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  1. Content Article
    Kerri Mothersole was a 44 year old woman who had a past medical history of asthma, labyrinthitis, depression and back pain. In May 2020 she was seen with symptoms of possible early menopause and blood tests requested. In October 2020 she was noted to be suffering from tiredness and had irregular periods and again blood tests were requested. Blood tests taken in January 2021 noted a low haemoglobin and ferritin so iron was prescribed as well as follow up in two months. In March 2021 she complained of having per vaginal bleeding for six weeks and she was referred for an ultrasound. Due to her underlying ill health, she had difficulty in attending appointments and missed a number of different appointments. She was seen in the surgery on 21 June 2021 by her General Practitioner who noted abdominal tenderness and weight loss and he again referred her for an ultrasound. An ultrasound was undertaken by a private firm HEM Clinical Ultrasound on 28 June 2021 but the report was never sent to her General Practitioner. A second ultrasound on the 1 July 2021suggested a diagnosis of adenomyosis but noting that serious pathology could not be ruled out. Only the second report was sent to the General Practitioner which led to a routine gynaecology referral, she had however already been referred to the colorectal team on the urgent two week wait pathway. Had the earlier scan report been seen this would have led to an urgent referral to gynaecology. There were a number of missed appointments and a colonoscopy took place on 20 October 2021. The procedure was negative but the endoscopist thought he could feel something in the pelvis and a CT scan was arranged. The CT scan on 28 October 2021 demonstrated a large pelvic mass and she was referred to the gynaecology team in early December and a multidisciplinary team meeting discussion on 17 December 2021 led to a request for an MRI scan. Appointments were made for 31 December 2021, 25 January 2022 and again in February but not attended and she eventually underwent an MRI on 1 May 2022 which revealed a large mass. She was again discussed at the multidisciplinary team meeting on 6 May 2022 and referred to the gynae-oncology surgeons at Maidstone hospital. She was seen on 1 June 2022 and booked for surgery on 27 June 2022. She was, however, far too unwell for surgery on 27 June 2022 and further investigations revealed brain metastases. She was admitted to hospital and treated with steroids and referred to the Oncologists as surgery was deemed no longer appropriate. She was prescribed hormone treatment but she was, by now, too unwell to receive even palliative radiotherapy. She was taken to Medway Maritime hospital on 19 August 2022 and was struggling as she had been so unwell at home. Whilst plans were being made to provide some care at home she remained overnight but sadly died on 20 August 2022 as she was so unwell she could not return home.
  2. Content Article
    This report from Public Policy Projects (PPP) calls for changes in the use of approved medicines to improve diabetes care in the UK. It is the first in a series looking at specific areas of diabetes care in the UK.
  3. News Article
    A trust has announced it is scrapping a major suicides review, prompting concerns about the “devastating” impact the surprise move could have on some grieving families. The concerns from a whistleblower—and a family member who has reportedly expressed their “upset and shock”—come despite the provider’s insistence they had taken relatives’ views into account when reaching their decision. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust originally announced plans for the review of over 60 cases in July last year—a move which followed allegations that a patient’s record was tampered with after they had died by suicide in the trust’s care. A chair was appointed to lead the review just last month. But in a short statement on its website, the trust said it had now taken the decision “not to proceed with [the review] as originally intended [after] speaking with several families and loved ones with lived experience” of the suicide cases, which date back to 2017. The review had been “planned with the best of intentions [but] it has become clear… that the review would not answer the individual and highly personal questions some families might have,” the trust said. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 13 May 2024
  4. News Article
    Hospital surgical teams that include more female doctors improve patient outcomes, lower the risk of serious complications and could in turn reduce healthcare costs, according to the world’s largest study of its kind. Studies show diversity is important in business, finance, tech, education and the law not only for equity but for output. However, evidence supporting the value of sex diversity in healthcare teams has been limited. Now researchers who examined more than 700,000 operations spanning a decade report that hospitals with more women in their surgical teams provide better outcomes for patients. The findings were published in the British Journal of Surgery. “Care in hospitals with greater anaesthesia-surgery team sex diversity was associated with better postoperative outcomes,” the researchers concluded. “The main takeaway for clinical practice and health policy is that increasing operating room teams’ sex diversity is not a question of representation or social justice, but an important part of optimising performance." Dr Julie Hallet, the lead author of the study at the University of Toronto, said, “These results are the start of an important shift in understanding the way in which diversity contributes to quality in perioperative care.” Read full story Source: Guardian, 15 May 2024
  5. Content Article
    Despite growing awareness of diagnostic error, most healthcare systems do not track or record diagnostic quality, and many diagnostic safety events are not recognised. Without methods to identify, measure, investigate and analyse events, healthcare organisations cannot understand causes of diagnostic errors, identify contributing factors or create solutions. One of the best ways to collect information about diagnostic errors is through self-reporting by patients and healthcare professionals. This issue brief from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality looks at how to foster psychological safety and organisational safety culture in order to reduce harm from diagnostic error. 
  6. Content Article
    The National Diabetes Foot Care Audit (NDFA) has published a State of the Nation report for 2018 to 2023. Based on data from England and Wales from 1 Apr 2018 to 31 Mar 2023, it details the findings and recommendations relating to the assessment, outcomes and participation in the NDFA for this period. Ulceration of the foot in people living with diabetes presents significant challenges, including emotional, physical and financial costs, and is associated with increased risk of both amputation and death. It affects between 1 and 2% of all people with diabetes each year and its management accounts for approximately 1% of the total NHS budget. The overall aim of the NDFA is to measure factors associated with increased risk of ulcer onset and adverse ulcer outcomes, and to share information relating to best clinical practice. This report contains three key findings: The time to first expert assessment (FEA) is key to achieving the positive outcomes of being alive and ulcer free (AAUF) at 12 weeks There is a marked variation between foot care services both in terms of assessment and outcomes There are wide ranging differences between regions, integrated care boards and services in ulcer registration rates, and also the percentage of those registered that are classified as severe.
  7. News Article
    The last acute trust deemed “inadequate” by the Care Quality Commission has had its rating improved to “requires improvement”, the regulator has announced today. Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals Trust has been rated “inadequate” since November 2021. Until today, it was the only acute trust in England to have the lowest possible combined CQC rating. Inspectors said leaders were visible and approachable, but kept the trust’s leadership rating as “requires improvement.” This was unchanged from the previous inspection. Meanwhile, maternity services at Princess Royal Hospital in Telford, which for years have been under intense scrutiny over multiple instances of poor care and scores of baby deaths, have also been upgraded, this time from “requires improvement” to “good”. Inspectors visiting in October and November 2023 said there had been a “positive shift” in culture with staff saying they felt safer to speak up. The CQC’s report said that overall, people were receiving a higher standard of care with “staff now proud to work for the trust” and SaTH was “working hard to help rebuild people’s confidence” in its services. Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 15 May 2024
  8. News Article
    The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) awarded Patients for Patient Safety US (PFPS US) a $100,000 Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award for a new project called “Patients Involved in deVeloping Outcomes Together” or “Project PIVOT.” Project PIVOT is a novel patient-led initiative to advance the integration of patient-centred patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and patient-reported experiences (PREs) into Patient-Centered Outcome Research (PCOR), Comparative Clinical Effectiveness Research (CER) and quality assessment measurement tools to improve patient safety, diagnostic quality, and equity. “This award will allow us to identify opportunities to capture—directly from patients and families—their care experiences and challenges, filling key gaps in the traditional data sources used to evaluate healthcare quality and safety,” stated Sue Sheridan, co-founder of PFPS US. In contrast to traditional tools, such as clinical outcome measures and hospital readmission rates, Project PIVOT’s long-term goal is to make healthcare safer and more equitable by capturing and learning from patients’ experiences related to patient safety, diagnostic quality and bias. Project PIVOT will have a special focus on historically underserved communities to help define which questions and outcomes are most important to capture. Priority areas of focus include maternal/newborn health in communities of colour, the physical, intellectual and developmental disability communities and older adults. Read full story Source: Newswire, 13 May 2024
  9. News Article
    The changes will allow pharmacists to spend more time with patients, levelling the playing field between smaller pharmacies and larger chains. The government has confirmed plans to make ‘hub and spoke’ dispensing models available to all local pharmacies. The change aims to make local pharmacies more efficient and free up time for more complex elements of dispensing and clinical care. The move is part of government’s drive to make patient access to medicines and treatment more efficient across the NHS. Patients stand to benefit thanks to an efficiency drive that will allow all local pharmacies to dispense medicines more efficiently. Currently, larger pharmacy chains can take advantage of the efficiencies and cost-savings that come with centralising the dispensing of medicines at a larger ‘hub’. But smaller independent pharmacies are unable to operate the same model due to legal restrictions on dispensing for pharmacies under different ownership, meaning they can face additional costs and workload. Under the changes announced today, the government will progress in making the ‘hub and spoke’ model universally available, allowing pharmacies belonging to different legal entities to use hubs belonging to other companies. This will level the playing field between smaller pharmacies and larger chains. The changes will enable pharmacists to dispense medicines more efficiently and spend more time dealing face to face with patients. Primary Care Minister, Andrea Leadsom said, “We’re continuing our drive to make access to medicines and care faster, simpler and fairer for all patients, including at local pharmacies. These proposals will level the playing field and enable our hard-working community pharmacies to benefit from centralised dispensing. It will also free up highly skilled pharmacists from back-office duties to deliver patient-facing services, including Pharmacy First and contraception consultations, supply medicines and provide advice.” Read full story Source: WiredGov, 13 May 2024
  10. Event
    In 2014 Seth Goodburn died from pancreatic cancer 33 short and heart breaking days after diagnosis. Seth's wanted to die at home however, the weight of systems and processes meant that he sadly died in an acute hospital. After Seth died his wife Lesley shared their story via a play, a film and an educational resource called Seth's Story Sharing the story has three aims to: improve and of life care. highlight the need for psychosocial support. raise awareness of pancreatic cancer signs and symptoms. Ten years later, join us at this free conference to hear the impact of sharing Seth's Story, the improvements that have been made and future plans to help others share their experiences through creative art forms. This interactive series of talks and discussions will cover: Hearing and seeing the person who has a terminal disease Role of creativity in understanding experience of care at end of life The power of sharing lived experiences through storytelling The role of the people who are important to the person receiving care and their role in care partnerships Understanding who and what is important to the person receiving care Can compassion be taught or is it an innate quality How to have compassionate kind and gentle conversations How can we support people to celebrate their life as life draws to an end How will the new integrated care systems help focus on palliative and end of life care What are the key challenges for the future of end of life care The event is hybrid, virtual and also hosted at Marie Curie London, 1 Embassy Gardens, Nine Elms, Vauxhall, SW11 7BW, with a complimentary sandwich lunch. Register for free if you wish to attend online only via MS Teams Register to attend in person More information is available on the event flyer
  11. Event
    Written by ENT Surgeon David Alderson, True Cut is a new play that asks: “What happens when things go wrong in healthcare?” It brings the hidden world of the operating theatre onto the stage. When promising, young surgeon, Jo, gets out of his depth, the repercussions are profound — for everyone involved. In the papers, on TV, on social, medicine’s a pantomime: voyeuristic entertainment masquerading as news. There are really only two stories about surgeons: there’s the Hero’s Journey of unflagging compassion and selfless dedication in the face of overwhelming odds, of miracle cures wrought from challenge and graft; and then there are the evil villains for us to boo at and hiss: incompetent charlatans who should be named, shamed and punished to protect the innocent. True Cut presents a dramatic biopsy cored from the hidden heart of surgery in the real words of those who work with our warm, wet flesh: constantly striving for the perfection that their patients deserve but fated, as humans, to sometimes fall short. It’s the story of those who learn to cut—and must learn how to live with the things that they do. Following the performance there will be refreshments and the opportunity to participate in a Q&A with the creative team. AGE 18+ True Cut portrays the events surrounding a tragic mistake in clinical practice, which has profound implications for the physical and mental health of all those involved. Audience members who have experienced similar traumas may find aspects of the performance distressing. Purchase a ticket for the play
  12. Content Article
    Women with learning disabilities are less likely to access cervical and breast cancer screening when compared to the general population. In this study, the Social Ecological Model (SEM) was used to examine the inequalities faced by women with learning disabilities in accessing cervical and breast cancer screening in England. The study highlighted the following barriers to access for women with learning disabilities:Women with learning disabilities may lack knowledge of cancer symptoms and cancer screening, as well as being scared about the process and getting the results. The attitudes of family and paid carers towards screening may influence women with learning disabilities' decisions as to whether screening is seen as favourable; support and training may ensure unbiased perspectives. Barriers associated with how cancer screening programmes are designed, such as postal invitations which assumes an ability to read. Screening staff need to be aware of the general needs of people with learning disabilities, such as the benefits of easy-to-read documents. Multidisciplinary working is required so reasonable adjustments can be embedded into cancer screening pathways.The authors suggest that multiple methods to reduce the inequalities faced by women with learning disabilities are needed, and that these can be achieved through reasonable adjustments. Embedding reasonable adjustments can support women with learning disabilities in making an informed decision and accessing screening if they choose to. This may result in women with learning disabilities getting a timely cancer diagnosis.
  13. Content Article
    The NHS Health Check is a free check-up of your overall health. It can tell you whether you're at higher risk of getting certain health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and stroke. Local authority commissioners have a statutory responsibility for delivering the NHS Health check to the eligible population within their area. All the information collected through NHS Health Checks is sent through to the relevant GP practice, and results in either no action required, lifestyle and behaviour advice and information to reduce CVD risk, or clinical intervention if needed. The Professional Records Standards Body (PRSC) is running a survey to gain views form healthcare professionals and IT system suppliers on the information recorded through NHS Health Checks. The results of the survey will inform the development of an information standard that will ensure that the information collected is recorded and communicated in a standardised format, using recognised clinical coding wherever possible. The government is also undertaking the development of a digital version of the NHS Health Check as a delivery option for the future, where a person can choose to complete the health check questions online and carry out biometric tests at home, before the results are written back to the GP record–therefore some questions in the survey may reflect this new development by way of future proofing the information standard once a digital option is available.
  14. Content Article
    Project PIVOT is a new initiative led by Patients for Patient Safety US (PFPS US) that aims to advance the implementation of patient-centred patient-reported experiences (PREs) and patient-reported outcomes (PROs) to improve patient safety, diagnostic accuracy and equity in healthcare. Project PIVOT will provide an opportunity for diverse patients, communities of patients and patient organisations to collaborate with national and international experts and provide input via novel engagement methods to identify and prioritise PREs and PROs which are related to patient safety, diagnostic accuracy and equity–things that matter most to patients. Patients will also have opportunities to identify how and when they prefer to report their experiences and outcomes. Additionally, Project PIVOT will engage healthcare system leaders to identify and prioritise their PREs and PROs to explore possible synergies and integration with the PROs and PREs identified by patients. Project PIVOT is accepting applications from individuals interested in joining the project via the PFPS US website.
  15. News Article
    NHS England will begin monitoring and benchmarking systems on the extent to which patients are given the option to be treated by a private provider. The move follows the government today endorsing the recommendations of a review by the chair of the newly created Independent Patient Choice and Procurement Panel, which has highlighted how some local areas are restricting patient choice. It highlighted significant variation in choice between some systems, which it said was driven by factors including messaging from commissioners to GPs that discourages choice and/or encourages referrals to local NHS trusts, financial incentives for referrals to particular providers and difficulties in securing accreditation from commissioners. It cited one example where the operator of an independent sector hospital that is co-located with an NHS hospital was contractually prevented by the NHS trust from accepting certain referrals. Health and social care secretary Victoria Atkins said: “Empowering patients to take control of their own healthcare decisions is a key part of my missions to make the NHS faster, simpler and fairer for everyone that uses it.” Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 15 May 2024
  16. News Article
    A recent analysis found poor survival rates after bone fractures in older adults, with fewer than a third of men and half of women surviving five years after a fracture. Published in JBMR Plus, the study looked at a cohort of 98,474 Ontario residents age 66 and older who suffered fractures to parts of the body associated with osteoporosis between January 2011 and March 2015. The patients were grouped into sets based on the fracture site and matched to patients with a similar demographic profile but no bone breaks during the study period. The fracture cohort was mostly female (73 percent), and the median age at fracture was 80. In the year before the fracture, up to 45 percent of the women and 14 percent of the men had been treated for osteoporosis. The analysis revealed that those within a year of a hip, vertebral or proximal non-hip, non-vertebral fracture were at the highest risk of death. The survival probability was lower for the oldest patients. “Survival most dramatically declined within one month after most types of fracture, with a five-year survival being similar to or worse than some common cancers,” the paper’s lead author, Laval University department of medicine professor Jacques Brown, said Read full story (paywalled) Source: Washington Post, 12 May 2024
  17. News Article
    More and more UK hospitals are leaving patients in corridors due to a lack of bed space. NHS bosses say so-called corridor care is freeing up ambulances and saving lives, but BBC Newsnight has spoken to patients who say the growing practice is humiliating and degrading. Gregory Knowles counted 13 other patients alongside him on a corridor at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) in March. Complications after an operation put him back in hospital and on to a ward but at 04:00 one morning he was moved. The 68-year-old was wheeled in his bed to reception. "I was waking up with people around me. It was horrendous," he told the BBC. "I had no screens and no facilities for water or for really getting changed. My possessions were on the bottom of the bed. My daughter and partner were as horrified as I was," he said. His partner Alicia Goulty described how staff had been too rushed to attend to him. "One day when we got there his catheter had leaked in the bed when he was on the corridor. He was wet with no covers or any screens and I had to take him to the bathroom to get him cleaned". Ms Goulty said her partner's medication had been missed. "We had to ask for water for him. We had to ask sometimes for his meals because he got forgotten." Read full story Source: BBC News, 15 May 2024 You can read a nurse's first-hand account of a corridor care shift in this blog on the hub: A silent safety scandal: A nurse’s first-hand account of a corridor nursing shift
  18. News Article
    An NHS trust has lost an employment tribunal case against a nurse who had his shifts cancelled after whistleblowing when a patient was put in seclusion because of staff shortages. A judgment published last week found that Mark Temperton, a mental health nurse, was “subjected to detriment” after having made a “protected disclosure” during his agency shift at Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust’s (GMMH) Atherleigh Park Hospital. Mr Temperton, who is also employed by the Priory Group as a regulatory inspector as well as doing ad-hoc work for the Care Quality Commission, worked as an agency mental health nurse for Blackstone Recruitment and was booked to work a night shift in a psychiatric intensive care unit (Priestners Unit) at Atherleigh Park on 14 October 2022. He raised concerns after a patient, brought in by the police, was put “immediately” into seclusion because of staff shortages. Mr Temperton subsequently raised it with the nurse in charge and with a locum consultant psychiatrist but the patient was kept in seclusion. According to the Mental Health Act’s Code of Practice, seclusion “should not be used as a punishment or a threat, or because of a shortage of staff”. Serious concerns were also raised about the trust’s Edenfield Centre in September 2022 by BBC Panorama, one of them being use of inappropriate seclusion. Paul Lewis-Grundy, associate director of corporate governance at GMMH, said: “It is absolutely vital that staff feel confident and safe to speak up, with no detrimental impact to themselves or their career and prospects. Over the past two years, we have invested significantly, and taken a number of steps, to support this across GMMH.” Read full story (paywalled) Source: HSJ, 15 May 2024
  19. Content Article
    Suicide and non-fatal self-harm represent key patient safety events in mental healthcare services. However, examples of optimal practice that help to keep patients safe also often important learning for organisations and healthcare professionals. This study in BMC Psychiatry aimed to explore clinicians’ views of what constitutes good practice in mental healthcare services in the context of suicide prevention. The study highlighted clinicians’ views on good practice specific to mental health services that focus on enhancing patient safety via prevention of self-harm and suicide. The authors concluded that clinicians possess important understanding of optimal practice, but there are few opportunities to share such insight on a broader scale. A further challenge is to implement optimal practice into routine, daily care to improve patient safety and reduce suicide risk.
  20. Content Article
    In this blog, Kristy Widdicombe-Dutch shares her decades-long experience of harmful healthcare that has left her with a complete loss of trust in the system. She describes how, starting in her 20s, she has experienced disbelief, gaslighting and poor care in relation to her vascular issues, which has left her with long-term physical harm and psychological trauma.
  21. Content Article
    Carolyn Cleveland has delivered training on empathy and compassion to healthcare organisations for many years. In this interview, she describes how she came to develop her training approach and outlines how creating a psychologically space environment for individuals to engage with the practice of empathy contributes to safer organisational cultures.
  22. Content Article
    The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is developing a professional framework for nursing which will encompass the whole nursing workforce, from the nursing support worker through to the consultant nurse. Beyond the point of registration, the work of the registered nurse increases in its complexity, and as part of this framework, the RCN has developed definitions of the levels of nursing practice beyond registration. This webpage provides definitions and standards for enhanced, advanced and consultant levels of nursing. These definitions will help those who aspire to practice at these levels, as well as giving greater clarity to employers and higher education institutions. They can be applied across all fields of nursing and in all settings.
  23. Content Article
    This cohort study in JAMA Network Open aimed to determine the prognostic performance of the simplified Geneva score and other validated risk assessment models (RAMs) to predict venous thromboembolism (VTE) in medical inpatients. The study provided a head-to-head comparison of validated RAMs among 1352 medical inpatients. It found that sensitivity of RAMs to predict 90-day VTE ranged from 39.3% to 82.1% and specificity of RAMs ranged from 34.3% to 70.4%. The authors concluded that the clinical usefulness of existing RAMs is questionable, highlighting the need for more accurate VTE prediction strategies.
  24. Event
    In this webinar, the patient campaigner Kath Sansom who will be talking to us about how the mesh scandal came about and the effect it has had on women, along with her amazing campaign work. She will be joined by two mesh injured women, Susan and Sharron, who will share their stories. Sign up for the webinar
  25. Content Article
    Worldwide, more than 99% of the burden of measles infections and deaths affects populations in low-income and middle-income countries. Measles accounts for 3% of the global mortality of children younger than five years, constituting 90% of deaths from measles, and rubella is the main vaccine-preventable cause of birth defects. Vaccine coverage, both through routine immunisation and supplementary immunisation activities, remains below targets for measles elimination, with considerable heterogeneity between and within countries. This Lancet article looks at how microneedle patches (MNPs) could potentially improve coverage of childhood vaccinations by providing a more thermostable, individual-dose, injection-free vaccine delivery device suitable for administration by local, non-medical personnel. MNPs could also reduce wasted vaccine doses, needle-stick injuries and breaks in the cold chain, as well as making waste management easier.
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