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  1. Content Article
    This article describes how the Care Quality Commission has charged The Dudley Group Foundation Trust with the deaths of Kaysie-Jane Robinson (14) and Natalie Billingham (33) who were found to have died as a result of safety failures. The Dudley Group Foundation Trust pleaded guilty to the charges in court on 2 July 2021, however, only the death of Ms Robinson was accepted by the trust as a result of their care failures.
  2. Content Article
    This is the report of an independent assurance review of an independent investigation which considered the care and treatment of mental health service user Mr A in Greater Manchester, which was published in 2020.
  3. Content Article
    A resource developed in collaboration with RCOG, Royal College of Midwives and Civility Saves Lives. The toolkit comprises of 8 modules and includes tools to: support the development of positive workplace culture support you when you encounter poor workplace behaviours strengthen your skills and confidence in 'speaking up' promote an understanding of what poor workplace behaviour looks like and its impact on individuals, teams, organisations and importantly the women and families we care for.
  4. Content Article
    This report from The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine highlights three key themes around the issue of diagnostic error: The importance of diagnostic error in patient safety and the need to give the subject more research attention The central role that patients play in helping to avoid diagnostic error. The idea that diagnosis is a collaborative effort involving intra- and interprofessional teamwork. It also looks at several specific issues that must be addressed to reduce diagnostic errors.
  5. News Article
    Criminal prosecution is being considered by the NHS care watchdog over the maternity scandal at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust. Many babies have died in the maternity unit due to poor patient care and failings by staff. Evidence is now being examined as to whether the trust committed a criminal offence by not following the proper procedures and by not being honest with parents and families about the deaths of the babies. Read full story. Source: The Independent, 2 July 2021
  6. News Article
    A leaked message to NHS staff on Thursday revealed Nottingham University Hospitals Trust NHS chief Tracy Taylor, admitted that the maternity ward was not a safe environment for women and babies. In the message, it was revealed that 37 new members of staff have been hired in an attempt to help improve services. She has said: “Improving our maternity services is one of our top priorities and we know how tirelessly colleagues in maternity are working to make those improvements". Read full story. Source: The Independent, 2 July 2021
  7. News Article
    2.45 million has been pledged by the government to improve childbirth care which is due to happen this year. It has been announced that the funding is intended to help NHS maternity staff to improve the safety of the women and babies they care for. Maternity safety minister Nadine Dorries said "I am determined to make sure as many mums as possible can go home with healthy and happy babies in their arms". Read full story. Source: Department of Health and Social Care, 4 July 2021
  8. Content Article
    Liz O'Riordan, a breast cancer surgeon of 20 years, describes her experience of developing breast cancer, having to give up her job and how now she has been able to help hundreds of thousands of women through her book, blogging and being an ambassador.
  9. Content Article
    In this article, Victoria Lavin discusses her experience of having breast cancer, chemotherapy and a new understanding from a patients point of view.
  10. Content Article
    National Guardian news discussing current events, annual reports, and guidance.
  11. Content Article
    This article is an open letter in the BMJ to the secretary of state describing ways to address past mistakes and suggesting 10 urgent actions.
  12. Event
    This webinar is sponsored by BD. Learning Outcomes Understanding management, around issues of consent. Recognise the importance and relevance of the Montgomery legislation in the model of shared decision making. Gain insight around empowerment of the patient in informed consent. Be able to explore issues around extended roles in shared decision making. Speaker: Prof Janet Wilson, Emerita Prof of Otolaryngology, Newcastle University & Council Member RCSEd.
  13. News Article
    Women forced to give birth alone have said 'the system has completely failed' them. A new report by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service found the Covid rules requiring pregnant women to attend scans and give birth alone has caused widespread distress and anxiety. The research also revealed many women having to attend their appointments online felt it did not meet their requirements at all. The Royal College of Psychiatrists, who released the findings, have said due to a lack of support and resources, the mental health of pregnant women and new mothers is at risk. Read full story. Source: The Independent, 01 July 2021
  14. News Article
    Scientists have called for the list of Covid-19 symptoms to be expanded. The call comes after scientists warned cases may be missed if the symptoms are not included on the official list. However, others are warning that including too many may be confusing and result in unnecessary tests being carried out. Currently, the government maintains that the list is under constant review. Read full story. Source: BBC News, 01 July 2021
  15. News Article
    England's senior doctors may take industrial action if the offer of 1% pay rise is not improved. Paid and unpaid overtime may be stopped if the figure is not increased to at least 4% says the British Medical Association. The BMA have also said industrial action may impact patient clinics and attempts to shorten waiting lists if it goes ahead. The Department of Health has said the government was committed to a wage rise for NHS staff, including consultants. Read full story. Source: BBC, 2 July 2021
  16. News Article
    A new leaked report has found almost half of hospital isolation rooms did not meet ventilation guidelines after an audit was commissioned after healthcare staff and patients were found to be infected with COVID-19. The audit revealed nearly 40 per cent of hospital wards failed air filtration guidelines and though 99 percent of wards had enough outside air, problems begin to occur when it gets into the hospitals. The ABC has contacted the Victorian Health Department for comment. Read full story. Source: The ABC News, 1 July 2021
  17. Content Article
    The study aims to describe patients' experiences of acquiring a deep SSI and it's negative impact. The authors propose that as many safety measures should be taken as possible to avoid and prevent infection.
  18. Content Article
    Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) is designed to improve the quality of care within the NHS by reducing unwarranted variations. By tackling variations in the way services are delivered across the NHS, and by sharing best practice between trusts, GIRFT identifies changes that will help improve care and patient outcomes, as well as delivering efficiencies such as the reduction of unnecessary procedures and cost savings.
  19. Content Article
    After Rosie Bartel went for knee replacement surgery, she was told she had contracted the MRSA infection. In this video, Mrs. Bartel describes how she is now in a wheelchair after three years and 11 surgeries.
  20. Content Article
    Six news stories relating to studies on surgical site infections and reducing their incidence. Free registration is required to view this content.
  21. News Article
    An investigation by The Independent and Channel 4 has found dozens of babies have died on the maternity wards at Nottingham hospitals as a result of poor care. The special report tells how families have not had their concerns properly investigated nor has the hospital attempted to learn from previous mistakes. Nottingham NHS is now facing dozens of clinical negligence claims by grieving families, with the trust estimated to have already paid out £91m in damages and legal costs. Read full story. Source: The Independent, 30 June 2021
  22. News Article
    Analysis from leading psychiatrists found from 2020-2021 out of 47,000 women, only 3,1261 were able to get help from perinatal services. Whilst it was deemed the pandemic was not the main reason women were being denied access, it was established that due to lack of investment and funding, services were unable to provide support when needed. The Royal College of Psychiatrists is calling for funding in the next spending review. Read full story. Source: The Guardian, 1 July 2021
  23. News Article
    In an attempt to stop the spread of the virus, the government introduced a policy where pupils would be sent home to self-isolate if they came into contact with an infected person in school. However, the number of cases being prevented by this policy is not being monitored. It has been estimated at least 279,000 children are at home with many being asked to self isolate for 10 days. Without a full set of data, it cannot be known how this current policy is affecting the rate of infections. A government spokesperson has said the health secretary and education secretary are working on getting education back to normal as soon as they can. Read full story. Source: BBC News, 01 July 2021
  24. News Article
    A study by React have estimated around 2 million people may be suffering from long Covid but scientists say the cases are going under reported. Currently, there is no universal definition of long Covid and the symptoms are varying and broad. To better understand the condition, the government has set up around 80 clinics and have invested £50m for research. Read full story. Source: BBC News, 30 June 2021
  25. Content Article
    In this blog Patient Safety Learning outlines key points included in its response to the consultation on the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) proposed Patient and Public Involvement Strategy 2020-25. It sets out its feedback to this consultation and describes the change required for the regulator to improve its approach to engaging and involving patients to improve patient safety.
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