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  1. News Article
    More than 20 families have said they want a completely independent inquiry into maternity services at Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) NHS Trust. One mother, Hayley Coates has said her baby was delivered with forceps, a fractured skull and was starved of oxygen, suffering major brain injuries after a very difficult labour. An inquest this year found serious failings in the service Hayley received after her baby Kaylan, died of an infection a week later. "I was pushing and pushing and nothing was happening. I kept saying the baby isn't coming and I need to go for a Caesarean, but staff kept saying I was going to have the baby naturally," Hayley has said. NUH chief executive Tracy Taylor has said, "We apologise from the bottom of our hearts to the families who have not received the high level of care they need and deserve, we recognise the effects have been devastating". Read full story. Source: BBC News, 22 July 2021
  2. News Article
    Some people calling 999 are having to wait up to 10 minutes before their call is answered. Staff have warned patients may be coming to harm, and may be even dying as a result of the delays and with paramedics also reporting it's taking as long as 24 hours for some ambulances to reach patients. One paramedic has told The Independent, “We are stacking over 500 jobs, with patients waiting hours for an ambulance response. That includes elderly vulnerable people who have fallen but only merit a category three, so their calls are routinely pushed further and further down the queue. In the last few days, I've been to patients waiting 11 or 13 hours. And just to be clear: this is not the hospitals’ fault. The system is profoundly broken.” Read full story. Source: The Independent, 22 July 2021
  3. Content Article
    Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) performs surgical inspections to ensure the procedures are safe for patients. HIW have designed a patient centred approach by allowing lay reviewers to take the same journey a patient would when going through orthopaedic and trauma surgery pathways. HIW focuses on Trauma surgery (emergency surgery on the bones) Elective orthopaedic surgery (planned surgery on the bones) and The National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures or NatSSIPs (Safety checks and processes during surgery).
  4. Content Article
    This document describes Never Events, and the revised list of reportable patient safety incidents to be classed as Never Events from 1 April 2018.
  5. News Article
    The care watchdog has warned patient care may be being affected by the current pressures on the NHS with healthcare workers suffering significant levels of stress. Concerns have been raised in recent weeks after a surge in Covid-19 infections has resulted in record numbers of people calling for ambulances and attending emergency departments, overwhelming the service. Professor Ted Baker, the Care Quality Commission’s chief inspector of hospitals has said “It's imperative that not only do we deal with the immediate pressures on the system, we also need to deal with the underlying problems with the models of care. If we don't do that, patients will not be able to receive the care we want them to, and the pressure on staff to provide care under these difficult circumstances will continue.” Read full story. Source: The Independent, 22 July 2021
  6. News Article
    This article by The Telegraph describes how average waiting times for 4.2 million people on the total NHS waiting lists has reached 37 weeks, with analysis showing patients are waiting twice as long as they were before the pandemic. Read full story (paywalled). Source: The Telegraph, 22 July 2021
  7. News Article
    Health professionals have warned that if Covid-19 rates continue to rise, Maternity services may struggle to keep running. The Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists have said home births have been cancelled amid ambulance shortages. Leah Deutsch, a senior registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology at the Royal Free Hospital in north London, has told The Independent that some women were unable to have their home births during the first and second wave of the pandemic. Read full story. Source: The Independent, 21 July 2021
  8. News Article
    The number of people who have died in each care home has been published for the first time. According to reports, more than 39,000 care home residents died with the virus between 10 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. The data, released by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) shows 21 homes had more than 30 Covid-19 related deaths, with the highest number of deaths in a single care home being 44. Kate Terroni, CQC chief inspector for adult social care has said "Every number represents a life lost". Read full story. Source: BBC News, 21 July 2021
  9. News Article
    In this article, an Alabama doctor describes how her unvaccinated patients are dying from Covid-19. Dr Brytney Cobia, a hospitalist at Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham said in a Facebook post on Sunday, “I’m admitting young healthy people to the hospital with very serious COVID infections. One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late.” Read full story. Source: Advance Local, 21 July 2021
  10. Content Article
    This document describes and sets out the NHS Delivery Framework 2018-2019, Reporting Guidance, NHS Delivery Measures, Summary of Revisions to Measures, Reporting Templates and Measures from 2017-18 that have not been carried forward into the 2018-19 NHS Delivery Framework.
  11. Content Article
    Research has shown Black adults experience significantly worse patient safety events when compared with White adult patients. Previous research examined how race can affect the quality of care and how it could be attributed to the differences in the quality of hospitals that Black patients are admitted to when compared to White patients. Now, new analysis suggests these disparities exist among patients treated in the same hospital.
  12. News Article
    The London Ambulance service declared a 'business continuity incident' on Monday after a surge in 999 calls. Paramedics were told the ambulance service was under extreme demand after the calls threatened to overwhelm the service. The announcement was made after more than 400 calls were made in a single hour during Monday afternoon. “Yesterday we saw high levels of demand for our services and used tested processes to care for our patients – this allowed some people with the least urgent care needs to be treated through alternative routes" said a London Ambulance Service spokesperson. Read full story. Source: The Independent, 20 July 2021
  13. News Article
    The Royal College of Nursing has demanded the health secretary is made fully accountable for the planning and supply of nursing staff in England. As the Health and Care Bill passes through parliament, the RCN insists key changes need to be made to Bill to enable the workforce crisis to be appropriately addressed, including ensuring that the commissioning of services is done in partnership with local communities and ensuring that the voices of experts such as royal colleges are part of the regulation of the profession. Read full story. Source: RCN, 17 July 2021
  14. News Article
    Mandatory mask wearing rules are set to return to Jersey from Wednesday 21 July amid concerns for rising case numbers. The rules stipulate that anyone over the age of 12, must wear a mask when inside indoor public places such as transport, shops and health care settings. Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf has said: "While we have seen a rise in cases over the past two weeks, it is important to remember the effect our vaccination programme has had on the island". Read full story. Source: BBC News, 20 July 2021
  15. News Article
    In the past week, many people have been 'pinged' by the NHS app, informing them they have been in close contact with someone who has had the Covid-19 virus and that they should self-isolate. However, despite this advice there is no legal obligation. Downing street, on the other hand, have urged those who have been 'pinged' to self-isolate when sent the alert via the app. A spokeswoman for No 10 has said "Given the risk of having and spreading the virus when people have been in contact with someone with Covid, it is crucial people isolate when they are told to do so, either by NHS Test and Trace or by the NHS Covid app". Read full story. Source. BBC News, 20 July 2021
  16. Content Article
    This report describes the priorities for for safeguarding the health and the wellbeing of the UK population for winter 2021/22 and beyond and provides an overview of the current research available at the time of writing. The report also focuses on promoting the resilience of communities, populations and the health and social care system.
  17. Event
    The conference features inspirational speakers, educational sessions and topical themes. There are two educational streams that you can switch between and watch later on catch up tv. There will also be virtual networking opportunities. Topics for 2021 include: Human Factors Sustainability Designing the Risk Out of Operating Theatres Realising Your Potential Please click here to book your tickets.
  18. Content Article
    This article describes a report on Long Covid and speech and language therapy. The report has recently been published by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists with the research being conducted to gather insights into working with people with Long Covid between February 2020 and March 2021. Some key findings include: negative impact on mental health and wellbeing, an impact on a person's ability to complete daily tasks and activities, and a significant variation in the number of people referred to speech and language therapy.
  19. News Article
    An NHS consultant has told The Guardian "I work in an NHS Covid ward – and I feel so angry". Providing a first hand account of their experiences working on an NHS Covid ward, the consultant, who wishes to remain anonymous, has expressed their dismay at the rise in cases, the spread of misinformation and the exhaustion felt among staff members dealing with work place stress and mental illness. Read full story. Source: The Guardian, 19 July 2021
  20. News Article
    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has called for in-person learning to be prioritised and for schools to prepare to address the mental health needs of their students. The AAP has also urged all who are eligible to get vaccinated, to do so, and recommends a layered approach in making schools safe for all such as wearing masks even if vaccinated. Sonja O’Leary, MD, FAAP, chair of the AAP Council on School Health has said “We need to prioritize getting children back into schools alongside their friends and their teachers -- and we all play a role in making sure it happens safely”. Read full story. Source: American Academy of Pediatrics, 19 July 2021
  21. News Article
    Multiple issues have been found after a review into Veteran Affairs (VA) electronic system revealed outstanding issues. VA Secretary Denis McDonough has said "The mission of EHRM has always been to create a platform that seamlessly delivers the best access and outcomes for our vets and the best experience for our providers". The review found problems in several areas including: patient safety, productivity, governance and management, cost and schedule performance, patient portal experience, testing, data and change management and training. McDonough has said steps are being taken to address each of these issues and that VA is "reimagining our approach to Electronic Health Record Modernization." Read full story. Source: Healthcare IT News, 19 July 2021
  22. News Article
    WHO epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove wrote in her notebook before a keynote address "the world needs a reality check" after becoming increasingly concerned about the rise in coronavirus infections. Reports have found Covd-19 has been rising rapidly in places where there has been a low vaccine uptake and it has been confirmed the delta variant is the most transmissible than earlier strains. However, despite this, there has been a lack of social distancing and mask wearing from the public. “We’re getting further away from the end than we should be. We’re in a bad place right now globally,” Van Kerkhove has said. Read full story. Source: The Washington Post, 17 July 2021
  23. News Article
    UCLH has been awarded £6.8m to conduct what has been regarded as the largest Long Covid clinical study and will focus on understanding the condition, how to diagnose it, manage it and improve the recovery process. The research will be a collaborative effort and will include 30 researchers, health professionals, patients and industry partners from more than 30 organisations and the project will be known as TIMULATE-ICP (Symptoms, Trajectory, Inequalities and Management: Understanding Long-Covid to Address and Transform Existing Integrated Care Pathways). Read full story. Source: National Health Executive, 19 July 2021
  24. Content Article
    This paper describes the results and rationale of a systematic review carried out across seven countries, including the UK. The authors aimed to study the implementation and impact of remote home monitoring models (virtual wards) for patients who were confirmed or suspected to have Covid-19, identify their main components, processes of implementation, target patient populations, patient impact on outcomes, costs and lessons learnt.
  25. Content Article
    The Surgeon General is warning the American public about the dangers of health misinformation during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. In order to tackle the issue, a new Surgeon General’s Advisory is now available.
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