Safety-Learning

  1. Content Article
    This study in Social Science & Medicine aimed to fill a gap in existing research by exploring public views of health inequalities and potential policy responses in three UK cities in July 2016. This involved a nationally representative survey and three two-day citizens' juries that took place in Glasgow, Manchester and Liverpool. The results of the study demonstrate significant public support for proposals that aim to tackle health inequalities through improvements to living and working conditions. There is more limited support for proposals targeting individual behaviour change,
  2. Content Article
    This documentary takes a look at the fast-growing medical device industry and reveals how the rush to innovate can lead to devastating consequences for patients.
  3. Content Article
    In this episode of BBC Panorama, Reporter Deborah Cohen investigates how medical devices can cause harm to patients, and the lack of support and redress available when things go wrong.
  4. Content Article
    This report for the World Health Organisation outlines concepts and principles for policy action to tackle social inequities that impact on health outcomes.
  5. Content Article
    This report for the World Health Organisation outlines approaches to promoting greater equity in health between different social and occupational groups. It follows of from the report 'Concepts and principles for tackling social inequities in health: Levelling up part 1' and draws on the work of WHO advisory groups, together with practical examples from industrialised countries where strategies have been put into action.
  6. Content Article
    These information sheets by World Physiotherapy, the global body for physiotherapy member organisations, were produced for World Physiotherapy Day 2021, which focused on the role of physiotherapists in treating and managing people affected by Long Covid. Topics include: What is Long Covid? Rehabilitation and Long Covid Fatigue and post-exertional symptom exacerbation How to use pacing with your physiotherapist Breathing exercises The information sheets are also available in a variety of other languages.
  7. Content Article
    Jane Bruce was discharged from hospital on 24 March 2020 and was receiving wound care from the community nursing team twice a week, after surgery on a fracture following a fall in November 2019. She initially appeared to be recovering until 29 April when her pain increased significantly, rendering her bed-bound, with the exudate from the wound significantly increased. She continued to deteriorate and presented to Leicester Royal Infirmary on 1 May with features consistent with sepsis, and subsequently died the following day. In her report, the Coroner highlights concerns about an absence of continuity in Ms Bruce’s wound care. She notes that she had been seen by several different nurses but due to lack of photographic evidence/accessible electronic records they did not have the relevant information to recognise the change in her condition.
  8. Content Article
    This presentation was given to the Colab Partnership virtual conference in July 2021. Gill Phillips, creator of the Whose Shoes? approach to coproduction and Dr Mary Salama, Consultant Paediatrician at Birmingham Children's Hospital, speak about genuine coproduction and why is it needed for children with medical complexity, giving practical examples from their work. A mother of a child with complex needs shares her lived experience, and paediatric surgeon Joanne Minford shares her experience of coproduction using Whose Shoes?
  9. Content Article
    In this opinion piece in The Guardian, Gabriel Scally, professor of public health and member of the Independent Sage committee, argues that the government's response to Covid-19 relies on personal responsibility rather than public health measures. He highlights that this will not be adequate to get the pandemic under control. The author states that a public health-focused response should have three pillars: prevention, vaccination and control, but at the moment the government is using just one of these. He draws attention to the issue of resources being wasted on handwashing and sanitisation, when Covid-19 is primarily airborne, and argues that funding should be redirected to investing in ventilation improvements and promoting the use of more effective face coverings. He also highlights the failure of contact tracing in the UK, and calls for renewed efforts to develop a comprehensive public health response in light of the new Omicron strain.
  10. Content Article
    This leaflet by the Royal College of Midwives provides information for patients on how to prepare for a home visit from a midwife. It covers steps that patients should take to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19 including handwashing, wearing a face mask and reducing the number of people in the room.
  11. Content Article
    In this HSJ article, workforce correspondent Annabelle Collins looks at the workforce issues facing the NHS as the Omicron variant of Covid-19 spreads rapidly across the UK. She highlights that staff absences are at their highest since March 2020, with the situation particularly worrying in London, where 1 in 13 doctors are currently off sick. The author discusses the role of PPE in protecting staff and reducing absences and quotes Patient Safety Learning's Chief Executive Helen Hughes, who highlights "inconsistencies" in the UK approach, saying the IPC guidance needs to be “urgently updated” so HEPA/FPP3 masks are provided for NHS staff, in line with World Health Organization recommendations: “Today the World Health Organisation is issuing updated guidance for health workers, recommending the use of either a respirator or a medical mask, in addition to other personal protective equipment, when entering a room where there is a patient with suspected or confirmed covid.” The article also examines the government's lack of workforce plans and the Treasury’s unwillingness to publish workforce predictions, despite repeated calls for them over the past few years.
  12. Content Article
    It is particularly important that severely immunosuppressed people receive their booster given the new dominant Omicron variant. However, this is causing some difficulties as the system does not currently distinguish between a third primary dose and a booster. This update from the Royal College of Physicians provides guidance for doctors on identifying severely immunosuppressed patients who are eligible for a booster vaccine, having already had a third primary dose.
  13. Content Article
    This toolkit published by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) aims to support healthcare professionals to consider and manage risks associated with the transmission of respiratory infections, specifically Covid-19. It is designed to aid local decision making about the level of personal protective equipment (PPE) required to protect healthcare professionals while at work.
  14. Content Article
    The Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) has launched an oxygen safety campaign aimed at people working at patient bedsides within hospitals. They have consulted with clinicians, fire safety experts and a wide range of allied professional bodies to design the campaign, which has been launched in response to the anticipated national surge in hospital patients as a result of the Omicron variant. Inevitably, the use of oxygen will be very high and issues such as oxygen leakage can cause major fire risks.
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    In this podcast, Gill Phillips speaks to Dr Alice Ladur who has used the Whose Shoes?® board game in her PhD project in Uganda, working with men to bring about culture change and improve maternal outcomes. Gill developed Whose Shoes?® as a tool to allow people to 'walk in other people's shoes'. Through a wide range of scenarios and topics, Whose Shoes?® helps groups explore many of the concerns, challenges and opportunities facing the different groups affected by the transformation of health and social care.
  16. Event
    The pandemic has made clear that safer care for all starts with the ones in the centre of healthcare: patients and their providers. Leaders also play a key role in creating a safe environment, especially as healthcare workers face record levels of stress and burnout in the workplace. In order to recover and build resilience, we need to draw on the experiences of healthcare workers to understand and create safer healthcare. In this webinar we’ll deep-dive into the experiences and perspectives of the panellists, by asking, "How can we improve provider safety, and thus patient safety, to emerge stronger post-pandemic?" Panellists include: Jennifer Zelmer, President and CEO, Healthcare Excellence Canada Dr. Michael Gardam, CEO, Health PEI Danielle Bellamy, Director of Continuing Care – SE (Network 3, 4 & 5), Yorkton & District Nursing Home (Saskatchewan Health Authority) Alice Watt, Senior Medication Safety Specialist, Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP Canada) and Hospital Pharmacist Wendy Nicklin, Member, Patients for Patient Safety Canada Event timings 12.00-1.00pm ET, (5.00-6.00pm GMT) Register for this event
  17. Content Article
    This policy paper from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) details the government's vision for the Women’s Health Strategy for England, informed by the call for evidence. The call for evidence published in spring 2021 received nearly 100,000 responses from women across the country, and over 400 written responses from organisations and experts working in the health sector and beyond. The consultation response demonstrated that the system and the values that drive it need extensive reform to make women's health provision in England safer and more effective.
  18. Event
    It’s time to register for the 2022 World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit, hosted by Patient Safety Movement in the USA. The 2022 World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit (WPSSTS) is co-convened by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care and the International Society for Quality in Health Care, and will celebrate the Patient Safety Movement Foundation’s first 10 years of achievements. The 2022 WPSSTS will confront leading patient safety issues with actionable ideas and innovations to transform the continuum of care by dramatically improving patient safety and eliminating preventable patient harm and death. The WPSSTS brings together all stakeholders; we need everyone to step up and be part of the solution. We invite international hospital leaders, patient and family member advocates who have experienced harm, public policymakers and government officials, other non-profits working toward zero harm, healthcare technologists, engineers, and the future of healthcare – students and residents. All stakeholders are invited to actively and intimately plan solutions around the leading patient safety challenges that cause preventable patient deaths in hospitals and healthcare organizations worldwide. The WPSSTS will also feature keynote addresses from public figures, patient safety experts, and plenary sessions with healthcare luminaries, patient advocates, as well as announcements from organizations who have made their own commitments to reach the Patient Safety Movement Foundation’s vision of ZERO preventable harm and death across the globe by 2030. Event timings: 4 March 2022 8.00 am PST (4.00pm GMT) - 5 March 2022 5.00 pm PST (6 March 1.00am GMT) Buy tickets
  19. Content Article
    This guidance document for healthcare professionals highlights language that can discourage a person with type 1 diabetes, and what kind of language can motivate them. The project produced by The Diabesties Foundation and Diabetes India, and was adopted from the Language Matters guidance produced by NHS England. The guidance is available to download in English, Hindi and Tamil.
  20. Content Article
    The Dahlgren-Whitehead rainbow is a model for determining health inequalities that maps the relationship between the individual, their environment and health. It was developed in 1991 by Göran Dahlgren and Margaret Whitehead and places individuals at the centre, with various layers of influences on health surrounding them, such as individual lifestyle factors, community influences, living and working conditions, and more general social conditions. The model remains one of the most effective illustrations of health determinants, and has had widespread impact in research on health inequality and influences. It has helped researchers develop a range of hypotheses about the determinants of health, explore the relative influence of these determinants on different health outcomes and plot the interactions between the various determinants.
  21. Content Article
    This report examines the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on people living with long-term conditions and highlights that many have deteriorated faster than usual due to being unable to access rehabilitation services. It makes recommendations to the government aimed at restoring rehabilitation support services. The report was produced collaboratively by The Alzheimer's Society, The Stroke Association, Macmillan Cancer Support, The Centre for Mental Health, Age UK, The College of Podiatry, The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, The Royal College of Occupational Therapists, The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and The British Dietetic Association.
  22. Content Article
    In this opinion piece for the BMJ, the authors argue that shortcomings in protection from contracting Covid-19 at work arise from legislation being ignored. They argue that government departments, including the Department of Health and Social Care and the Department for Education, did not adequately emphasise the legal obligations of employers to protect their employees health during the pandemic. The article states that laws dating back to the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act make it a legal requirement for employers to ensure the health of their employees and of patients, students, and site visitors.
  23. Content Article
    Rhian Rose underwent feticide on 22 November 2019 and was admitted to a maternity ward on 24 November 2019 for medical termination of pregnancy. By the evening of her admission, Rhian had clear symptoms of infection, however the sepsis pathway and antibiotics were not commenced until the following morning. In the late afternoon on 25 November 2019, Rhian became acutely unwell resulting in unconsciousness, emergency caesarean section, subsequent cardiac arrest and eventually her death. In this report the Coroner raises concerns about a lack of informed consent and discussion of maternal wishes and the mode of delivery highlighted by this case. He highlights a lack of guidance relating to the infection risk when a mother is attending for delivery following feticide.
  24. Content Article
    The Office for National Statistics estimates that in December 2021, 1.2 million people in the UK were living with Long Covid. Long Covid is a condition characterised by ongoing symptoms that last for months and even years after an initial Covid-19 infection. It is a difficult condition to diagnose, and nearly two years since it was first seen, medical understanding of Long Covid is still limited. People living with Long Covid often express frustration at misconceptions about the condition that are prevalent amongst medical professionals, policy makers and the general public. In this article, we highlight some of these myths, explain why they are inaccurate and describe the damage they can cause to people living with the condition.
  25. Content Article
    This is the fifth and final of a short series of blogs in which we take a look back at our work in five areas of patient safety during 2021. In this blog we outline how we have been working this year to develop organisational standards for patient safety. Throughout our work, Patient Safety Learning seeks to harness the knowledge, insights, enthusiasm and commitment of health and social care organisations, professionals and patients for system-wide change and the reduction of avoidable harm. We believe patient safety is not just another priority; it is a core purpose of health and social care. Patient safety should not be negotiable.
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