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Everything posted by Patient-Safety-Learning

  1. Content Article
    This toolkit has been co-produced by the School and Public Health Nurses Association (SAPHNA) with school nursing services, mental health campaigners, eating disorder experts, education colleagues and young people with lived-experience of eating disorders. It is aimed at qualified, trained and skilled nurses who have access to robust supervision. The toolkit is free of charge, but you will need to enter your details in order to receive a PDF copy by email.
  2. Content Article
    This webpage has been put together by The Patients Association to provide resources for patients and members of the public who want to start a local campaign about a specific issue related to health and social care. It includes: advice on how to campaign. information on who you should contact. template letters to MPs and other officials.
  3. Content Article
    In January 2023, The Patients Association celebrates its 60th anniversary. In this interview, CEO Rachel Power talks about why The Patients Association was set up and how the organisation still aims to  ensure that everyone can access and benefit from the health and care they need to live well. She describes the benefits of shifting to free membership, how patient partnership is vital to improving health and care services and The Patients Association's role in highlighting the key issues facing patients to the Government. She also highlights the key role that pharmacies play in promoting health information and delivering services to the communities they serve.
  4. Content Article
    This guide by the charity Menopause Support offers advice for women who may be experiencing menopause symptoms about how to approach an appointment with their GP. It covers preparing for the appointment with research, making a note of your symptoms, how to ask questions, taking a friend or family member to support you, and further support you can request during the consultation.
  5. Content Article
    Transitions of care between hospital departments are necessary, but they may disrupt care coordination, such as discharge planning. Family carers often serve as liaisons between the patient and healthcare professionals, but they frequently experience exclusion from care planning during intrahospital transfers (IHTs). This has the potential to decrease their awareness of patients’ clinical status, postdischarge needs and carer preparation. This study aimed to explore family carers’ perceptions about IHTs, patient and carer ratings of patient discharge readiness and carer self-perception of preparation to engage in at home care.
  6. Content Article
    This article in The Atlantic by Adam Gaffney, a doctor who works in both primary and secondary care, looks at the difficulty of defining and estimating the number of people living with Long Covid. The condition presents in a variety of different ways in people who were hospitalised with Covid-19, as well as people who had mild illness. He argues that incomplete and limited perspectives on what Long Covid is or isn’t, limits people's understanding of who is suffering and why, and of what we can do to improve the lives of people with the condition. More research is needed to understand the mechanisms involved in varied presentations of Long Covid.
  7. Content Article
    This joint report by the APPG on Baby Loss and the APPG on Maternity is a culmination of over 100 submissions to an open call for evidence from staff, service users and organisations, on the maternity staffing crisis. It paints a picture of a service that is at breaking point and staff that are over-worked, burnt out and stressed.
  8. Content Article
    The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch's (HSIB's) local investigation pilot aimed to evaluate the organisation's ability to carry out effective locality-based patient safety investigations with actions aimed at specific NHS organisations, while still identifying and sharing relevant national learning. It differs from HSIB's usual national investigations, which make safety recommendations to organisations that can make changes at a national level across the NHS in England. The pilot published three investigations focused on cross boundary and multi-agency safety events: Investigation 1: incorrect patient identification Investigation 2: incorrect patient details on handover Investigation 3: transfer of a patient with a stroke to emergency care The report summarises how the HSIB local investigation pilot was undertaken, and shares findings applicable to local healthcare systems including healthcare organisations and Integrated Care Systems.
  9. Content Article
    The Health and Care Act 2022 will establish the Healthcare Safety Investigations Branch (HSIB) as the Health Services Safety Investigations Body (HSSIB) in April 2023, a fully independent arm’s-length body. This blog by Dr Sean Weaver, Deputy Medical Director at HSIB, outlines what HSSIB's new powers will be.
  10. Content Article
    The Stroke Association's Saving Brains campaign aims to raise awareness of thrombectomy, a game-changing surgical treatment for stroke that many patients in the UK are currently missing out on. Thrombectomy can prevent further damage occurring to the brain in people having a stroke. It is a time-critical treatment and there is variation in access to the procedure across the country, In this video, stroke patients Karen and Phil talk about their experiences of treatment. Karen was able to have a timely thrombectomy and regained full mobility immediately following the procedure. Phil wasn't able to access thrombectomy due to the service not being available in his area at weekends; as a result, his recovery has been slower and more difficult.
  11. Content Article
    In this Health Foundation blog, senior data analyst Anne Alarilla looks at what the organisation has learned from involving patients and the public in its analytical projects. Patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) in research allows patients and the public to be involved in decisions about what an organisation does and how it interprets and communicates analysis. It means that research is carried out in line with the ethical principle of ‘nothing about us, without us’. In the blog, Anne outlines four key lessons: If you’re new to this, work with experienced PPIE practitioners Incorporate lived experiences when developing and refining analysis plans Ensure the people you engage with understand what you’ll do with the findings Make the findings relevant to patients and the public
  12. Content Article
    This short video talks about the importance of recognising the signs and symptoms of head and neck cancer at the earliest opportunity, and describes actions which can be taken to support earlier diagnosis. Although aimed at pharmacists, it provides useful information for all patients and healthcare professionals on symptoms that might indicate head and neck cancer.
  13. Content Article
    Patients with head and neck cancer may be required to travel significant distances for treatment, follow up and rehabilitation. This article in thr journal Cancer Nursing Practice presents findings from an evaluation of a pilot head and neck cancer service redesign in Thames Valley Cancer Alliance to enable patients from Swindon and Wiltshire to receive follow up and rehabilitation closer to home. The evaluation identified a decrease in overall outpatient visit time for these patients, resulting in reduced travel costs and improved quality of life.
  14. News Article
    Doctors recruited from some of the world's poorest countries to work in UK hospitals say they're being exploited - and believe they're so overworked they fear putting patients' health at risk. A BBC investigation has found evidence that doctors from Nigeria are being recruited by a British healthcare company and expected to work in private hospitals under conditions not allowed in the National Health Service. The British Medical Association (BMA) has described the situation as "shocking" and says the sector needs to be brought in line with NHS working practices. Dr Jenny Vaughan of the Doctors Association UK said, "This is a slave-type work with… excess hours, the like of which we thought had been gone 30 years ago. It is not acceptable for patients for patient-safety reasons. It is not acceptable for doctors. " Read full story Source: BBC News, 11 October 2022
  15. Event
    Join ImproveWell and representatives from Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust and Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, to discover: how the current landscape in maternity services looks as regards quality, safety, and workforce sentiment; how engaging the workforce to improve is the key to positive transformation; and lessons and best practice in engaging the workforce in improvement within the maternity services at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust and Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust. Register for this event
  16. Content Article
    Our Health Our Knowledge (OHOK) is a short web-based course developed by patients and GPs to help people make healthcare choices. OHOK is available in English and Welsh, is free to use and is backed by the Royal College of General Practitioners, the Welsh Value in Health Centre/Canolfan Gwerth mewn lechyd Cymru, Realistic Medicine and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges.
  17. Content Article
    Health inequalities are differences in health across the population, and between different groups in society, that are systematic, unfair and avoidable. This webpage from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) outlines a definition of health inequalities. highlights factors that cause them, explores their effects and talks about how NICE can help health services tackle health inequalities.
  18. Content Article
    This resource from the Mental Health Foundation provides tips to help you protect your mental health, each one backed up by evidence from research. The leaflet gives further information on the following tips: Get closer to nature Learn to understand and manage your feelings To to someone you trust for support Be aware of using drugs and/or alcohol to cope with difficult feelings Try to make the most of your money and get help with problem debts Get more from your sleep Be kind and help create a better world Keep moving Eat healthy food Be curious and open-minded to new experiences Plan things to look forward to
  19. Event
    Following our Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) introduction webinar on 5 September 2022, this is the first in a series of more practical webinars to support organisations to transition to the new framework. This webinar coincides with the start of the 'discovery' phase, and will cover: Update from the national patient safety team (10 mins). Speakers: Tracey Herlihey, Head of Patient Safety Incident Response Policy and Lauren Mosley, Head of Patient Safety Implementation Look back at the 'orientation phase' with examples of challenges and successes. Speakers: Provider organisation TBC (15 mins) Look forward to the 'discovery phase' with examples of challenges and successes. Speakers: Provider organisation TBC (15 mins) Questions and answers (20 mins) We will continue this series of webinars every two months. About PSIRF The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) was published in August 2022, setting out the NHS’s approach to developing and maintaining effective systems and processes for responding to patient safety incidents for the purpose of learning and improving patient safety. Organisations are expected to transition to PSIRF within 12 months of its publication, and transition should be completed by Autumn 2023. PSIRF preparation is broken down into six phases to ease transition and provide detail around discrete activities that will set strong foundations for implementing the framework. Register for the event
  20. Event
    Join us and discover first-hand how the equitable implementation of NICE recommendations ensures that care provided is effective, makes efficient use of resources and reduces inequalities and unwarranted variation. Discover how we are aligning what we do with Integrated Care Systems (ICS) and wider system priorities and how our evidence-based recommendations are aligned to recognised health inequalities frameworks such as Labonte and Marmot. Register for the event
  21. Content Article
    The CVDPREVENT audit contributes to a strategic objective outlined in the NHS Long Term Plan to prevent 150,000 strokes, heart attacks and cases of dementia over the next ten years. The audit works with system partners to drive cardiovascular disease (CVD) quality improvement. Mary Wills is a patient representative for the CVDPREVENT audit, and in this blog she describes her family's experience of CVD and why she was keen to get involve in CVDPREVENT. She talks about the value of hearing from other patients and carers in the first Patient Panel meeting and being invited to contribute to CVDPREVENT Steering Group meetings.
  22. Content Article
    Web-based personal health records (PHRs) have the potential to improve the quality, accuracy and timeliness of health care. However, the international uptake of web-based PHRs has been slow. Populations experiencing disadvantages are less likely to use web-based PHRs, potentially widening health inequities within and among countries. This study in the Journal of Medical Internet Research aimed to identify the predictors of awareness, engagement and use of the Australian national web-based PHR, My Health Record (MyHR). The study found a strong and consistent association between digital health literacy and the use of a web-based PHR. The authors suggest that improving digital technology and skill experiences may improve digital health literacy and willingness to engage in web-based PHR. They also suggest that uptake could be improved through more responsive digital services, strengthened healthcare and better social support.
  23. Content Article
    World Physiotherapy is the international voice for physiotherapy, representing more than 685,000 physiotherapists worldwide, through 125 member organisations. Recognising the lack of good quality evidence relating to Long Covid and physical activity, this briefing paper aims to support healthcare professionals to provide safe and effective Long Covid rehabilitation practice, research and policy. It recommends screening for post-exertional symptom exacerbation (PACS), cardiac impairment, exertional oxygen desaturation and autonomic dysfunction before exercise is recommended to people with symptoms of Long Covid.
  24. Content Article
    This article published by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) aims to explain how health services in the UK protect patient safety during industrial action by nurses. It describes the principle of derogations, an exemption from taking part in strike action given to particular RCN members or services. Any RCN industrial action must follow the life-preserving care model. This exempts:  emergency intervention for the preservation of life or the prevention of permanent disability. care required for therapeutic services without which life would be jeopardised or permanent disability would occur. urgent diagnostic procedures and assessment required to obtain information on potentially life-threatening conditions or conditions that could potentially lead to permanent disability. The article goes on to explain the process by which derogations are granted, and talks about balancing the need to maximise the impact of the strike while keeping patients safe.
  25. Content Article
    It is important that patients understand both verbal and written health information, including clinical explanations, recommendations, instructions and educational materials. However, health information and services often are unfamiliar and confusing, and many people struggle with health literacy and numeracy. Taking steps to help patients understand health information is therefore important to patient engagement and patient-centred care. This checklist is designed to help healthcare providers evaluate their current approaches to ensuring patient understanding and identify potential gaps and opportunities for improvement.
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