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Mark Hughes


Everything posted by Mark Hughes

  1. Content Article
    In this report, the Public Accounts Committee, which examines the value for money of UK Government projects, programmes and service delivery, looks in detail at the implementation of NHS England’s three-year recovery programme for tackling the Covid-19 backlog of elective care.
  2. Content Article
    In this blog, the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) reflects on the recent publication of the new National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures (NatSSIPs 2) by the Centre for Perioperative Care. It outlines how these standards can help NHS organisations provide safer care and reduce the number of patient safety incidents, including a comment on this from Deinniol Owens, Associate Director of National Investigations at HSIB.
  3. Content Article
    In this article, John Tingle, Assistant Professor at the University of Birmingham Law School, discusses recent developments in patient safety in the context of possible reform of the clinical negligence system in the UK.
  4. Content Article Comment
    I don't think there has been anything similiar to the Nuffield analysis quoted here specific to mental health beds but its definitely an area that needs greater investigation. There was some analysis last year about the decrease in mental health beds more generally across the system (Guardian coverage here) and current occupancy levels remain above the recommended level (Royal College of Psychiatrists analysis here) but suspect that picture is more complicated regionally, you would imagine some areas are under much more strain than others. Also today's new National Audit Office report looking more broadly at mental health performance highlights bed occupancy issues.
  5. Content Article
    This report provides an overview of speeches, presentations and panel sessions held at the inaugural Safety for All conference, which took place at the Royal College of Physicians in London on Wednesday 7 December 2022. It has been published by the Safety for All campaign, which calls for improvements in, and between, patient and healthcare worker safety to prevent patient safety incidents and deliver better outcomes for all. The campaign is supported by Patient Safety Learning and the Safer Healthcare and Biosafety Network.
  6. Content Article
    This is a brief summary of a Westminster Hall debate in the House of Commons on the 31 January 2023 concerning the Essex Mental Health Independent Inquiry.
  7. Content Article
    This is a written statement to the House of Commons by the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Mental Health and Women’s Health Strategy), Maria Caulfield MP, on behalf of the UK Government. In this she provides an update on how £150 million of capital investment in NHS mental health urgent and emergency care infrastructure is being used and announces the commencement of a rapid review into patient safety in mental health inpatient settings in England.
  8. Content Article
    In a blog for National Voices, the leading coalition of health and social care charities in England, Patient Safety Learning’s Chief Executive Helen Hughes discusses an independent report written by risk expert Tim Edwards that highlights serious and widespread safety concerns around the misdiagnosis of pulmonary embolism.
  9. Content Article
    This study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, looks at the frequency, preventability and severity of patient harm in a random sample of admissions from 11 Massachusetts hospitals during 2018. From this sample, it identified adverse events in nearly one in four admissions, approximately a quarter of which were deemed as preventable.
  10. Content Article
    This is an Adjournment Debate from the House of Commons on Wednesday 7 December 2022 on fatalities relating to foetal valproate spectrum disorder.
  11. Content Article
    This is an Adjournment Debate from the House of Commons on Wednesday 30 November 2022 on patient safety concerns relating to the diagnosis of pulmonary embolisms.
  12. Content Article
    The NHS Patient Safety Strategy aims to monitor and support the development of a strong patient safety culture within the NHS, creating an environment where individuals feel they will be treated fairly and compassionately if they speak up. In this publication, NHS England collates insights from focus groups held with NHS organisations that are rated by the Care Quality Commission as outstanding or good for its ‘Safe’ assessment domain. The insights reflect what they have done to support a patient safety culture within their organisations.
  13. Content Article
    In this blog for the cross-party think tank Policy Connect, the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care sets out its view on the biggest challenges affecting the quality and safety of health and social care outlined in its report Safer care for all - solutions from professional regulation and beyond. It describes gaps in the wider framework to protect the public highlighted in this report and considers where Parliament and the Government have an opportunity to act to support safer care for all. Related reading Patient Safety Learning: Joining up a fragmented landscape: Reflections on the PSA report ‘Safer care for all’ (12 September 2022) Working together to achieve safer care for all: a blog by Alan Clamp (12 September 2022)
  14. Content Article
    This survey by In-FACT (Independent Fetal Anti Convulsant Trust) is intended to provide patients, no matter what anti-epileptic drug (AED) they are prescribed or what condition the AED is prescribed for, the opportunity to report problems and worries about taking their medication during pregnancy. The results will be used to inform In-FACT's ongoing work to improve medication safety and their engagement with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
  15. Content Article
    This is the transcript of a Westminster Hall debate in the House of Commons on Black Maternal Health Awareness Week 2022, dedicated to raising awareness about disparities in maternal outcomes.
  16. Content Article
    In this debate the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Maria Caulfield MP, responds to an Urgent Question asking for a statement on abuse and deaths in secure mental health units. The Minister discusses the recent findings from investigations into the deaths of Christie Harnett, Nadia Sharif and Emily Moore who were in the care of the Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust, reflecting on these in the context of broader concerns highlighted by other recent patient safety scandals concerning NHS mental health services. This is followed by questions from MPs in the chamber and the Minister’s responses.
  17. Content Article
    This debate begins with a statement by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Dr Caroline Johnson MP, regarding the publication of the report of the independent investigation into maternity and neonatal services in East Kent Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It is followed by questions from MPs in the chamber and the Minister's responses.
  18. Content Article
    This is a written statement to the House of Commons by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Dr Caroline Johnson MP, on behalf of the UK Government. It regards the publication of the report of the independent investigation into maternity and neonatal services in East Kent Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
  19. Content Article
    The Scottish Government has published a new Bill to establish a Patient Safety Commissioner for Scotland. This article provides an overview of the remit, accountability, powers, and responsibilities of the new Commissioner that are proposed in this Bill.
  20. Content Article
    Daily huddles with staff are used to support incident reporting and learning in healthcare. This study considers a Safety-II-inspired model for safety huddles developed and implemented at the Neonatal Care Unit at a regional hospital in Sweden.
  21. Content Article
    In this report the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care sets out its view on the biggest challenges affecting the quality and safety of health and social care. It puts forward a number of recommendations to ensure safer care for all, with its main recommendation being that an independent Health and Social Care Safety Commissioner should be appointed for each UK country to identify current, emerging and potential risks across the whole health and social care system, and bring about the necessary action across organisations.
  22. Content Article
    Gloves are an important part of infection prevention and control, but they are often misused and overused in clinical practice, putting patients at increased risk of infection. During the Covid-19 pandemic, this issue has been exacerbated due to health professionals’ fear and anxiety. This article, published by Nursing Times, explores these issues, as well as actions to encourage the appropriate use of non-sterile gloves to protect both patients and health professionals.
  23. Content Article
    A good safety culture in healthcare is one that includes value and respect for diversity, strong leadership and teamwork, openness to learning, and staff who feel psychologically safe. In this article the Nuffield Trust use data from the NHS Staff Survey to look at safety culture in the NHS.
  24. Content Article
    The NHS Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) promotes a range of system-based approaches for learning from patient safety incidents. These national tools and guides have been developed to incorporate the well-established SEIPS framework (Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety) to help support organisations implementing PSIRF.
  25. Content Article
    This article, published in Women Fitness Magazine, argues that a lack of awareness about safety measures and a shortage of healthcare professionals make it difficult for hospitals to ensure patient safety in the United States. It sets out six ways hospitals can ensure patient safety during treatment.
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