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Everything posted by Patient-Safety-Learning

  1. Event
    This conference will focus on measuring, understanding and acting on patient experience insight, and demonstrating responsiveness to that insight to ensure Patient Feedback is translated into quality improvement and assurance. Through national updates and case study presentations, the conference will support you to measure, monitor and improve patient experience in your service, and ensure that insight leads to quality improvement. Sessions will include learning from patients, improving patient experience during and beyond Covid-19, a national update, practical sessions focusing on delivering a patient experience based culture, measuring patient experience, using the NHS Improvement National Patient Experience Improvement Framework, demonstrating insight and responsiveness in real time, monitoring and improving staff experience, the role of human factors in improving quality, using patient experience to drive improvement, changing the way we think about patient experience, and learning from excellence in patient experience practice. Chair and speakers include: Cristina Serrao, Lived Experience Ambassador NHS England and Improvement Clare Enston, Head of Insight & Feedback NHS England and Improvement David McNally, Head of Experience of Care NHS England and Improvement. Book a place Patient experience conference brochure 25 Nov 2021.pdf
  2. Content Article
    Using a number of analytical approaches, this working paper from the World Health Organization (WHO) attempts to estimate the global number of deaths in health and care workers due to Covid-19. It includes a breakdown of deaths by WHO region and country. It demonstrates that data reported to WHO has greatly underestimated the scale of infection and death among health and care workers, and calls for targeted approaches to increasing vaccination uptake in health and care workers worldwide.
  3. Content Article
    Mr A experienced mental health issues over a number of years. He was arrested and charged with the murder of Philip Owen in October 2017 and was later found guilty of manslaughter. He was sentenced to an indefinite hospital order to treat his mental illness and has been detained in a secure hospital. This is the report of the independent investigation into his care and treatment under Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.
  4. Content Article
    This report by Charles River Laboratories looks at the results of a survey of more than 1,500 Americans conducted in May 2021 by The Harris Poll. The survey showed that 64% respondents believed that closer collaboration between industry organisations would lead to higher quality healthcare. The report contains data on: patient views about the state of the US healthcare system how much patients know about drug and vaccine development processes patient attitudes towards the US Food & Drugs Administration (FDA) how the COVID-19 pandemic has increased collaboration in healthcare.
  5. Content Article
    A study by Charles River found that patients believe the overall quality of healthcare would increase if stakeholders across the life sciences collaborated more. In this interview with Outsourcing-Pharma, Birgit Girshick, corporate executive vice-president of Charles River, discusses the results of the survey.
  6. Event
    In the second of the REAL Centre's REAL Challenge annual lectures, Dr Hilary Cottam OBE – social entrepreneur and author of Radical Help: How We Can Remake the Relationships Between Us and Revolutionise the Welfare State – will bring fresh, innovative ideas to reinvigorate the way we think about care. In an agenda-setting lecture and panel debate, Hilary will explore whether this moment – as we emerge from the pandemic – might offer us a real chance to reimagine and reorganise how we care for one another. How could things be different? Can we ignite a new imagining about what care could be? Can we care more about care? Host: Dr Jennifer Dixon, Chief Executive, the Health Foundation Chair: Sir Andrew Dilnot, Chair, REAL Centre Oversight Board; Warden, Nuffield College Panellists: Clenton Farquharson MBE, Chair of the Think Local Act Personal partnership board Dr Anne-Marie Slaughter, CEO, New America Will Tanner, Director, Onward Cathie Williams, Chief Officer, ADASS Register for this online event
  7. Content Article
    This is the report of an independent assurance review of an independent investigation which considered the care and treatment of mental health service user David at North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, published in June 2020.
  8. Content Article
    Full articles require a subscription to the journal but the abstracts can be viewed free of charge.
  9. Event
    On 8 November 2021, Public Policy Projects is hosting over 300 senior leaders in the heart of Westminster for a high-level day conference designed to turn policy into actionable insights in the healthcare and life science sectors. PPP will host a series of national and international keynote speakers including Ministers, governmental leaders and key providers for this strategic look at delivering innovation. Themes: Integrated Care / Implications of Health Bill Health Inequalities in UK The Life Sciences Vision Future Vaccination Programmes The event is free to the public sector and for commercial companies there is a fee to attend. Register to attend the conference for health care and life sciences
  10. Content Article
    This report by The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust identifies successes and areas for improvement in the Trust's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic resulted in rapid and large-scale changes to ways of working and this report recognises that staff were largely responsive and adaptable to these changes in challenging circumstances. The report looks at learning and recommendations from: the Duty of Candour exercise carried out for patients who contracted COVID-19 in hospital the Trust's clinical teams.  
  11. Content Article
    The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)'s first 'Patient Involvement Strategy' sets out how they will engage and involve the public and patients at each stage of the regulatory journey. The MHRA involved patients throughout the process of developing this strategy and carried out a final public consultation before it was published. The strategy identifies five priority areas for the MHRA: Patient and public involvement Responsiveness Internal culture Measuring outcomes Partnerships.
  12. Content Article
    This article in The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders looks at the impact of the doctor-patient relationship on patient outcomes. It highlights issues that can arise in this relationship, looks at their causes and suggests potential solutions.
  13. Content Article
    A new analysis of the risks and benefits of offering two doses of COVID-19 vaccination to all 12-17 year olds in England shows that the benefits clearly outweigh the risks, given the current high case rates. In the UK currently a single dose of vaccine is recommended for all 12-17 year olds. The research, which is in press with the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, estimates hospital and ICU admissions, deaths and cases of long COVID averted over a 16-week period by vaccinating all 12-17 year olds in England. The analysis includes high and low case rate scenarios.
  14. Content Article
    This paper by Biophorum, a membership organisation for the biopharmaceutical industry, looks at how companies in the sector can adopt a human performance approach to operations. It highlights the need to move away from a focus on reducing human error and towards integrating fundamental systems changes that will enhance human performance.
  15. Content Article
    This report provides an overview of the work of Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (the independent inspectorate and regulator of healthcare in Wales) during 2020-21. It discusses National Reviews undertaken in this period and trends emerging from its quality checks of health services. It also highlights areas of innovation, new methods of public and staff engagement and the delivery of care in new settings as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  16. Content Article
    This study, published in Leadership in Health Services, assesses how patient safety culture and incident reporting differ across professional groups and between long-term and acute care. It used the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire to assess patient safety culture in long-term care (wards and nursing homes) and acute hospital settings at one Finnish healthcare organisation. The authors highlight that this study reveals differences in safety culture between acute care and long-term care settings, and between professionals and managers. They also note that staff involved in the study did not feel they were given enough feedback about reported incidents by managers.
  17. Content Article
    The pandemic has severely disrupted cancer services in England with major consequences for survival rates for lung, breast and colorectal cancer. This paper from the Institute for Public Policy Research examines the impact of the pandemic on cancer pathways, highlighting widespread disruption across screening, referrals, diagnostic and treatment services. The authors also highlight that the 'missing patient' backlog is difficult to predict and that there is a lack of qualified staff to increase capacity and aid service recovery.
  18. Content Article
    In this blog Dr Chris Tiplady, consultant haematologist at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, talks about the importance of building relationships with patients, carers and relatives. When a patient's family member dies, it leaves an empty chair in the consultation room and brings a sense of unexpected loss. Dr Tiplady reflects that throughout the pandemic, empty chairs have become a very common sight and he encourages readers to see these empty chairs as a reminder: "They should remind you to talk, to enquire over who should be in that chair, to have the conversations that need to be had, to recognise the relationships we all have that support us and that make our days better."
  19. Content Article
    Long waiting times and growing waiting lists for hospital treatment have been a problem for some time, but the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the issue and waiting lists have grown rapidly. This analysis of waiting list data by The King's Fund shows a clear relationship between longer waiting lists and deprivation, with those living in the most deprived areas nearly twice as likely to wait more than a year for treatment compared to those living in the least deprived areas.
  20. Content Article
    The National Audit of Dementia (NAD) collected feedback between June and July 2020 to examine how the pandemic has affected hospital care for people with dementia. This report presents the findings from surveys completed by patients, their carers and hospital dementia leads.
  21. Content Article
    This Clinical Audit Guide has been written to help community and hospital pharmacists prepare for and conduct clinical audits. To view this guidance you need to be a Royal Pharmaceutical Society member.
  22. Content Article
    Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) is designed to improve the quality of care within the NHS by reducing unwarranted variations. By tackling variations in the way services are delivered across the NHS, and by sharing best practice between trusts, GIRFT identifies changes that will help improve care and patient outcomes, as well as delivering efficiencies such as the reduction of unnecessary procedures and cost savings.
  23. Content Article
    Fraser Gilmore, Head of Scotland at Care Opinion, outlines the highlights of the 'Annual Review of Stories told on Care Opinion about NHS Boards in Scotland during 2020/21'. He describes an increase in patient feedback and highlights the success of Care Opinion Scotland's online events, including their first conference.
  24. Content Article
    This template has been published to guide local PSIRP early adopter organisations in prioritising investigation quality over quantity. NHS providers should follow this template when developing their local patient safety incident response plan.
  25. Content Article
    This study published in The Lancet analysed patient comments gathered from freely available websites using the Patient Experience Platform. It examined comments to identify disparity in care experiences of people who identified as overweight or living with obesity across all NHS Acute and Specialist Trusts and all general practitioners (GPs) in England from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2020.  The study found that: across all regions, perceptions of the quality of care in the categories ‘Effective Treatment’ and ‘Emotional Support’ were significantly lower for people who identified as living with obesity compared to people who did not. people who identified as living with obesity in the negative behavioural cluster have a lower overall perceived quality of care score. barriers to quality care experienced by people who identified as living with obesity include speed of access, effective treatment, emotional support and stigmatising healthcare experiences.
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