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Chris Elston



7 Novice

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  • Country
    United Kingdom

About me

  • About me
    I have recently been appointed as the Patient Safety Education Lead for the Trust. We are looking at how to best implement the Patient Safety Strategy and the PSIRF
  • Organisation
    University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
  • Role
    Patient Safety Education Lead

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  1. Content Article Comment
    Walkabouts are something that we have initiated in our Trust, members of the Patient Safety Team go out and walk the floors, both clinical areas and non-clinical areas. This gives up the chance to speak to those teams that are doing the work, gives us a conduit to share information and also the opportunity for the teams to show us what they do. Seems to be working well at the moment. We were often told to walk the patch as Divisional Senior Rates and Officers to get to know our division and I think the premise remains the same, the more we know about the normal, the easier it is to identify and understand the abnormal. I think we have a long way to go, but PSIRF is the right first step
  2. Content Article
    We have had quite an eventful few weeks in the NHS in England, much of it not very pretty. There have been reports of a consultant dismissed from a Trust for raising concerns about safety, and, following a well-reported series of events, an experienced and essential clinician leaving the workforce. Then there were the events in Manchester where a nurse has been convicted of murdering seven children and the attempted murder of another six children. This despite the raising of concerns by not one, not two but seven senior clinicians. They faced the now repeatedly seen series of actions where they were not believed, faced counteraccusations and threatened with being reported to their regulators. Now we have the inevitable fall out, an incoming inquiry and, no doubt, the same or very similar themes to the many inquiries that have happened in the past. There has been much discussion about these events on social media, mostly focused on Lucy Letby, about patient safety, the actions that people should have taken and reasons why they did not. However, in this blog, I am choosing to look at things from a slightly different perspective, that of the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF). 
  3. Content Article
    Chris Elston, Patient Safety Education Lead, University Hospital Southampton, shares with the hub his Trust's Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) frequently asked questions. Please feel free to adapt and share at your own organisation.
  4. Content Article Comment
    The first meeting is this week, on Friday. Please come and join us, contact the hub to join and get the details for the meeting. Look forward to meeting you
  5. Community Post
    @Gethin Our network is launching - here is the blog outlining the intentions - first meeting will be 8 Sep on Teams
  6. Content Article
    Chris Elston, Patient Safety Education Lead for University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, introduces a new network that is being set up for colleagues in similar roles. 
  7. Community Post
    Good evening all, I am in the process of trying to design some lessons on this. We are planning an intro to PSII, then some lessons on the tools, then we would like engagement and oversight. This is for those that are not in lead positions. Part of this is because the cost of training is prohibitive for us as we would need to put 100s of staff through the courses. This is not practical or sustainable. I am also part of the group trying to set up a network of educators, learning co-ordinators so that we can share resources and information. There is a planning meeting next week and hopefully, we we will be able to share some news soon. Chris
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