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  1. News Article
    Barnsley Hospital declares 'black alert' as their A&E becomes overwhelmed with patients. The hospital has seen more than 300 patients in one day, putting pressure on staff to free up beds. It has been understood that the surge in numbers is due to other illnesses and not Covid-19 related. Read full story. Source: The Independent, 22 June 2021
  2. News Article
    Ministers are to legislate more powers over how data on patients is collected and are imposing a 'duty' on the NHS to share patient information when doing so would benefit the system. The Health and Social Care Act 2021 already allows for sharing of data on an individual basis but staff have reported finding it hard to share it when it comes to primary and secondary care and administrative purposes. The new draft strategy produced by NHSX, has suggested it may want to use cloud storage to create a set of “structured data records” with the idea that it would make it easier for patients to access their own data. Read full story. (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 22 June 2021
  3. Content Article
    We are delighted to announce that Patient Safety Learning has been recognised amongst the finalists at this year’s Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) Professional Awards 2021.
  4. Content Article
    Commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) on behalf of NHS England, this report is based on data for children who died from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 in England.
  5. Content Article
    This report presents findings from the Out of Area Placements in Mental Health Services March 2021 collection.
  6. Content Article
    This annual report from the University of Bristol provides information about the deaths of people with a learning disability aged four years and over notified to the programme.
  7. Content Article
    This blog discusses the need to ensure a safe digital health system. Kelsey Flott, Deputy Director of Patient Safety at NHSX explains how owing to the pandemic, the NHS like others, have had to embrace digital technology at a rapid pace to cope with the challenges faced in the healthcare system. Due to this adoption of digital technology, it is vitally important that digital safety is included in current and future strategies.
  8. News Article
    A new report by the Royal College of Nursing shows the number of learning disability nurses working in NHS Hospitals, NHS hospital and community services in England has risen by only 22 in three years. Worryingly, there is estimated to be only 17,000 learning disability specialist nurses on the NMC register in the UK. The Royal College of Nursing is urging the government to address the shortage of specialist nurses for learning disabilities. Read full story. Source: Royal College of Nursing, 22 June 2021
  9. News Article
    The government is being urged to make the term 'nurse' a protected legal title as it has now been found people are calling themselves a nurse despite not being registered or qualified. Recently it has emerged that even in the NHS, unregistered staff have been using the term 'nurse', meaning patients cannot be sure the person treating them is qualified raising concerns for patient safety. Currently, only the term 'registered nurse' is a protected legal title. Read full story. Source: The Independent, 21 June 2021
  10. News Article
    Social care in England is not usually provided for free, and many people have found it a challenge to pay for. Social care organisations are urging ministers to publish plans to revise how the sector in England is funded. The government has promised to publish the funding plans by the end of the year. Read full story. Source: BBC News, 21 June 2021
  11. News Article
    Naga Munchetty speaks out about her experience having the IUD fitted after reading an article on another woman's experience and how painful it had been. She describes her experience having a coil fitting left her feeling "violated, weak and angry". Read full story. Source: BBC News, 21 June 2021
  12. Content Article
    An original two-part documentary on pharmaceutical companies and their impact on public health. The documentary explores the opioid epidemic in America and the subsequent deaths associated with it.
  13. News Article
    Hospitals around the UK are facing record numbers of patients coming into A&E, overwhelming the service. New records have been set, surpassing that of the worst days in the winter of 2019. Concerns over patient safety have been raised amid fears lives may be lost. It has been revealed by doctors working in A&E that patients are waiting to be seen as long as nine hours and the increased influx of people needing urgent treatment is putting more pressure on hospital beds. There are also reports of growing levels of violence towards medical staff from frustrated public. Dr Adrian Boyle has said "there is no quick fix" and that the increased pressure and violence from members of the public have created a "toxic work environment". Read full story. Source: The Independent, 20 June 2021
  14. News Article
    It has been reported that people in quarantine due to having flown in from overseas, were denied medical treatment when they needed it. Among them, included a baby needing urgent treatment and was stopped from going to Accident and Emergency and a man who had suffered a heart attack. In what has been described as a breach of the law, people quarantined in the hotels in the London area were denied basic facilities and medical treatment. After legal intervention, the government has issued an order to release certain individuals from the hotel after it was found their health was impacted by the quarantine. Read full story. Source: The Independent, 20 June 2021
  15. News Article
    Margaret Evans, 86, from Nefyn, Gwynedd describes the ban on visitors as 'soul-destroying'. Ms Evans, who had been in hospital for more than 10 weeks describes her experience as like being "torn away from the world". Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board have said they understood the impact of having no visitors and is set to make changes to the restrictions this week by allowing visits by appointment. Other hospitals around Wales have already implemented this change, including those run by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Powys Teaching Health Board, and Swansea Bay University Health Board. Read full story. Source: BBC News, 20 June 2021
  16. News Article
    From 1974 to 1987, children from Treloar's College, a boarding school for children with physical disabilities, were offered treatment for haemophilia. However, more than 120 children were given contaminated drug which infected many with HIV and viral hepatitis, with at least 72 having died as a result. Treloar's College had a specialist NHS haemophilia centre on site, however, the blood plasma used to make the drug had been imported from overseas. Only 32 out of the 122 children with haemophilia are still alive today. It is hoped that the public inquiry may shed some light on what happened. Read full story. Source: BBC News, 21 June 2021
  17. Content Article
    This study describes how a significant proportion of healthcare resources has been redirected to help patients ill from COIVD-19. Results from statistical analysis revealed more than 1.5 million operations were cancelled due to the pandemic and it is believed the number of cancelled operations may continue to increase by 2.4 million.
  18. News Article
    England's Chief Nurse has announced every pregnant woman will be able to access their maternity records from their smart phone. The move has been made so that pregnant women will be able to have more control over their pregnancy and will be able to see all the decisions and information made via a smart phone. GPs and health professionals will also be able to access this information, it is hoped that by doing so, it will mean pregnant women will no longer have to repeat information to different clinicians they see whilst pregnant, which may also help improve safety. Read full story Source: NHS England, 17 June 2021
  19. News Article
    Millions of people may be affected for years to come by the disruption to surgery across England and Wales, possibly for many years ahead. It has been reported that hospitals have performed around 1.5 million fewer surgeries which may also be in part because people have not attended for their operation or treatment. Those who have not come forward for their surgeries or treatments it had been found, could be due to fear of contracting COVID-19, or that there were fewer accidents that caused significant injury requiring surgery. Findings showed surgeries that involved gall bladders, burn reconstructions and hip and knee replacements were among those that experienced the shortest fall. Read full story Source: BBC News, 18 June 2021
  20. News Article
    New research shows a rise in sharps injuries among healthcare workers around Europe over the last year. Respondents of the research said the rise in sharps injuries may be due to staff shortages and higher pressures and stress on healthcare staff. The survey, which covered more than 300,000 healthcare workers, found workers were being put at unnecessary risk of contracting deadly diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C, with nurses being the ones primarily affected by the sharps injuries. The article concludes that more interventions need to be done to protect healthcare workers. Read full story Source: The Brussels Times, 15 June 2021
  21. News Article
    A new survey by the BMA was conducted throughout the UK on moral distress from 18 March 2021 to 12 April 2021. It was found that those doctors who worked with Covid-19 patients and doctors who were from ethnic backgrounds, were more likely to say moral distress was a feeling they had experienced. It was also found doctors from ethnic backgrounds were also more likely to say moral injury resonated with their experiences. The results of the survey has raised concerns for staff wellbeing with the BMA asking that the government increase staffing to the NHS, and provide emotional and psychological support for healthcare workers. Read full story Source: BMJ, 16 June 2021
  22. News Article
    Two more NHS maternity units have been downgraded by the care watchdog amid safety concerns. The services at Colchester Hospital and Ipswich Hospital were downgraded from good, to 'requires improvement', finding staff shortages at both hospitals. Moreover, it was also found handovers were not sufficient meaning staff were not sharing the proper information about the women and babies. Among the concerns and issues raised, there were problems with team-working, properly recording patient information, and inefficient information systems. Read full story Source: The Independent, 16 June 2021
  23. News Article
    As services return to normal, Chief executive of NHS Wales has warned the Welsh NHS is under "substantial pressure". As safety measures are needed to remain in place, the resuming of normal services has created a challenge, with patient waiting lists becoming longer and A&E attendance returning to pre-pandemic levels. There is now some concern the new Delta variant may increase hospital admissions, adding more strain to the already strained system. Read full story Source: BBC News, 17 June 2021
  24. News Article
    The World Health Organisation has said cuts to the UK budget may put millions of lives at risk of dying from "neglected tropical diseases", leaving some of the poorest people in the world exposed. The diseases listed included elephantiasis, trachoma and Guinea Worm. According to the WHO, the UK was able to provide funding to at least 19 countries before the aid cut. There are now fears that vital medicine, an estimated at 277 million tablets used to treat tropical diseases would now expire. The financial impact of the pandemic, according to the The Foreign Office, meant the aid cuts were necessary. Read full story. Source: BBC News, 17 June 2021
  25. News Article
    An independent review has found that children's services are not providing enough early support and are too focused on investigating families in crisis. The system was found to be under significant strain with the review suggesting that under the current system, it was not sustainable long-term. For those families in crisis who ask for help, it was reported that the process to apply for support caused more added stress and strain. At present, the service is failing young people and families in need of help and support. The review is to be published in Spring 2022 along with any suggestions for change. Read full story Source, BBC News, 17 June 2021
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