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    United States

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    Patient safety and knowledge sharing entrepreneur that helps experts "get things done!"
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    Zipperer Project Management
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  1. Community Post
    I think its important to consider how biases (research, implicit etc) can affect the success of AI. both in the results and how it is interpreted.
  2. Content Article
    In this month's Letter from America, Lorri Zipperer discusses cautions and capabilities associated with healthcare technologies. Letter from America is a Patient Safety Learning blog series highlighting new accomplishments and patient safety challenges in the United States. This is Lorri's last blog in the series and we'd like to thank Lorri for sharing her insights with us over the last 12 months. Read here all the Letter from America blogs
  3. Content Article Comment
    Thank you @Helen and to all hub members for their continued contributions to the work of improving patient safety!
  4. Content Article
    This publication from the US-based Joint Commission shares recommendations for organizations to guide effective provision of telehealth services. The alert discusses insights to establish secure and reliable telehealth systems and programs. It highlights creating standards for virtual care delivery, training staff to understand virtual patient monitoring, outlining specific clinician roles, and targeting tasks needed to as tactics to ensure virtual care is complete.
  5. Content Article
    This article in Nature explores how voice activation technologies have potential to diagnose coronavirus infections, dementia and depression. Emily Anthes discusses efforts around the globe to reach the highly anticipated potential of this technology in healthcare.
  6. Content Article
    Large-scale organisational disruptions threaten patient safety. This essay from Lisa Croke in the AORN Journal shares privacy, physical space operation and medical device function concerns that could result from cyberattacks.
  7. Content Article
    Consumer-focused digital healthcare apps are widely used for health maintenance. This scoping review from Millenson et al. examined evidence on interactive direct-to-consumer diagnostic applications and found a lack of robustness on evaluation methods.
  8. Content Article
    Telehealth has become more entrenched as a healthcare provision mechanism in response to COVID-19. This Dissent Magazine article cautions its effectiveness long term due to its potential to be established as a profit centre for healthcare organisations.
  9. Content Article
    Telemedicine has potential to address inequity in healthcare but not until certain barriers are addressed. This article from Joanna Pearlstein in Wired discusses how physicians and care organisations have to be creative and rely on partnerships and local resources, such as school district hot spots or public library broadband access, to make the system reliably work for all their patients.
  10. Content Article
    Physicians and patients have concerns associated with a shift toward virtual medicine. This interview with a Dr Paul Hyman, a primary care physician, highlights how the loss of physical touch and in-person communication could negatively affect care and the patient/physician relationship. 
  11. Content Article
    In her latest Letter from America, Lorri Zipperer explores the lack of coordination that is undermining the current US response to the COVID-19 crisis and preparation for the next phase. Letter from America is the latest in a Patient Safety Learning blog series highlighting new accomplishments and patient safety challenges in the United States.
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